Does anyone know of a plan in motion.. if Trump is not elected?
I can’t imagine living in a world with so many diabolically evil agendas?
Any thoughts? I’m almost 60.. I’m concerned for my adult children..
Does anyone know of a plan in motion.. if Trump is not elected?
I can’t imagine living in a world with so many diabolically evil agendas?
Any thoughts? I’m almost 60.. I’m concerned for my adult children..
Personally, I think we see Kamalaimmolate over the next 3 weeks, such that no one--not even Rachel Madcow--believes she'll be elected. And then she "wins" via fraud. The military (the real military) takes over and shows proof of foreign interference (China Deep State), declares Martial Law for 10 days, rounds up bad guys, and then we get the declass, with Trump named as victor. To me, this is the only way to red pill the stalwart Dems.
Yep. Has to happen under bidens watch. That's the only way people will accept it.
If Trump doesn’t win, kiss your a** goodbye. But go down fighting.
Be ready to die for them. That's what we all do. I think most of us are ready.
I’ve seen many come out of their comfort zones for life and liberty… I’m ready.. I’ve thought about it for a while now..
Military is the Only Way. We all know Trump will win in biggest landslide in history if the election were to be clean. Even with some cheating he will still win. Will they allow him to actually take office or just put their fingers in their ears and/or set everything ablaze is the question ?
I believe this is where the Military would have to step in, unless they are already working, doing exactly what they did for 2016 - suppressing enough of the fraud to allow Trump his rightful win.
The Military's first responsibility ( and should be only ) is to protect us from these destroyers of humanity. I don't think the country could handle another 4 years and tbh why would we have to ? There is no benefit. Why make all of us suffer more for the chance that 5% more might wake up in 4 years.
Nope. The math hints at precipice incoming. Regardless of how the transition of power happens, it's still gonna happen. NCSWIC. I've never doubted it.
All of the exposure biden has done was not incompetence. It was planned. You cannot fix what you do not know is broken. Biden taught a lot of low IQ people hard lessons that would have never learned otherwise.
Since Trump n Q I do not worry long term for the younger or future generations. For the first time in our lives a significant positive change will happen. Have faith fren. There's way more info out there supporting those claims, than not.
Transferring power from DC back to The People
3387 Jul 09, 2019 12:46:46 PM EDT
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: e32d7f No. 6967368
Listen very carefully (again). Note past (2) years. NOTE NEXT (6) YEARS. You were told what was going to happen. You were told what battles we face. Strategic. Pre_planned. Patriots in control. Q
a) Devolution, and I think Biden /Harris do not get the nuclear codes, white hats have them secured. b) I think Trump will come out on top in November but the Dems and RINOs stir up trouble to prevent certification. c) constitutional crisis and white hats /good generals and admirals bring out the 2020 and 2024 election fraud.____ Here’s the Patel Patriot devolution series substack: ____. d) I’m concerned, prepare, about 3 months of budget extra food and water, and some firewood in case electricity goes out for a few days or a week? ____ I do not go with the idea that Trump is recognized as Commander-in-Chief of all of USA armed forces, but for the nuclear strategic forces and Q clearances I think at that sector the generals and admirals outside of the Pentagon know that Trump won in 2020. Remember that Trump ordered All 17 intelligence agencies to report on election interference from foreign countries and it is the intelligence heads who Deliberately held back their reports who committed treason. Not all intelligence departments are black hats.
Add a little rocket stove to your prep list - either buy one or make one. You can cook with nothing but twigs in it. And make sure you have a pot and or frying pan that can be used on it. A cheap camping pot or a cast iron or stainless steel pot will work. Easy to bug out with too. Here's one made out of large tin cans.
Excellent recommendation, thank you!
We bought one years ago and they're amazing. I would also recommend getting some water purification tablets and purification devices. You can find the tablets most any place that sells camping supplies, including Walmart. My daughter and grandkids were hit by Helene, luckily they lost power, phones, internet and water but weren't flooded. People in Asheville are using creek water but it's not potable at all. In rural areas like mine where lots of people have wells that depend on electricity, everyone rushes to the store to buy water, not milk and bread, even just for snowstorms. They know how bad it gets and how fast when you don't have clean water.
Glad to hear they were not flooded. Thanks for water tablet suggestion too! I have an Alexapure filter, but just in case I’ll get the tablets. They will be great because I store in 3 gallon jugs some water.
When I was a kid and we'd come here to the Shenandoah Valley where I live now, you saw lots of old houses with cisterns. I see a lot of people here now with those large, square plastic water containers and they're catching and holding rain water off of roofs. Just like the old days. I had a rain barrel for years. These are much bigger.
I plan to kick ass and chew bubble gum...........I'm all out of bubble gum
Hang on to your pants and remember the Q timeline:
No amount of yelling and jumping up and down is going to change the plan by one iota.
Q said: there is a plan post Trump.
So, whatever happens .... Keep the faith, baby, and hit it with positive waves.
3 possible outcomes:
One, Trump wins, despite election interference, Trump’s support is enough to overcome any and all cheating that may occur, and he will be announced the winner on or around Election Day.
Two, Kamala Harris is declared the winner through a rigged election, and because her administration is already in power, the stolen election would be steamrolled through as it was in 2020, locking up anyone who opposes the fake election results.
Three, Harris wins a rigged election, is declared the winner, but a trap has been set and the election interference is exposed. Eventually, Trump is declared the winner, days, weeks or months after Election Day.
Don’t think any of this will be needed.
How did Trump win in 2016? Did they really just let him get away with winning? They NEVER thought Hillary Clinton could lose (cheating).
The 2020 election was allowed to be stollen. Look at how many NPCs are waking up. I see more and more people each day finally realizing what kind of bullshit these satanic pedophile freaks have been doing.
Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.
Crimes against children unite all humanity [cross party lines]?
Difficult truths.
Isn't part of the plan at least a contingency for another stolen election? It might very well be a stolen election followed by uproar from even the converted democrats, and all the evidence being shown.
Real evidence. Not the "I totally have it but you can't see it" nonsense from Gregggggg.
Seriously though..IF it was our Lot to Die in all of this...They had us Decades ago ;) Does Trump look worried? Now if he OR someone close to him..say's we are Fucked...The Listen to BerlinWallCrosser !
They’ll be allowed to steal this last time. This probably won’t be resolved until next year.
So I believe between now and Jan 20th ish a lot will happen. We might be in a 3 month crazy transition period.
If that happens it's over and thereby as no plan. There is a plan.