Thought this was Satire but it's actually legit lol
Oh my PETA just put together a video about keeping your cats indoors and states it’s based on real events.
They somehow leave out the Haitian part………
0:18 / 0:57
4:02 AM · Sep 14, 2024
Peta has stolen and killed thousands of times more per cats than Haitians have...
Like Peta has murdered a million or more pets than any kill shelter ever has ...
Fuck Peta
We now own this issue.....
But all white, American men?
And Fang Fang
I voted for Alan keys in the primary.
No... There was an Asian gal in there too.
To be clear, not a Chinese gal, some other Asian /s
This should wake some of the Blue Hairs up.
Notice how all the bad people are white males?
That’s what I noticed too.
So I guess PETA is going to endorse Trump for president, right? RIGHT!!???
I mean of they don't, that'd just mean they're a bs "charity"...aka money laundering scheme
These feline feasting fiends need to be dealt with swiftly and harshly.
Cats will no longer be able to enjoy this:
Anyone got the original PETA source for this?
Nice! Ty
Unfortunately it seems PETA needs to be overloaded with calls about only using white males & a single Asian lady.
The question is, would delcarong not using diversity in that ad (ie only white men), or calling out white hate (because it is Haitians doing this) be a better plan to wake normies?
I saw one of these (edit: a bus stop ad, not a video) at least a few days before the first cat-eating post on GAW. I thought wtf? That's weird. I wonder when they started.
This was love 15 days ago. Just saying