Once the data is released and malfeasance is discovered, a public official should face charges of Conspiracy to cover up a crime as well as Violation of the Civil Rights of the Public at large.
nice, I actually just watched Vegas Vacation for the hell of it a couple nights ago. It was on the "free movies" on On Demand so I was like kek alright sure its been awhile
Yes, this psycho needs to go already, she's evil and she's done enough damage to this state, along with Polis the pole smoker. It infuriates me to see pictures of those 2! Well, I did enjoy the pics of Polis at the Colorado State Fair with his combo hat on backwards 🤣
Once the data is released and malfeasance is discovered, a public official should face charges of Conspiracy to cover up a crime as well as Violation of the Civil Rights of the Public at large.
Also she looks like Eddie Munster in a wig.
Monica Lewinski after gender reassignment?
We would have also accepted original Pugsley Addams.
Exactly. I totally agree. All their assets should be seized and turned over to the Treasury Dept.
Time for Griswold to take a "Vacation".... I'll see myself out.
Not unless it falls under the auspices of "National Harpoon."
nice, I actually just watched Vegas Vacation for the hell of it a couple nights ago. It was on the "free movies" on On Demand so I was like kek alright sure its been awhile
This psycho needs to go
I remember the pain this woman has put Tina Peters through for exposing election fraud.
Yes, this psycho needs to go already, she's evil and she's done enough damage to this state, along with Polis the pole smoker. It infuriates me to see pictures of those 2! Well, I did enjoy the pics of Polis at the Colorado State Fair with his combo hat on backwards 🤣
Amen. Thank you for the link. These people need to be on trial and the sooner the better.
I really despise that woman.
I doubt anyone does, eve those she runs in circles with.
Poleass and his minions continue to embarrass calirado and dig a deeper shithole than it already is here.
Their world keeps getting smaller with each exposure.
Wedding cake is a sometimes food.
That's a dude
I was thinking the same thing the moment I this he she
Griswold, hochtul, wither.
All and all like them are feminize witches
Appears we did not find the village idiot. Instead we found a village of idiots.
I grew up in Colorado, in a city right outside of Denver... And I'm glad I did. But, I moved in 2011 and I wouldn't move back.
I pray for all the good people still in that sinkhole of culture though.
Thank you, we all need those prayers!
Sad how corruption can quickly destroy cities.
“Oh no! This is clearly just one more step to FASCISM and a grave danger to ‘Our Democracy’ ™.”
Exactly, their projection is failing.
Stupid ole Hagatha's getting a lil' bit chunky there. Evil will manifest itself in all kinds of strange ways.
Probably from all the comfort food she requires knowing what is coming.
Makes it harder to see her crazy eyes!
Data isn't required to be released until Nov 1, though. Not much can be done on this current election.
They need to release as soon as the findings come in.
That's one ugly dude!!!
To match their insides.
Sanpaku eyes
Mental imbalance ?
Looks like the slut that wore a blue dress that had billies semen all over it.