My belief is that Nesara was the plan when they believed that the fiat financial fraud system was gonna end with bank collapse in 2008.
However, that would have been chaos and caused destruction to millions, so the WHs allowed Obama to print $25T and bail out the banks and used the next 16 years to make it into a controlled demolition, including Trump's crimmes against humanity EOs.
Now that we are at this point, we wont need a NESARA style system, but a much more minimally invasive system.
I am willing to bet that all debts are not going to magically disappear, just predatory ones. You are not going to get free houses or free money. What you will get is a free economic system and a baseline correction, with liquidation of all Cabal assets, so that everyone can lead a decent life with high quality of life.
No more inflation. People can save up easily. No more fiat currency no more petro dollars. Easily accessible treasury debt without middle men.
120 years ago, your loans were put on the national debt and paid off with tariffs. all banking debt has to disappear if we're restoring our republic. banks need to be neutered back to nothing more than paper pushers between the people and the treasury. they shouldnt be for-profit corps.
If we can have a system that offers a fair playing field to everyone who wants to work and succeed, without generational wealth being erased via the stroke of a pen (inflation), and a devolution of endless taxes - I'd be happy with that.
The idea that "we gonna get PAID!!" via nesara - like they're going to take you into a room somewhere (like the DMV) and you're going to walk out a millionaire as a sovereign because your strawman paid in and here's your portion of the national trust or whatever - is absolute phucking phantasy.
Other pedes believe that crap... but fail to understand, if everyone is suddenly a millionaire, it will no longer be "champagne wishes and caviar dreams", because everyone else will also be a millionaire or whatever... BESIDES the fact that 99.9% simply couldn't handle being "suddenly rich" and they would literally kill themselves or die from gluttony and stupidity. That's an absolute fact most aren't mature enough to admit.
Making the system FAIR for productive individuals would be wonderful.
Regarding the whole Nesara topic - I tend to lump that into the same category as any other whacked out fantasy - mostly because when you try to research the subject, you're met with a scribbled mess of matters of spirit, religion and government all mixed up with very little sauce to verify. It runs the gamut - from St Germain and some galactic federation of light workers to green berets forcing B Clinton to sign it into law with guns pointed at him.
Needless to say... it's hard to find GROUNDED information regarding Nesara that you can really believe to be true. It seems there are some factual/credible ideas - but then they frost it with woowoo.
Most peoples debt is all from predatory misconduct, fraud and usury. Is your credit card debt, car loan, home loan not based on usury and therefore predatory? Are your medical bills legitimate or they inflated for the greatest profit for those not interested in curing our ills but in treating the symptoms drawing out the predatory profit taking?
Im not sure how you can separate out predatory/nonpredatory debt. Compound interest, fraud and unConstitutional taxation is all predatory and therein lies most of the Peoples debt.
There are many definitions of Usury / predatory debt, but for me what makes most sense is debt given to people with no realistic expectation of being able to pay back. This allows the debt to get compounded and allows the debtor to put pressure and either change the person's actions or take control of their assets.
If you have a credit card that you pay off every month, you never get compounded. There is nothing predatory about it. You use it to buy things and you pay it off.
If you took a loan to buy a house that is well within your reach and are able to pay it off, there is nothing predatory there. You managed to own a house.
A lot of predatory loans comes from people being forced to live beyond means. This is not so much the problem of debt but the problem of attitude and belief systems.
Agreed that the way the Cabal has structured the society is to push people into these attitudes and hence more and more people are becoming prey to loans beyond their means.
So what happens to someone who buys a house they cannot pay back? Debts paid off and they get to keep the house? Whereas someone who lived small, within their means get penalized? Or does everyone get one one house regardless of what they own now?
I think a reasonable compromise is to consider loans as simple loans, and use any interest paid against principle and give that much as credit while writing off the debt and thee asset behind that debt. So if I maid 30K interest+principle on a million dollar house, the debt is written off, the house goes to Treasury and you get 30K credit.
I am not sure whats a fair system but Nesara won't cut it.
