That's right! Carter was known as the peanut farmer. I totally forgot the media labeled him as the peanut farmer. Holy shit. It is comms. I kept thinking what's with killing this squirrel. Now it makes sense. Carter was the pissant, who took us off gold and onto the petrol dollar. He was the catalyst for wage slavery and the loss of our monies value. Gas suddenly became very expensive. The draining of our dollers wealth commenced with this shitstain. A house cost 15,000, a truck costed 5,000, and a car cost 2,500. Yes you could have seven children, a home, a car, and all on a janitors salary, HS graduates could enter the work force and make a good living. Collage tuition costed 12,000 for four years and was GETTING CHEEPER EVERY YEAR. It also was very tough and difficult and only hungry intelligent, motivated people would enter the advanced learning centers. You should see what the testing for Collage looked like. Anyway, so long peanut. Rot in hell.
Right! I know Nixon was popular, but he was no saint. How many more American soldiers died in Vietnam, because he made a deal with the Vietnamese to not consider any cease fire agreements until he was elected President?
Still think it's a comm to a comm. Remember there has been a couple confusions with this prick passing I I remember correctly. The last time the wife died and originally was thought it was him. I think his death is a comm like the queen. Why else would anyone care about this whole?
Carter didn't really do much to award himself a trip to GITMO, me thinks.
Sometimes, I think Anons stretch these "proofs" in an attempt to understand the inner workings. It isn't for us to understand everything going on. I don't think executing a barely living Centenarian is even news worthy, and it doesn't really serve any purpose.
The last photo of Carter I wondered if he was even alive. Mouth gaped open and unconscious. He looked dead to me already. Waiting to make his death part of their cover up or distraction tactics.
Carter has been dead for a year! His body is still there breathing but ain't nobody home. Wouldn't make much to kill a dead person!!!! Carter wasn't part of the Cabal anyway. He was just someone they could easily manipulate---AND THEY DID!
I am under impression that it may be yet another order for Trump assassination during a rally.
A squirrel is red, alluding to Trump, and a racoon is often associated with picking garbage cans. Garbage means Trump supporters.
It could be a mercy-killing at this point.
That's right! Carter was known as the peanut farmer. I totally forgot the media labeled him as the peanut farmer. Holy shit. It is comms. I kept thinking what's with killing this squirrel. Now it makes sense. Carter was the pissant, who took us off gold and onto the petrol dollar. He was the catalyst for wage slavery and the loss of our monies value. Gas suddenly became very expensive. The draining of our dollers wealth commenced with this shitstain. A house cost 15,000, a truck costed 5,000, and a car cost 2,500. Yes you could have seven children, a home, a car, and all on a janitors salary, HS graduates could enter the work force and make a good living. Collage tuition costed 12,000 for four years and was GETTING CHEEPER EVERY YEAR. It also was very tough and difficult and only hungry intelligent, motivated people would enter the advanced learning centers. You should see what the testing for Collage looked like. Anyway, so long peanut. Rot in hell.
Carter was the worst President since FDR, but let's not try to rewrite history. It was Nixon who took us off gold:
Thank You, I was about to post the same.
Right! I know Nixon was popular, but he was no saint. How many more American soldiers died in Vietnam, because he made a deal with the Vietnamese to not consider any cease fire agreements until he was elected President?
Really I thought it was Carter. I could have sworn it was Carter. 1974 and 1977, huh, I was only little I guess I'm miss remembering.
So they’re saying Jimmy Carter has been executed?
Jimmy is 100 yrs old and is holding on via expensive palliative care. He's mostly comatose, I think.
If he died or didn't, it wouldn't make any difference to anything that is happening.
This is a reach in my opinion.
I just saw another tweet/Xpost from this user @Jaxx_life.
The Deep State may have been holding onto Jimmy Carter to use.
Use Jimmy's death/funeral to interrupt the Presidential Election(?) or distract from something coming [soon].
Nothing in the Constitution permits suspending an election for a ceremony.
Depends which constitution you're reading. Because they clearly arent following the one from 1776
Still think it's a comm to a comm. Remember there has been a couple confusions with this prick passing I I remember correctly. The last time the wife died and originally was thought it was him. I think his death is a comm like the queen. Why else would anyone care about this whole?
If news of Carter’s death is announced soon, then it could be execution...similar to Bush Sr.
Though I recall that he hadn’t received an envelope at the funeral leading many to speculate he wasn’t an insider part of the club. But who knows
I thought that too until I saw this.
That's really special...
Damned SES...
Great find 👍
Carter didn't really do much to award himself a trip to GITMO, me thinks.
Sometimes, I think Anons stretch these "proofs" in an attempt to understand the inner workings. It isn't for us to understand everything going on. I don't think executing a barely living Centenarian is even news worthy, and it doesn't really serve any purpose.
I honestly think Jimmy Carter was just stupid. I don't think he was corrupt.
The last photo of Carter I wondered if he was even alive. Mouth gaped open and unconscious. He looked dead to me already. Waiting to make his death part of their cover up or distraction tactics.
Whats the idea here? Peanut was a headfake and the squirrel is still alive just to send comms?
Didn’t know this about Carter.
More coms.
Trying to find the name of the wildlife officer who murdered peanut. Maybe her name has comms.
Also I, Pet Goat
what's the connection here?
He's been on ice for some time.
Nope, not connecting yet. Why would Carter be executed? He's 100.
Let's leave the cryptic stuff to Q and just speak the truth
Carter has been dead for a year! His body is still there breathing but ain't nobody home. Wouldn't make much to kill a dead person!!!! Carter wasn't part of the Cabal anyway. He was just someone they could easily manipulate---AND THEY DID!
I am under impression that it may be yet another order for Trump assassination during a rally. A squirrel is red, alluding to Trump, and a racoon is often associated with picking garbage cans. Garbage means Trump supporters.