87 Is she going to use her real parents name now? (www.thegatewaypundit.com) posted 111 days ago by ClemTiger 111 days ago by ClemTiger +87 / -0 Barack Obama Responds to Daughter Malia Ditching Last Name | The Gateway Pundit | by Anthony Scott As The Gateway Pundit reported, Barack Obama’s oldest daughter, Malia, has ditched her Obama surname as she begins a career in Hollywood. 22 comments share 22 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Malia worked with Weinstein? You really can't make this stuff up, it's so ridiculous.
New name Malia Nesbitt? or Malia Blanchard?
The older she gets the she looks like her REAL parents.
Whoa.....we could be watching voter fraud taking place when she votes!
What’s wrong with the last name “Hussein”?
Show me a picture of Big Mike pregnant and I'll believe that's his or Barrack's kid.
Well, I'll believe it's Big Mike's child. I think we can agree Barrack is a life long bachelor.
What is "Obama" not as prestigious as it used to be? Also good luck getting roles with that face if you're trying not to rely on nepotism.
Maybe she's utterly disgusted and embarassed of the name and knows it's not her real name anyway? And she wants to eventually disappear?
Could we see her birth certificate?
DNA test results would be cool to read
Oh so she's a Director now.
Uh huh.
Seems like more and more truth is coming out........"For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light." Luke 8:17.
Malia Blanchard
Maria Swift?????
Malia Robinson?
Think we all know Men can't actually birth children
Jesus, imagine having to hold this creatures hand. Theirs not enough soap or disinfectant to erase the slime and filth covering this feckless hand.
Huh being old fashioned my daughter changed her name when she got married, weird aye ?
This isn't her being old-fashioned... this is her dropping the Obama last name.
I know I have a dry sense of humor.
Some porn name probably.
Well, I guess if you hate the country, you wouldn't be proud of your father being the former president of it.