Yeah, if we deny the evidence of our eyes while waiting in line at the pols for the first time in our lives while hearing that it was the biggest turn out ever... I guess I can maybe believe that... but I don't. Trump had to get at least another million in PA.
Telling ya'll. They CHEATED again. Trump should have considerably MORE votes than he has in the popular vote. The more the libtards cry about election fraud - HAHAHAHA- the more I tell em, YEP!!! and let's do 2020 while we at it 😁
Scott Presler
That tweet and a bust of Mr. Presler need to be in a MAGA hall of fame
If it were anyone else, everyone would be like "you're being presumptuous", but because it's Scott there's no denying it.
He put his time, money and effort into doing it. He made his entire life revolve around it.
He is truly the most based.
Just about as grass roots as you can get.
the epitome of "local action = national impact"
Scott Presler, the most based homosexual on the planet.
He potentially saved the election, which saved our country, which saved the world and humanity.
Just thought that deserved to be repeated.
Yes a fine young man !
I didn't know he was gay. Shows how little that really matters.
By working to get Amish (very religious sect) registered and getting them out to vote like never before! What a great story! And Hero!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
As of current count, Trump won by approximately 140,000 votes. This truly means Scott Presler is an American hero.
His twitter 'name' is ThePersistence and his 'handle' is @ScottPresler
Scott Presler
The Amish also came out in 2016.
Young man who started by literally cleaning out the garbage in neighborhoods in the hoods, like Baltimore. Great guy.
Scott Presler, the guy is a hero
Scott Pressler deserves a meme of his own.
I'd like to suggest the Paul Revere(?) riding into town: ThePersistance is coming
(i'm pc illiterate, sorry)
Trump won Pa with 25,000 less votes this year compared to 2020 with 3percent left to count . not sure how that happened
Yeah, if we deny the evidence of our eyes while waiting in line at the pols for the first time in our lives while hearing that it was the biggest turn out ever... I guess I can maybe believe that... but I don't. Trump had to get at least another million in PA.
Telling ya'll. They CHEATED again. Trump should have considerably MORE votes than he has in the popular vote. The more the libtards cry about election fraud - HAHAHAHA- the more I tell em, YEP!!! and let's do 2020 while we at it 😁
scott pressler needs to be in garden of heros. great dude.
Scott Presler is a national treasure!!!!
A hero for our time.
The man from Nantucket? 😁
Don't forget that the Amish, realizing how important their vote was in our physical matrix, were willing to do what they have never done!
This guy: