I go in to work at 6am every day, and on my way in, pass by a house that was completely decked out in Harris/Walz, Jack Smith, Slotkin, and others' flags, signage, ornamentation, and displays, including a Trump mannequin in an orange prison suit behind bars (I posted this picture on GAW about a year ago). I mean, this stuff was all over her yard and hanging off her house. I pass by there around 5:45 every morning. As I went by this morning, I noticed that it was all gone. ALL of it was taken down. She must have been out there at 3-4am ripping that stuff down; probably in anger and disgust.
I'm in deep blue NE Minneapolis. LOTS of Harris/Walz signs prior to the election.
Took an extra long walk with the pups tonight (to their delight) to see how many signs were still up. 2/3 are already gone leaving a defiant 1/3.
Made it a point of talking with as many acquaintances in the neighborhood as possible. My next door neighbors are based as hell so that conversation was as you'd expect. But other friends in the neighborhood who I've never discussed politics with were in a state of absolute terror.
They are positive that an era of military dictatorship, racism and acquiescing to China & Russia is in front of us. I may do a separate post about this but folks, there's a lot of people out there right now that are dangerous.
They are so completely programmed, they are genuinely convinced that America ended last night. And based on my experience (and a fair amount of research), intelligence has very little bearing on someone's susceptibility to being programmed/brainwashed.
That smart, calm, well-spoken neighbor of yours might be in a complete state of panic and terror right now. Be very, very observant. Keep an eye on these people.
This is a problem that the Trump team will need to address very quickly once they're in office.
That's the thing that makes it so difficult for me to understand, JJ. He was freaking President! For 4 years! And was the very opposite of a dictator in that he often ceded authority to the states.
It's why it's so scary. There's no logic, no reasoning. Complete ideological subversion.
They're the lowest IQ segment of society.
They have 0 critical thinking skills and have no morals/God in their life. This is why Soros and dems choose them,
Incredibly easy to manipulate with propaganda.
Why do you think the dems use the same race baiting, fear mongering techniques?
So the weird thing is that some of these people from a purely cognitive basis are quite intelligent. That's what's so confounding. Though I think you hit on something really important, JJ.
Specifically: "and have no morals/God in their life."
I suspect very few (or none) of these people have faith or a relationship with God. Having that relationship can bring a lot of clarity to one's life.
Godless and having immense pride in yourself blinds any person regardless of intelligence.
A lot of this is narcissism. I mean, what is the gay month called? PRIDE MONTH.
It's all satanic and prideful.
Either way, all we can hope is that they find Christ and repent from this Satanic movement. God won this round, and they should know how powerful he really is. All odds stacked against Trump, attacked by the most powerful group of people on the planet, and he STILL wins. That's God, there's no other explanation.
Yo, a fellow Minnesotan! I haven't had a chance to drive around my town yet to check if Harris signs are still up, but I have a feeling they're down and in the trash by now. Still sucks that MN is still controlled by the one metro area, though.
I have a good conservative friend who still lives in that area. She voted for Trump (even though it doesn't help much there), but she was so excited Wednesday morning she texted me for hours about the win. She's so relieved that things may finally get a little better, even in the hell-hole Twin Cities.
It can get genuinely lonely around here. Thank God for my wife, son and a couple of neighbors who are based as hell. it's tough around here. The conversations I had last night while walking the dogs were unbelievable. These people are utterly, totally and completely brainwashed.
Seems like it, doesn't it? I go back to that range from Q as well and I'm reminded of Yuri Bezimov's quote:
"The ideologically subverted man literally can't understand reality until he literally feels the boot on his back".
Now that being said, I do think there's still a percentage of these people that could wake up given the right information. We still have yet to receive the kind of earth shattering information drop that we've all been expecting for quite some time.
But even if we do take Q's statement at face value (4-6% are gone), there's another large chunk that will only wake up because the "consensus filter" will tell them to do so. They're not critical thinkers by nature and it concerning to have so many of them out there. Tough to hang onto a Republic when there's so many mindless drones.
Shut the fuck up LOL he needs to mail her THAT post card that was mailed to Harris supporters with signs in their yard, it stated, thanks for for voting for Harris there is a family from Mexico arriving at your house 11/05/24 so YOU can take of them
I haven't been out for a couple of days, but when I do there are always a couple of diehard leftists who work in the large university within driving distance of me. For weeks, they've decorted their lawns with democrap signs. It will be interesting to see as I drive past, how many of them still remain.
As for my Trump signs, I'll keep them on the lawn till Monday, then put them in a safe place, as future memorabilia, to remind everyone of the glorious year that the American tide finally turned.
The world has witness something that has probably never happened in the history of the world! Communist countries have controlled media, that's how they keep the sheep in line, but for a constitutional republic having media that was pushing one party to defeat one man, and still lose! History books!
I go in to work at 6am every day, and on my way in, pass by a house that was completely decked out in Harris/Walz, Jack Smith, Slotkin, and others' flags, signage, ornamentation, and displays, including a Trump mannequin in an orange prison suit behind bars (I posted this picture on GAW about a year ago). I mean, this stuff was all over her yard and hanging off her house. I pass by there around 5:45 every morning. As I went by this morning, I noticed that it was all gone. ALL of it was taken down. She must have been out there at 3-4am ripping that stuff down; probably in anger and disgust.
They went from pallets full of ballots to yard cleanup before the sunrise in four years.
We need Gandalf to banish these demons.
That's exactly my first thought too. Whenever you hear the guttural sounds you know it's a demon speaking, not a human.
I'm in deep blue NE Minneapolis. LOTS of Harris/Walz signs prior to the election.
