RFK Jr. dropping red pills about JFK:
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Great post! The Viet Nam war was such a waste! JFK was such a good president. I am glad that RFK Jr is speaking out.
Yes...pray that God protects him. He's trying to complete the Mission of his Father & Uncle. So many lives wasted in their evil wars!! 💔🤬
LBJ wanted the oil in the South China Sea ---- JFK was in the way.
LBJ...just his name makes me ashamed to be a Texan. 🤬
Same here.
Something else about LBJ: When he finally realized he had been played by the same MI complex, thousands of our soldiers had been killed and we were in deep. He did not know that Kennedy had given the order to pull out. They lied to him. That is one of the main reasons he made the decision not to run for reelection - not the fear of running against RFK often given as the reason why he did not run. After he left office he went back to his ranch in Texas and basically went off grid and off his nut. Grew his hair long in a Howard Hughes kind of way and ran his ranch like he was still in the oval office. I heard he wanted daily briefings on how many eggs the chickens laid and other such operations. His last years were not good ones.
I think one of the most poignant photos of him I ever saw was one taken towards the end of his presidency where he was sitting in a chair slumped forward with his face in his hands. For a man that stood tall and was a proud Texan, always thinking he was in the driver's seat and in control of things, this photo was so out of character. IMO, the weight of the cost of that war drove him insane.
Yes, we lost a whole generation of young men in that war. I can't wait to see the CIA torn apart and scattered to the wind.
Me, too!
You've got my vote, damessinger. But please, after you're done shredding the CIA, would you do the ATF next?
Oh there are so many after the CIA but yes, we need to get rid of most of them.
60,000 dead soldiers & families agree with you.
And it wasn't a volunteer army
Details I have never heard put together like that and it explains so much of the events of my generation.
And Republicans blamed Kennedy for getting us in and I do not believe there was any real pushback from the antiwar movement democrats. This detail is important.
The real antiwar movement was happening at the grassroots level, and was deliberately derailed by the 1960s counterculture movement, a social engineering project astroturfed by Tavistock & the CIA.
See Dave McGowan's "Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon."
Yes, it IS!
Damn. This is getting good.
We've waited so long to see the Truth spoken out loud.
We're back in, boys. About to hit good-great times again.
"A pipeline of endless wars...."
TRUTH. Oh bring it on please.
WW2 was sold as the War to End All Wars. But it was only the beginning. Kennedy and his peers had a vision of peace but that was not allowed. If you didn't play along with the globalists plans, you were taken out.
This should get a sticky!!
Now if only he'd go into the details regarding the Comms surrounding JFK's death.
Comms suggest that the Space Race with USSR was an excuse to funnel money into Ops. Which was historically done for by waging War. (Recall Assange on the Iraq War, how it's an infinite money machine. Vietnam was much the same).
Siphoning taxpayer dollars for big Space Projects was regarded as more moral than starting wars sending hundreds of thousands/millions of young men to their death. It's fucked up because it's still all a big ass lie, but you have to see it from their perspective.
Space exploration and science isn't a waste, it is believed that the asteroid belt has untold riches in valuable minerals. Not to mention that Saturn's rings are mineral rich and countless moons that could be mined with reliable spacefaring vehicles and technology. Not to mention much of our internet and communications technologies relied on tech developed during the space race and beyond. A FAR better investment in tax dollars over endless wars, lining the pockets of people who do not value human life.
Like the asteroid Psyche, perhaps? Said to be worth billions?
"If you’ve read my decodes tied to Uncle Tom’s Cabin, it was the start of a massive covert operation, so this fits. For example Abe Lincoln met the author and stated of her “So this is the little lady who STARTED THIS GREAT WAR.”
Because it was literally the origin of massive psyops to upend slavery!
And that “Asteroid” was likely the identification of those ops! https://x.com/NewClear314/status/1769245192996229462
Wells Fargo, originally a bank of California for the gold rush was also timed to it, makes me think of funding, but that’s just me taking a wild guess. In modern times that asteroid is said to be worth quadrillions of dollars, but let’s focus on what is far more clear.
The MODERN COVERT ops tracked by Asteroids."
No, I meant minerals and metals.
A retired neighbor who moved to my area from Northern VA was in Vietnam well before the war broke out. He was in Viet Nam two years prior to the US getting involved in the war there.
He was “stationed” there until we pulled out. He was not in the military. He never divulged what he was really doing there. He married a Vietnamese woman he met there
His wife told stories of how he ended up helping some Vietnamese people out of Vietnam onto the planes before they left. She was in Canada at the time of our pull out on business and he told her not to come back. He apparently brought a number of Vietnamese women (possibly friends or family of his wife) through the gates claiming they were his wife. She sent him to find her brother who was far away from the American compound at the time. In spite of not finding him her brother survived the purging of Vietnamese who aided the Americans when the Viet Cong took over when the US left.
This neighbor also had pictures on the wall of his home of when he was in Afghanistan before our war began there. He explained they were tribal leaders all sitting in a circle with what looked like to us as the Taliban.
He never really said why he was in either place. But we both considered that he was in the CIA. The guy was nice enough but my husband never liked or trusted the guy bc he said he had a fake smile. To us he was always Mr CIA. He’s since moved away
Glad y'all followed your instincts about your neighbor and grateful he's moved! 🙏
Thanks for posting this.
Of course Tink...
Well, well. I was told by the news that Kennedy started the Viet Nam war. I wasn't told that he only sent in advisors. I wasn't told that he ordered them to withdraw.
We all knew this for decades. Hoping the sheeple are listening!
Yes, I believe RFK Jr is awakening many and he's bringing more to Trump..
At war with the CIA and Trump is following his play book. He's at war with all the 3-letter agencies.
One of my law professors, G. Robert Blakey, was the chief counsel on the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1977, charged with investigating conspiracies to kill JFK, Robert Kennedy and MLK. He concluded that Oswald pulled the trigger (no second gunman) but that he had been manipulated into doing it by the CIA with the help of the New Orleans mafia.
...the more u know
If Cuba, why not North Korea too?