I paid off my mortgage but I wouldn't resent a jubilee for everyone with debt. In this day and age I just consider myself very lucky to have had a stable income.
...the ' right to issue ' changed ' bloodlines ' in Basel, Switzerland. the control has changed from the Babylonian Satanic Beast to sovereign nation states
I have realized that everyone has been trafficked via their stolen data. The way our likes and dislikes are bought sold and categorized and the way we have been tracked and traced is human trafficking.
With that in mind, I am open to the idea of a payout. The confiscated money will need to go somewhere.
What a great reference to Barnard's NESARA you found... "Draining the Swamp". Nice job! I almost think that Wikipedia has, in past, left things out of their NESARA page bc in all the times I have gone back to Wikipedia, I did not see that.
For the last 2 years I have been following the author of the NESARA book "Revelations of the Red Pill" Dr. Scott Young. He as for years now, so intelligently and with incredible depth, references and evidence, and guests who are smart and serious believers. At those times when I had just given up on the idea, he or his guests will explain a move / counter-move that has just come to fruition behind the scenes and it will just blow my mind and makes it seem real again.
But even so, I have stopped using my credit cards... just in case, of course.
Take care, and again, nice 2+2 = 4.
I truly believe that changing the Rothschild usury system is part of the plan and the Q team has it worked out. I believe that is absolutely necessary if we want to comply with the Constitution.
The best way for us all to "get paid" would be for the criminal media, Gates, Oprah, bribed politicians, Leftist search engines, genocidal Fauci/Pharma, NGO's and all the bastards who've purposefully committed treason against us to give us their assets.
Anyone involved in the intentional destruction of the US should give citizens all their assets.
He published his second edition on January 1, 2005 and he passed away on May 18, 2005 due to heart failure. Totally not whacked, I'm sure.
My belief is that Nesara was the plan when they believed that the fiat financial fraud system was gonna end with bank collapse in 2008.
However, that would have been chaos and caused destruction to millions, so the WHs allowed Obama to print $25T and bail out the banks and used the next 16 years to make it into a controlled demolition, including Trump's crimmes against humanity EOs.
Now that we are at this point, we wont need a NESARA style system, but a much more minimally invasive system.
I am willing to bet that all debts are not going to magically disappear, just predatory ones. You are not going to get free houses or free money. What you will get is a free economic system and a baseline correction, with liquidation of all Cabal assets, so that everyone can lead a decent life with high quality of life.
No more inflation. People can save up easily. No more fiat currency no more petro dollars. Easily accessible treasury debt without middle men.
120 years ago, your loans were put on the national debt and paid off with tariffs. all banking debt has to disappear if we're restoring our republic. banks need to be neutered back to nothing more than paper pushers between the people and the treasury. they shouldnt be for-profit corps.
If we can have a system that offers a fair playing field to everyone who wants to work and succeed, without generational wealth being erased via the stroke of a pen (inflation), and a devolution of endless taxes - I'd be happy with that.
The idea that "we gonna get PAID!!" via nesara - like they're going to take you into a room somewhere (like the DMV) and you're going to walk out a millionaire as a sovereign because your strawman paid in and here's your portion of the national trust or whatever - is absolute phucking phantasy.
Other pedes believe that crap... but fail to understand, if everyone is suddenly a millionaire, it will no longer be "champagne wishes and caviar dreams", because everyone else will also be a millionaire or whatever... BESIDES the fact that 99.9% simply couldn't handle being "suddenly rich" and they would literally kill themselves or die from gluttony and stupidity. That's an absolute fact most aren't mature enough to admit.
Making the system FAIR for productive individuals would be wonderful.
Regarding the whole Nesara topic - I tend to lump that into the same category as any other whacked out fantasy - mostly because when you try to research the subject, you're met with a scribbled mess of matters of spirit, religion and government all mixed up with very little sauce to verify. It runs the gamut - from St Germain and some galactic federation of light workers to green berets forcing B Clinton to sign it into law with guns pointed at him.
