There has been so much speculation, that by the time we find out, we will be disappointed. LOL It will be something like "This is official notification that Depends will no longer supply you with free diapers!"
It had to be a picture, given Guac Bowl's reaction time. I've said it before, I think it was a snuff film shot of Bush Sr. dead, purple and bloated, surrounded by Q team throwing the equivalent of gang signs. I really can't see it being anything else given the timing. Also, considering JFK's death kicked this whole thing off, and Bush Sr ran that operation, it makes perfect sense. Maybe they blew the top of his head off. Or, just Bush tied to a pole after the firing squad took their shots.
I think Jim Jordan is awesome and admire how he speaks without a muzzle. If he did have any idea I think he probably wouldve downplayed it and diffused the conversation.
I find it hilarious that PDW now talks about and questions everything that they said we were crazy for 🤣
I absolutely swear to God what is this world coming to
No, he has a point. I'm curious too.
If Trump or Q says they must remain sealed for national security reasons, I'll live with that.
God knows anyway.
No, I mean, PDW is turning into GAW
I just hope one day they admit we were right all along.
But even if they don't, I'll accept America being made great again.
Still hoping.. "Dinner has been moved to 6:30"
That explains Jeb's face. He was hungry!
There has been so much speculation, that by the time we find out, we will be disappointed. LOL It will be something like "This is official notification that Depends will no longer supply you with free diapers!"
I think as time progresses we will be getting a steady influx of PDW migrants. Should we create a citizenship test for them to come here legally? 🤗
Love it. We all want to know!
Answer: "Our promise to counter"
It had to be a picture, given Guac Bowl's reaction time. I've said it before, I think it was a snuff film shot of Bush Sr. dead, purple and bloated, surrounded by Q team throwing the equivalent of gang signs. I really can't see it being anything else given the timing. Also, considering JFK's death kicked this whole thing off, and Bush Sr ran that operation, it makes perfect sense. Maybe they blew the top of his head off. Or, just Bush tied to a pole after the firing squad took their shots.
This question even came up on the PBD podcast- I think it might have been the episode with Eric Trump?
No answers- but certainly mainstream. 1:00:54
Ah, Jim Jordan!!! That was a good one too…. Thanks for straightening me out!
Do you think Jim Jordan genuinely is unsure of this event?
I do. I take it you do not … can you share your perspective with me?
I think Jim Jordan is awesome and admire how he speaks without a muzzle. If he did have any idea I think he probably wouldve downplayed it and diffused the conversation.
I was glad to get to know him a bit better. I think we’lls see more from him in the Trump administration
Welcome to the party, pal.
"Something something...we have it all."