Q suggested that there has been technologies kept from civilization because they reduce the profits of established industries.
Q has implied that such technologies would be released to us.
I remember about 5 years ago, Trump said "you can't believe the technology that is about to get released."
We have always known that Elon musk is a genius, but it seems like lately the narrative is taking that to new extremes.
Trump is saying he is not from this world. A recent article stated how he put together a computer system in one month that would typically take 4 years.
Whether it is real, or a role he is playing, he is now essentially Tony Stark, a man that can create a super warrior armor out of a box of scraps inside a cave.
What better way to introduce amazing technology and to make it readily available to the public then a semi philanthropist super genius like Elon musk.
I can imagine in 5 years from now he says oh I just discovered a source for unlimited energy. 10 years from now, Oh, I just discovered anti-gravity.
It would not make much sense for this technology to be introduced by the government. Would you really want Exxon to be the ones that reveal they discovered a new energy source?
Your thoughts?
It is disclosure of tech re-developed more than 100 years ago after the last reset. All tech except surveillance (iphone, internet) and war tech (nukes, rocketry) frozen around 1890 and then again in 1947. Note only incremental relative tiny advances in airplanes, cars, fuels, nuclear power, consumer machines, etc. since 1947. Fyi...Automated washing machine and dryer created in 1870-1890 tech “Golden Age” along with most other labor-saving household technologies rolled out en masse in 1950s in US under Eisenhower (threw us some bones?).
We were “frozen” intentionally as the weapons of mass surveillance tyranny and information control were created disguised as “technological progress”. ‘1984’ is not fiction, it is a blueprint.
My grandmother was born in 1900 and lived to 95. Can you imagine the technological advances she saw in her lifetime? Anyone born after 1990 is only to able to claim they have seen the amazing development of the Iphone 10, Iphone 11, Iphone 12, etc. :)
Our grandchildren are going to think we were all literally retarded for celebrating the next iphone release while they fly around in their nuclear-power-supplemented anti-gravity cars capturing energy directly from the ether (i.e. ionized gases).
Honey, I farted. Collect that for fuel!
You just described Bill Gates' wet dream of all vaccinated cows and humans with methane-collection tubes up their butts eating GMO food under a "blocked-out" sun. He is a dangerous psychopath and probably not really human, imo.
"Cow farts destroy Earth's atmosphere" is such a retarded climate hoax. Humans that believe it may actually be no smarter than cows?
Well as Boy Scouts we used to light our farts when on camping trips.....just sayin!
Already building a local team of engineer types to try and get all this to market as soon as possible.
Once people realize the patent office was used to buy out, extort, or "Arkancide" good inventors and their creations to intentionally hold civilization back for the cabal's own greed and abuse of everyone, there might be a short-lived run on baseball bats.
Look up Wardenclyffe tower, LK99 for starters (ignore links to "the usual suspects"). And prepare for miles o smiles after bungy tying your jaw up as it keeps dropping.
Yep. Google/DARPA/CIA actually installed their own people into patent office and switched awards to “first to file”. Then weaponized Google patent search data with AI to auto-generate and file a patent for ANYTHING being patent searched to beat the inventor to the patent award. Reduced patents to individuals to nearly zero in less than 12 months.
I've applied for a couple of patents and it seems the examiners are told to reject EVERY initial submission (at least from inventors not represented by an attorney), for ridiculous reasons which can easily be addressed on a follow-up submission, but it is just a major pain. The USPTO is probably making millions off this practice because most people won't bother re-submitting. I had one examiner reject a UTILITY patent because he said it was infringing on a DESIGN patent! (if you know anything about the process, that is ridiculous, which they counted on me not knowing, but I didn't bother resubmitting because I felt the invention likely would not make enough to justify all the effort)
I’ve noticed that were not having any great inventions recently by individuals.
Most that are developed by individuals sell out to an entity with greater means to bring it to market. This doesn't (necessarily) mean that individuals are lacking in creativity.
Honestly, if I came up with a good idea, and the right company came along with the right offer, I'd take it. Coming up with an idea is only a fraction of the effort it takes to make a commercial success, and the reality is, most individual inventors don't have the business savvy to follow through on the back end, their talents lie elsewhere.
Sort of like the guy who invented SuperSoaker.
Most individual inventors are in the debt slavery area like the rest of us. Few have the means needed to get an invention prototyped, worked out, and ready for mass production without a team of lawyers, financiers, NGO's and government permit types ready to bankrupt them before they get any return on investment. And if they do get close, their labs and notes might suffer mystery accidents.
I think also, on top of that, space travel tech has been purposefully stagnated to keep humanity confined to one celestial body where we can be controlled and locked out of the Final Frontier.
What we’re told about is stagnated because rockers can only go so far. We have a secret space program that will orderly release real tech.
I couldn't agree more, and I've spouted this for so long to deaf ears!! SO happy to hear this.
Even a more event version... we invent the car, then the plane, within 60 years we're on the moon..... and since then???
A phone. The next year? A phone with a slightly better camera. The next year? The same?
And hell we don't even get better cameras anymore. The only "advancements" in the last 10-15 years has been audit and surveillance technology and AI which is meant to control it all. Literally nothing else has advanced.
Corporations tethered to the Fed Res “do what they’re told” or they are murdered. And apparently they were told to provide “poisoned bread and pornographic circuses” while all technology promoting humanity and sovereignty is actively suppressed. Script is being flipped. Puppet strings cut. Most quickly for Corps free of Fed with Bitcoin on balance sheet: MSTR, MARA, RIOT, TSLA, COIN (top 5).