Needless to say... it's hard to find GROUNDED information regarding Nesara that you can really believe to be true. It seems there are some factual/credible ideas - but then they frost it with woowoo.
I haven't got too far into it, but so far this author sounds a bit more grounded in his approach to the subject:
Most peoples debt is all from predatory misconduct, fraud and usury. Is your credit card debt, car loan, home loan not based on usury and therefore predatory? Are your medical bills legitimate or they inflated for the greatest profit for those not interested in curing our ills but in treating the symptoms drawing out the predatory profit taking?
Im not sure how you can separate out predatory/nonpredatory debt. Compound interest, fraud and unConstitutional taxation is all predatory and therein lies most of the Peoples debt.
There are many definitions of Usury / predatory debt, but for me what makes most sense is debt given to people with no realistic expectation of being able to pay back. This allows the debt to get compounded and allows the debtor to put pressure and either change the person's actions or take control of their assets.
If you have a credit card that you pay off every month, you never get compounded. There is nothing predatory about it. You use it to buy things and you pay it off.
If you took a loan to buy a house that is well within your reach and are able to pay it off, there is nothing predatory there. You managed to own a house.
A lot of predatory loans comes from people being forced to live beyond means. This is not so much the problem of debt but the problem of attitude and belief systems.
Agreed that the way the Cabal has structured the society is to push people into these attitudes and hence more and more people are becoming prey to loans beyond their means.
So what happens to someone who buys a house they cannot pay back? Debts paid off and they get to keep the house? Whereas someone who lived small, within their means get penalized? Or does everyone get one one house regardless of what they own now?
I think a reasonable compromise is to consider loans as simple loans, and use any interest paid against principle and give that much as credit while writing off the debt and thee asset behind that debt. So if I maid 30K interest+principle on a million dollar house, the debt is written off, the house goes to Treasury and you get 30K credit.
I am not sure whats a fair system but Nesara won't cut it.
I paid off my mortgage but I wouldn't resent a jubilee for everyone with debt. In this day and age I just consider myself very lucky to have had a stable income.
...the ' right to issue ' changed ' bloodlines ' in Basel, Switzerland. the control has changed from the Babylonian Satanic Beast to sovereign nation states
Although NESARA/GESARA is a nice dream, I wouldn't hold my breath.
Ron Paul end the Fed would be part of NESARA and Biden Student loan debt free and Trump lower interest on credit card etc
2 more minutes!
Wise move?
I have realized that everyone has been trafficked via their stolen data. The way our likes and dislikes are bought sold and categorized and the way we have been tracked and traced is human trafficking. With that in mind, I am open to the idea of a payout. The confiscated money will need to go somewhere.
Can't wait
What a great reference to Barnard's NESARA you found... "Draining the Swamp". Nice job! I almost think that Wikipedia has, in past, left things out of their NESARA page bc in all the times I have gone back to Wikipedia, I did not see that.
For the last 2 years I have been following the author of the NESARA book "Revelations of the Red Pill" Dr. Scott Young. He as for years now, so intelligently and with incredible depth, references and evidence, and guests who are smart and serious believers. At those times when I had just given up on the idea, he or his guests will explain a move / counter-move that has just come to fruition behind the scenes and it will just blow my mind and makes it seem real again.
But even so, I have stopped using my credit cards... just in case, of course. Take care, and again, nice 2+2 = 4.
That's not what Q was referring to 🤦♂
I truly believe that changing the Rothschild usury system is part of the plan and the Q team has it worked out. I believe that is absolutely necessary if we want to comply with the Constitution.
The best way for us all to "get paid" would be for the criminal media, Gates, Oprah, bribed politicians, Leftist search engines, genocidal Fauci/Pharma, NGO's and all the bastards who've purposefully committed treason against us to give us their assets.
Anyone involved in the intentional destruction of the US should give citizens all their assets.
People who are all hot for a "national sales tax" are going to start having second thoughts when the next democrat administration raises it to 25%.
med beds wen
The next of never.
ye of little faith