I don’t know if Cosby is INNOCENT, innocent, but the stuff they hit him with reeks of the same sort of stuff they hit Trump and Kavanaugh with, how they all came out of the woodwork at once, decades later, and when he was an old man, after nobody ever hearing anything at the time.
With him, I suspect there might have been some “there” there that he knew he couldn’t fight. An incriminating photo, or whatever else.
I remember Cosby in the late 80's absolutely trashing black men over being absentee fathers. At the time I thought it an odd thing for a black man to say. But then 20 years later, Barry said the same thing.
You are correct, but you’re also assuming they testified truthfully.
The reason I brought up Kavanaugh is because he had gone his whole life unaccused, then suddenly one accuser showed up, then several, all accusing the same things.
It could be interpreted as establishing Kavanaugh’s patterns, OR it could be interpreted as establishing a pattern by which the enemy fires his slings and arrows once someone dares to stand against him. We could, and did, look at E. Jean Carroll the same way, or the two women bringing the baby before Solomon. Not all accusers are telling the truth.
“Thou shalt not bear false witness.”
I have not looked deeply into the Cosby case’s evidence, feel free to present specifics, but at a summary level of the cases, tens of accusers all coming forward all at once decades after the fact, against a person who had never been known for anything of negative reputation, absolutely screams “sketchy!”
It’s all but certain that Michael Jackson was fighting against child abuse, yet the media accused him for years of being a pedophile child molester.
Think “mirror”.
Hillary Clinton ran “child safety” services in Haiti. We suspect she literally ate them.
Michael Jackson created the Neverland ranch as a safe haven for abused children. The media said he was molesting them there.
In both cases we have some actuals, we have what they said they were doing, and we have what the media said happened, and in both cases, we do not know for certain what actually happened. Discernment and logical thinking are key, but it’s odd how they accuse the one and cover for all the others, isn’t it? “Gosh, maybe Epstein was actually rescuing children and the Clintons were both falsely accused and are just loving people standing against the hateful republicans who all want to be tyrants by demanding sovereignty.”
None of their connections hold up to scrutiny. There are always logical gaps between their claims.
I just reviewed this post, it’s about Michael Jackson, then someone stared talking about Cosby, anyway, my answer was about Cosby not Jackson. Cosby was found guilty and served time, here’s one link : https://www.cnn.com/2018/04/26/us/bill-cosby-trial/index.html. There’s many more if you search Cosby trial. Sorry for confusion, not sure why someone started with Cosby in this post about Jackson, but that’s when I commented on Cosby.
My jury's still out on Michael... I grew up with him (so to speak) and really struggle to believe he was evil. Remember, [they] really went after him when he started speaking truth (like the "kike" quip) and spreading love via his music.
Yep, If he was guilty of what they say, then F him... but it was really convenient that the allegations only started coming out only after he started mentioning the JQ. I am leaning heavily towards the not guilty side, and "they" destroyed him and his image.
If Donald knew about stuff like Jackson sleeping with children after giving them wine that had been poured into Coke cans and calling it "Jesus Juice", and children's underwear being found on the bedroom floor by the maid the next day, he might revise his remarks. That I can tell you.
Merely parroting Zionist press smears reflects negatively on your intellect. You
need to develop critcal thinking skills as opposed to just belching the gang-land consensus drivel of shows like "The View."
LOL Sorry, keyboard warrior tough guy. Jackson admitted the sleeping with children and Jesus Juice thing on video long ago, and the maid herself attested to the other fact on video as well. Before deepfake.
But at least you got to put your douche-nozzle skills on display. Such a sad waste, really, of what your well-spewed contumely suggests was a good education.
Yeah bro we all watched the Oprah expose. Of course most of us didn’t now Oprah was a pedo then. Kind of blown away you haven’t considered the possibility that Michael was innocent after who attacked him (actual pedos) and who defended him (Trump).
I don’t blame anyone questioning your critical thinking skills given those facts in this moment. Nice teeth though.
Obviously neither of you knows what that means, since you keep invoking it in a case where it doesn't apply. It's just a catchphrase to you.
No analysis needed: I saw a video of Michael Jackson, pre-deepfake, where he said he slept with children after giving them wine in Coke cans and calling it Jesus Juice. It's just that simple.
Y'all can blaze away at the messenger like Crooks on crack, but it changes nothing. There isn't anything you can do or say to make millions of people forget seeing and hearing that.
Yes but it wasn't little kids, it was Michael who admitted in his own words that he slept with children after giving them wine in Coke cans and calling it Jesus Juice
Done with this supermarket tabloid soap opera topic - have a great day
Jackson was raised by a tyrant and pervert. Michael was a product of his raising. He never grew up, was never let to grow into a man. His music was his release and told of an inner turmoil that in my opinion was some of the best music ever recorded!
Trump and Michael are both INNOCENT, but both KNEW too much.
I don’t know if Cosby is INNOCENT, innocent, but the stuff they hit him with reeks of the same sort of stuff they hit Trump and Kavanaugh with, how they all came out of the woodwork at once, decades later, and when he was an old man, after nobody ever hearing anything at the time.
With him, I suspect there might have been some “there” there that he knew he couldn’t fight. An incriminating photo, or whatever else.
I remember Cosby in the late 80's absolutely trashing black men over being absentee fathers. At the time I thought it an odd thing for a black man to say. But then 20 years later, Barry said the same thing.
Using knock out drugs to rape a woman is disgusting. Cosby shouldn’t have done that, with all his money, he could have just hired some prostitute.
You are correct, but you’re also assuming they testified truthfully.
The reason I brought up Kavanaugh is because he had gone his whole life unaccused, then suddenly one accuser showed up, then several, all accusing the same things.
