Executive summary
This is one of the most horrific vaccine injury stories I’ve ever heard of.
Alexis Lorenze is a 23-year old young woman with a history of Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) since January 2024.
The hematologist (Zahra Pakbaz) at her hospital (UC Irvine Health) refused to give her further care for her PNH unless she took the Tetanus, Pneumococcal and Meningitis vaccines.
Within 10 minutes of the 3 vaccines which were given all at the same time, Alexis >went temporarily blind in both eyes, had a locked jaw, began vomiting and then things went horribly downhill from there.
Watch this short video:
Absolutely disgusting.
A clear demonstration that most doctors are more interested in their pay packages and bonus payments. Another non western pharma robot. Is he even qualified?
Sue the doctor personally. Take him to the cleaners. Then when he is broken financially, take him to the woods.
I wish I could get help digging on The Commons Project Foundation. I believe they are behind this evil.
correction: woodCHIPPER
With a dodgy fuel line, sorry it cut out again, won’t be a minute, would you like an aspirin?
Same concept as a firing squad with only really, really bad marksmen. Grab a Snickers... this could take a while...
Or use BB guns. With lots of bill gates mosquitoes.
Sorry, this hurts me as much as it hurts you.
I think we need to form a citizens committee for methods of dealing with crimes against humanity.
This is horrific. If she lives thru this, I hope she ends up owning half the hospital.
Praying for her recovery.
Hopefully she didn't sign a malpractice waiver sometime previously
"No vaccine, no care" is one of the worst policies I think there could be. It runs contrary to the oath, it shits on the legacy left by Hippocrates and it is repugnant to every doctor alive and dead who were actually putting themselves into personal harm's way to do what they could to help people.
And this is with the retarded assumption that these vaccines could even be perceived as helping!
There are doctors and nurses that will help and provide care but the key is to find them.
But yes boycott and hospital that seeks to attach poison jab requirements to basic medical care or even complex medical care.
So terrible! Please walk away people if a medical facility does this shit! Find someone that will treat you without jabbies being the forefront of care.
This is true and it is important to explore your options and seek different opinions for medical care.
Even more so now with how the current medical industry is structured currently.
Dr. Email
Email sent. Flood their inbox
Make them famous.
I do not trust American doctors much less someone with a name like his! These foreign men treat women worse than their animals. My MIL had a doctor from Indian heritage that put her on 9 different medications. She went completely out of her mind. We took her to a different doctor that was for elderly patients and he could not believe what this nut had given her. He took her off all her meds except her blood pressure meds.
Did he report the other “doctor”. We know the answer to that.
The first doctors name was Bora and he no longer has a practice in El Dorado, Ar. so he may have reported him.
Good. Hopefully so. Doctors should start realising their reputations are in the toilet at the moment. They need to start showing integrity.
Problem is, he probably just moved with more fake paperwork.
Probably just moved to the next county or state!
Our medical system is so profoundly evil & corrupt.
Horrifying! I can't imagine the pain she's in. Whatever doctor forced her to get 3 vaccines at once or else they would refuse her medical care needs to be sued to oblivion.
Heavenly Father, please help this poor girl heal and give her relief from her pain. Help her and her family get through this and get the justice they deserve. In Jesus' name we pray, amen!
She must sue that SOB. Why didn’t she go elsewhere for care?
Medicaid - other places wouldn't take it and she was stuck with this place and sadly still is stuck there.
Viruses have NEVER been scientifically proven. It's just a THEORY. Terrain Theory holds far more weight than virus theory does.