As long as I live I will never understand the massive worldwide obsession with sexually abusing children. It's the MOST inhuman behavior conceivable,....and it's literally EVERYWHERE.
You can't understand it?
It's because there are literally two entities that exist in a battle for humanity, one of which hates and wants to do nothing but torture and destroy us all. The evil one thinks that children, being the closest in relation to the Good one by virtue of their innocence, should be sullied and destroyed so his hatred for Good can be shown.
Wow! That poor girl! She is really pouring her heart out. What about the children that were used at the Diddy parties? No wonder Steve Harvey was trying to leave the country! I wonder who was on the plane to Korea that got turned back for no reason....i
New Mexico probably worse than Texas because of the governess is a friend to the traffickers plus the state has a LONNNG history of protecting pedos - a lot of pedo catholic priests got sent there when they were being exposed in their parish in other states for that very reason. Epstein chose NM for his ranch for that reason as well - even got a sweetheart deal to lease close to 1000 acres of state owned land for around $800 a year when that pedo Bill Richardson was the governor. Big state, small population, lots of federal land, government that is friendly to traffickers makes for a good place to hide the trafficking. We only hear about Texas because Texas is trying to stop it. Texas just installed a bunch of razor wire along it's border with New Mexico, between El Paso and Sunland Park.
As long as I live I will never understand the massive worldwide obsession with sexually abusing children. It's the MOST inhuman behavior conceivable,....and it's literally EVERYWHERE.
It's SATANIC, so it's a powerful spiritual delusion.
You can't understand it? It's because there are literally two entities that exist in a battle for humanity, one of which hates and wants to do nothing but torture and destroy us all. The evil one thinks that children, being the closest in relation to the Good one by virtue of their innocence, should be sullied and destroyed so his hatred for Good can be shown.
Inhuman it is. Keep going ...
INHUMAN is the KEY word here!
But you notice this is not computing with people... that the whole thing is a manifestation of the NOT HUMAN
That's exactly WHY they do it.
Because doing the worst of the worst things imaginable is their ultimate power trip...
Wow! That poor girl! She is really pouring her heart out. What about the children that were used at the Diddy parties? No wonder Steve Harvey was trying to leave the country! I wonder who was on the plane to Korea that got turned back for no reason....i
They are all demonic and that's why they got fame and fortune. I used to like these people and look up to them. What a mistake.
Me too. I'm beginning to think that there won't be any musicians left that I can listen to.
Faggot should have his neck snapped.
They were all protected and sitting pretty for LONG time. Now their moats and castles destroyed.
Along with Vegas Shooting police chief that was reassigned to Maui just before the fires.
After a thorough and rigorous questioning that may or may not involve a car battery.
So Oprah and Cuckenberg have ranch’s on Maui. Who else? Rock?
They need to talk first. The masters of this need to fall
The world is awash in corruption and degeneracy. It is almost soul-crushing to think about.
I just ask for Jesus to come back soon.
Largest child trafficking state in the union up to a couple of years ago, would venture to say Texas just overtook it since 2020
New Mexico probably worse than Texas because of the governess is a friend to the traffickers plus the state has a LONNNG history of protecting pedos - a lot of pedo catholic priests got sent there when they were being exposed in their parish in other states for that very reason. Epstein chose NM for his ranch for that reason as well - even got a sweetheart deal to lease close to 1000 acres of state owned land for around $800 a year when that pedo Bill Richardson was the governor. Big state, small population, lots of federal land, government that is friendly to traffickers makes for a good place to hide the trafficking. We only hear about Texas because Texas is trying to stop it. Texas just installed a bunch of razor wire along it's border with New Mexico, between El Paso and Sunland Park.
Damn sad. It's beautiful there.
This is from May. Interesting. I hadn't seen it.
All very quiet.
We knew that Lahaina was a deep state opp., we tried to tell people, they didn't listen and said "muh conspiracy theory". Yeah....
It's too mind blowing for people to accept most of the time.
Well, I did paint my roof United Nation Blue😂😂😂
These fuckers.
"Biden speaks in Lahaina after surveying Maui fire damage | full video"
"6 hours, 6 hours . . . 6 hours"
(note that the timestamp is wild)
Wow...great catch ss! 👏
They do it blatantly because they believe they are in charge and invincible.
Revelation of the Method
Maui Fire battalion chief accused of child sex assault indicted** May 30, 2024** Shawn Rogers was arrested and charged on two counts – one for continuous sexual assault of a minor under the age of 14 and one for first-degree sexual assault.
Yes. They are all pedos
is that the guy who was also in Vegas at the "Stephen Paddock" shooting?
No that is this guy 👉 Maui Police Chief John Pelletier
thanks fren.
Joseph Lombardo in Las Vegas...
Now I'm confused 🤔
One is the Sheriff and the other is Police
Double the trouble !
NYT? homie aint clickin dat. well then there ya go!
It just has a good picture to jog your memory
good thing too. Clean up time.
Bj penn has been tweeting some shit lately but he has tbi and I can barely understand what he's talking about about
At some point we need to ask ourselves why do we have , from what it seems, increasingly more sexually frustrated men?
this isn’t frustration, its perversion. What you said is akin to “she asked for it by weariing a tank top” smh
Porn likely adds to these aberrant behaviors.
It's not just men.
Hmmm... I guess there is no such thing as a sexually frustrated woman. I guess no woman ever assaulted a minor. Women are always innocent.
It’s their degenerate religion.
I think they just want dominance. just like they did that to us by locking us down while having sexual party in NY.