I wanted to say something a couple weeks ago, but I decided to hold off and continue to monitor. I am censoring my own message here so not to raise any eyebrows. Here in lower Michigan I have seen nothing but blue skies since RFK Jr tweeted the response below.
I am not trying to over exaggerate, I am being dead serious. I have been watching the skies EVERY day and I have seen NOTHING but blue skies. Coincidence? I think not.
Keep a eye to the sky and let me know if you find the same.
For 3 weeks I saw only blue. Starting last week the trails returned although not as many. I'm in Ga.
Exactly the same thing where I am.
Strange my wife noticed no spray here in florida for a week.
I am in Northern Canada and the sky sure is blue. Nice and warm too.
I work outside and make a point to check the skies. When Obama visited Austin Texas back in the day there were worse crisscrossed skied than ever before for those few days before and during that visit. After Trump got elected I saw 0 trails his first year in office. The skies looked clear and the clouds were white and puffy. I even saw many “contrails” that disappeared soon after. Brought back childhood memories.
Then they started back slowly at first, then sometimes more intense.
I am not claiming to know what is in them or even their intent. Just observations.
Here in L.A., it's been absolutely clear skies (with the exception of only 1 day) since early July. For well over 2 months at this point.
Wow..I Remember that Post...and I too have noticed Nice BLUE skies for the last few days...AND very little Jet Traffic? I keep an Open mind about everything..even the Trails. Funny that I took Notice of it, and was even starting to get Concerned...LOL. Talk about being Conditioning.
Still spraying the shit out of FL. I watch the skies every day, too. On any given day, I can count more than 2 dozen trails in the sky above us. We've had enough rain in one month to account for an entire year's worth just in Volusia County alone. It's to the point that now Ctrl FL is suffering from localized flooding in every county in the area. These are areas where flooding shouldn't happen. It's so bad that the lift stations are struggling to keep up.
We've had a reprieve from it for the last couple of days, but I don't think it'll last.
Largely the same in the UK and Benelux since then.
I'm in New Brunswick, Canada and you'd be surprised at how often there are "X's" and cross patterns in our skies here. Last two weeks though? Clear as you can get, zero clouds and beautiful weather the whole time.
Michigander here too. I work outside and spend 10 or 12 hours out there every day. For the last eight or so years I make it a point to call the kids that work for me attention to it. As the summer has moved on and States like Tennessee have passed laws calling attention to it, I have seen a gradual lessening. Last two weeks nothing. And its finally stopped raining.
I live at the corner intersection where three counties meet. Jackson, Calhoun and Hillsdale counties. I garden and have spent almost every day outside from May to August (my sons wedding ate up those first three weeks - back out now)
I first noticed the skies clearing up in late July. Addionally, early in the summer the skies were almost grey most days. Full of trails. When the trails quit the blue came back.
Same here in Colorado, blue sky's and magnificent sunrises and sunsets. Had one day of chem-t's last week, first time in several weeks.
I seen a couple here down south today. Bot as many as usual though.
Southern NJ can't say the same. With the full moon last night, you could see the trails being laid down.
Only said it to herself yesterday, two beautiful blue sky days in a row.
Southern Ireland.
I’m tired of explaining these, but you can’t see chemtrails. What you see are contrails. Basically like your exhaust being visible longer in the winter. Cloud seeding definitely exists but you can’t see it. We’re not trying to kill you with commercial airliners and we are responsible for 99% of what you see.
Lol, if you want to use that analogy, why the freeway doesn't turn into a thick cloud bank? Contrails sublimate, car exhaust dissipates, chemtrails linger all day long and turn into cloud cover.
Really. So,if we don't see these trails, regardless of what causes them, we can assume that commercial flights are grounded?
Exactly, blue skies since the RFK tweet, so based on their analogy, all the planes stopped flying almost a month ago or someone turned the contrail switch off. They don't realize how stupid their rationalization is.