It could be interpreted as establishing Kavanaugh’s patterns, OR it could be interpreted as establishing a pattern by which the enemy fires his slings and arrows once someone dares to stand against him. We could, and did, look at E. Jean Carroll the same way, or the two women bringing the baby before Solomon. Not all accusers are telling the truth.
“Thou shalt not bear false witness.”
I have not looked deeply into the Cosby case’s evidence, feel free to present specifics, but at a summary level of the cases, tens of accusers all coming forward all at once decades after the fact, against a person who had never been known for anything of negative reputation, absolutely screams “sketchy!”
It’s all but certain that Michael Jackson was fighting against child abuse, yet the media accused him for years of being a pedophile child molester.
Think “mirror”.
Hillary Clinton ran “child safety” services in Haiti. We suspect she literally ate them.
Michael Jackson created the Neverland ranch as a safe haven for abused children. The media said he was molesting them there.
In both cases we have some actuals, we have what they said they were doing, and we have what the media said happened, and in both cases, we do not know for certain what actually happened. Discernment and logical thinking are key, but it’s odd how they accuse the one and cover for all the others, isn’t it? “Gosh, maybe Epstein was actually rescuing children and the Clintons were both falsely accused and are just loving people standing against the hateful republicans who all want to be tyrants by demanding sovereignty.”
None of their connections hold up to scrutiny. There are always logical gaps between their claims.
Why are you assuming he was guilty of that?
I just reviewed this post, it’s about Michael Jackson, then someone stared talking about Cosby, anyway, my answer was about Cosby not Jackson. Cosby was found guilty and served time, here’s one link : https://www.cnn.com/2018/04/26/us/bill-cosby-trial/index.html. There’s many more if you search Cosby trial. Sorry for confusion, not sure why someone started with Cosby in this post about Jackson, but that’s when I commented on Cosby.
One thing is for sure. Thenleft never prosecutes the guilty
Not only that, they actually have major organization skills. Think about the coordination.
Hollyweird to blackmail - Diddy and Diddy Jr.
Prosecutor and governor to assist - whole slew of them but Kamala and Newsom and Pelosi
FBI and perhaps military to traffick (enough military bases around there)
Money to purchase lands and mansions to hide the trafficking. Diddy has a mansion right by the border
Well planning.
Kat Williams needs to see this clip.
My jury's still out on Michael... I grew up with him (so to speak) and really struggle to believe he was evil. Remember, [they] really went after him when he started speaking truth (like the "kike" quip) and spreading love via his music.
Yep, If he was guilty of what they say, then F him... but it was really convenient that the allegations only started coming out only after he started mentioning the JQ. I am leaning heavily towards the not guilty side, and "they" destroyed him and his image.
"They don't care about us" speaks volumes.
And the fact that POTUS and his son vouches for him.
In fact Don Jr just did again recently.
The "kike" quip is in the song 'they don't really care about us"....
“Jew me, sue me, kick me, kike me....”
I was so devastated when they went after him. I really like him too.
Wow that's pretty amazing
My thoughts exactly. We have really come full circle. It’s amazing that Trump has never brought this up.
I just think it's pretty incredible there's footage of it
yes, the evil knows no bound.
I didn't know Trump was friends with Michael Jackson.
Me neither.
If Donald knew about stuff like Jackson sleeping with children after giving them wine that had been poured into Coke cans and calling it "Jesus Juice", and children's underwear being found on the bedroom floor by the maid the next day, he might revise his remarks. That I can tell you.
How do you know this?
Merely parroting Zionist press smears reflects negatively on your intellect. You need to develop critcal thinking skills as opposed to just belching the gang-land consensus drivel of shows like "The View."
LOL Sorry, keyboard warrior tough guy. Jackson admitted the sleeping with children and Jesus Juice thing on video long ago, and the maid herself attested to the other fact on video as well. Before deepfake.
But at least you got to put your douche-nozzle skills on display. Such a sad waste, really, of what your well-spewed contumely suggests was a good education.
Yeah bro we all watched the Oprah expose. Of course most of us didn’t now Oprah was a pedo then. Kind of blown away you haven’t considered the possibility that Michael was innocent after who attacked him (actual pedos) and who defended him (Trump).
I don’t blame anyone questioning your critical thinking skills given those facts in this moment. Nice teeth though.
Obviously neither of you knows what that means, since you keep invoking it in a case where it doesn't apply. It's just a catchphrase to you.
No analysis needed: I saw a video of Michael Jackson, pre-deepfake, where he said he slept with children after giving them wine in Coke cans and calling it Jesus Juice. It's just that simple.
Y'all can blaze away at the messenger like Crooks on crack, but it changes nothing. There isn't anything you can do or say to make millions of people forget seeing and hearing that.
Yeah bro. Just show us the video. Cause we haven’t seen that. Go on. Find it. That’ll sure help your argument..
There's also little kids told to lie and also maids who later recant so I won't put it past the truth is somewhere in between.
Yes but it wasn't little kids, it was Michael who admitted in his own words that he slept with children after giving them wine in Coke cans and calling it Jesus Juice
Done with this supermarket tabloid soap opera topic - have a great day
Jackson tried to expose them in his music---probably told Trump everything---so their lap dog KaObamala went after him!
Yes. It's so sad. I really love Michael Jackson
Jackson was raised by a tyrant and pervert. Michael was a product of his raising. He never grew up, was never let to grow into a man. His music was his release and told of an inner turmoil that in my opinion was some of the best music ever recorded!
Yes. These children were abused from a young age.
Think so? I would not be surprised at this point.
so far, everything Trump said has been truth. I always based people on whether they tell the truth or not.