86 Church couldn't do it. Pastors couldn't do it. Parents couldn't do it. Trump did it singlehandedly in one night. Liberal women are now going to stop sleeping around! 🤣 (media.greatawakening.win) posted 110 days ago by bubble_bursts 110 days ago by bubble_bursts +86 / -0 27 comments download share 27 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Only Christian families will have children and raise them? That's a good thing.
Same women who men already shun.😂😂
They forget that white dudes for Harris aren’t interested in women.
Only in role reversals and dominatrices.
That’s a win for all men everywhere.
Nobody wants access to them.
These type of women are probably Covid Vaxxed to the Max,so that their fertility is in question anyway.
This woman’s post is full of logical fallacies, manipulation and indoctrination.
She can’t even see her “punishment” for/to men will only benefit her mind, body and soul. Indiscriminate sex does not make women happy, nor powerful.
got my wife...i'm good
Talk about cutting your nose to spite your face. This is exactly what we want.
Block their access to cats.
If we can't have any, you can't have any either.
They tried that in 2016. Lasted about a day.
Plus this is what they have been protesting in those red robes and white hats!!
Tic TOC is glorious right now. Also the ones whining are all so ugly. Like don't worry you won't need an abortion 🤣
Haha! I wonder what hairy legged dyke wrote this?
Oh no fewer ugly sluts? Whatever shall we do???
What a deluded harpy! Very few men would suffer from your welcome threat! I just hope her and her coven keep this oath!
She's encouraging liberals to become conservative to spite conservatives? And it could potentially result in fewer abortions? What a genius! She must be one of us.
Ironic. If they’d kept their legs closed and acted dignified in the first place…they wouldn’t BE “liberal” would they? 🤣😂
It all comes from the mind .... rotten to the core .... It takes a lot of hard work to heal that damage ...
Reverse Lysistrata, withdraw sex until they do go to war.
Oh thank God men will be spared from these devilish creatures. What will all the cucks do?
The cucks were ran out of pussy already ....
No man would fuck the woman that posted this.
Please make that a life long promise!
Ah ... the silent treatment .....
O my .... so, shocked are they .... perhaps it is time for them to look in the mirror and assess where they failed themselves ....
Haha.... These women think they've got something we want....
Rammstein -- Pussy ...