It is assumed that the international banking cartel achieve their enforcement of financial systems through what is known as "big stick policy", right? Literally a protection racket on a global scale, with NATO, (in other words, USA) being the big stick. Debilitating sanctions followed by CIA-sponsored regime change to bring everyone in lockstep, and the establishment of a central bank and/or mandatory world bank loans (eternal debt & washington leverage) to recover from the devastation where appropriate, right? Or otherwise simply a CIA-sponsored regime change for the purposes of a designer war to nourish the military-industrial complex. We know that every major war is ultimately a banker's war, with USA's military being the big stick used to achieve this. The very existence of NATO, and europe's "vassal state" subservience rests entirely on USA being able to enforce this and project its military power across the globe, in particular the navy.
But then, if that's the case, why would they (the international banking cartel) compromise the integrity of the US military with debilitating DEI practices? ESG & DEI trickles down directly from the biggest banks, afaik. Aren't these DEI practices meant purely for the purpose of dividing and conquering civilians? If the strength and integrity of the US military is such a fundamental component of the international banking cartel's geopolitical grasp for preserving their financial status quo, why do we keep hearing how DEI is driving the US military into the ground? Why isn't the US military insulated from globohomo?
Who benefits from USA's military rotting from the inside? What am I missing in this puzzle? Does China play a role in this that I'm not seeing? Does the international banking cartel now favour china over USA for the role of the big stick, and are merely accelerating the transition? How can you even rot a nuclear power without eventually triggering an existential threat driven nuclear catastrophe? And no, I do not think nuclear war is desirable outcome for anyone involved, it would be too disruptive to the status quo which they have built upon for centuries.
TL;'DR: it appears to me that the same people who benefit from the strength of the US military are also the ones causing DEI to subvert the US military
The Banksters run a Ponzi scheme and eventually when the scheme hits the inevitable end they need to wind up their operations and move base. They moved financial center from Britain to US after using WW2 to destroy as much as they can that would have affected their bottomline.
Their plan was to move from US to China in time for the US financial collapse. Hence Obama was brought in, he hollowed out all American institutions, including military, in prep for the move to China.
The problem is, "China" itself is a Schrodinger's country. Is it white hat? Is it black hat? No one knows! Yeah, we all know the BH part of it is being eliminated and in time for the precipice it will be pure WH and the Banksters will be on their way to Gitmo.
I like this ending. This is a wonderful outlook for the future of Mankind.
Because it wasn't meant to last forever. Cabal decided it was time to move it to China, and this is how they do it. Like a parasite they wanted to ditch the host and improve their circumstances.
For the cabal China has many advantages, as far as being a turnkey functional dystopia that would cement their power once and for all, without those pesky American liberties and values getting in their way.
The WEF has declared China the blueprint for their world designs. The mobius strip contradiction is that they really seem stupid enough not to realise that China (and India and Russia for that matter) will NEVER aquiesce to their 500m population plan.
Your question is an interesting one. On it's surface the answer to the question should be: no sensible person would that, right? Unless....
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6th series of questions:
Bonus questions:
10.How does government become divorced from its source?
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Combine all answers in drawing one picture.
I attempted to draw a picture and this came out:
They started to open China to world trade through the efforts of the USA back in the 90's. All the wealthy started getting involved in businesses there, and their money was pouring into China.
To date the US has been a good attack dog. We helped them create their base in the oil and gas rich ME with WWI & WWII, and we were clearing out the ME with wars, and forcing Muslims into the west.
However, once you get control of the world's richest energy supplies an attack dog becomes less important. So just like you get rid of useful idiots that help with your communist revolutions getting rid of the three existing super powers makes sense. First to have to make sure that one single one is strong enough to just wipe out the rest. The US and Russia have been the strongest for a long time so we get DEI for America since they can't get another war kicked off, and we get Ukraine for Russia.
Their goal of complete control of the ME has failed. Still they haven't given up. We are watching the banksters that control Israel bomb the hell out of Gaza and Lebanon. They have not altered their plans to try to control the ME oil and gas. It is vital to their plan to control the whole world. They are now just going to go it alone. A weak US military and a weaken Russia hedge the possibility of them getting interference from those super powers. I think they have also been working with China just in case.
It's simple: their goal is to destroy America. Because it's all that's left.
What would you do to the U.S. military if you were in their shoes and you feared another Trump Administration? Would you intentionally weaken it temporarily as an insurance policy?
This is a good question. I've wondered about this myself.
Single word answer: China.
Blue helmets? CCP Iran and NK?