Took an extra long walk with the pups tonight (to their delight) to see how many signs were still up. 2/3 are already gone leaving a defiant 1/3.
Made it a point of talking with as many acquaintances in the neighborhood as possible. My next door neighbors are based as hell so that conversation was as you'd expect. But other friends in the neighborhood who I've never discussed politics with were in a state of absolute terror.
They are positive that an era of military dictatorship, racism and acquiescing to China & Russia is in front of us. I may do a separate post about this but folks, there's a lot of people out there right now that are dangerous.
They are so completely programmed, they are genuinely convinced that America ended last night. And based on my experience (and a fair amount of research), intelligence has very little bearing on someone's susceptibility to being programmed/brainwashed.
That smart, calm, well-spoken neighbor of yours might be in a complete state of panic and terror right now. Be very, very observant. Keep an eye on these people.
This is a problem that the Trump team will need to address very quickly once they're in office.
Do these people not realize that Trump was ALREADY PRESIDENT FOR 4 YEARS?
Did a dictatorship happen then? These people are beyond retarded. I'm not mad at them. I just want nothing to do with them whatsoever.
That's the thing that makes it so difficult for me to understand, JJ. He was freaking President! For 4 years! And was the very opposite of a dictator in that he often ceded authority to the states.
It's why it's so scary. There's no logic, no reasoning. Complete ideological subversion.
They're the lowest IQ segment of society. They have 0 critical thinking skills and have no morals/God in their life. This is why Soros and dems choose them,
Incredibly easy to manipulate with propaganda. Why do you think the dems use the same race baiting, fear mongering techniques?
Because libtards are really dumb people.
So the weird thing is that some of these people from a purely cognitive basis are quite intelligent. That's what's so confounding. Though I think you hit on something really important, JJ.
Specifically: "and have no morals/God in their life."
I suspect very few (or none) of these people have faith or a relationship with God. Having that relationship can bring a lot of clarity to one's life.
Godless and having immense pride in yourself blinds any person regardless of intelligence.
A lot of this is narcissism. I mean, what is the gay month called? PRIDE MONTH.
It's all satanic and prideful.
Either way, all we can hope is that they find Christ and repent from this Satanic movement. God won this round, and they should know how powerful he really is. All odds stacked against Trump, attacked by the most powerful group of people on the planet, and he STILL wins. That's God, there's no other explanation.
Hopefully the subliminal and overt programming in the MSM will be replaced with positive stuff
Good Lord I hope so. Doesn't seem like it based on what I've seen of cable news and Leftist news sites.
I have zero tolerance for the bullshit we saw from the news during 2017 to 2021 and I hope everyone else feels the same.
Yo, a fellow Minnesotan! I haven't had a chance to drive around my town yet to check if Harris signs are still up, but I have a feeling they're down and in the trash by now. Still sucks that MN is still controlled by the one metro area, though.
Indeed, VI :(
One incredibly corrupt metro area.
I have a good conservative friend who still lives in that area. She voted for Trump (even though it doesn't help much there), but she was so excited Wednesday morning she texted me for hours about the win. She's so relieved that things may finally get a little better, even in the hell-hole Twin Cities.
It can get genuinely lonely around here. Thank God for my wife, son and a couple of neighbors who are based as hell. it's tough around here. The conversations I had last night while walking the dogs were unbelievable. These people are utterly, totally and completely brainwashed.
I think that 4-6% number is off by at least 20% if not more.
Seems like it, doesn't it? I go back to that range from Q as well and I'm reminded of Yuri Bezimov's quote:
"The ideologically subverted man literally can't understand reality until he literally feels the boot on his back".
Now that being said, I do think there's still a percentage of these people that could wake up given the right information. We still have yet to receive the kind of earth shattering information drop that we've all been expecting for quite some time.
But even if we do take Q's statement at face value (4-6% are gone), there's another large chunk that will only wake up because the "consensus filter" will tell them to do so. They're not critical thinkers by nature and it concerning to have so many of them out there. Tough to hang onto a Republic when there's so many mindless drones.
WTF, is this real? :D :D
Whether this particular vid is, who know's.
But you can bet your ass it's really happening all across our Republic....
It's an old video with new text slapped on it.
Put that motherfucker in an insane asylum quick. Deranged Bastard
Litterally laughed out loud at your comment tY deranged bastard ! Priceless !!
Keeping my Trump sign up until he is sworn in just to piss of my neighbors.
The best cup of your life!
Shut the fuck up LOL he needs to mail her THAT post card that was mailed to Harris supporters with signs in their yard, it stated, thanks for for voting for Harris there is a family from Mexico arriving at your house 11/05/24 so YOU can take of them
I raffed.
Why is your neighbor drinking your coffee?
LOL. I came here to say that…
"sHuT uP!!! dO yOu NoT uNdErStAnD eNgLiSh?!?!"
Ma'am that's racist, how dare you assume everyone should know English in America, lol.
My Trump swag is staying up forever.
I haven't been out for a couple of days, but when I do there are always a couple of diehard leftists who work in the large university within driving distance of me. For weeks, they've decorted their lawns with democrap signs. It will be interesting to see as I drive past, how many of them still remain.
As for my Trump signs, I'll keep them on the lawn till Monday, then put them in a safe place, as future memorabilia, to remind everyone of the glorious year that the American tide finally turned.
The world has witness something that has probably never happened in the history of the world! Communist countries have controlled media, that's how they keep the sheep in line, but for a constitutional republic having media that was pushing one party to defeat one man, and still lose! History books!
Sounds like a Hagraven. lol
Every sign In my hood is gone
His neighbor is Karen McManagerstein.