How about he is sentenced to a real job... hard work? Strip him of all power and money. Force him to deal with real life... or choose going to the worst prison they have??
What the hell is it with these Priests having overwhelming desires to molest young boys? Are you born with such proclivities? Or is it a cultivation? Either way, don't you think we should be looking into this and see what is the common spark? Get to the bottom of it? It is obviously a huge problem.
He is not Catholic. This is the Anglucan Church. Unfortunately the studies show a percentage of these evil people in all careers. Teachers, coaches, doctors....
Those clergy members get more publicity. Their actions are evil no matter the career the person has chosen. I assume there is a statistic for the career being chosen based probably for ease of access.
The Anglicans were one of the first Protestant sects to defect from Rome. Observing patterns of criminality in these two old Christian denominations further paints a clear picture; a 5th column exists in both Protestant & Catholic Church. I have heard rumblings that the Greek Orthodox also have an issue with Freemasons in their highest ranks.
The same question remains. How did so many choose such a path? Don't we need to get a grip on this? That grip starts with an abrupt STOP! ... while we figure out how this is coming about. The zenith and common denominators.
Isolate the known predators with a track record. They don't need to roam free. They can't stop themselves obviously. We will have end this for them.
I assumed the Archbishop of Canterbury was a Catholic, but I just read that he is Anglican. I guess the plans include destruction of all Christian Churches. No denominations can claim they are exempt from these issues.
You've hit on a HUGE point. There's a universal effort to denigrate just Catholics, for example Catholic charities is the only face ngo mentioned in relation to helping to illegals, when there are a dozen other groups getting more money to handle more illegals. There are massive amounts of youth ministers and pastors from all other denominations but you only ever hear about Catholics. Seriously, look at the news stories, pastor or youth minister and never the denomination. And that's just the ones they report. Whose churches are the victim of arson, which denomination was the only one to get banned from Walter Reed Hospital... When unity is most needed, they'll continue to split everyone from within to avoid the first church, the original church. Once the deep church is exposed we all need to clean them out together.
Unfortunately, the nature of psychopathy is to seek power over others and to have no empathy. Many psychopaths are high functioning and able to hide their proclivities to evil well by using the influence they gain over time.
Some of the most prevalent psychopath attracting professions are doctors, politicians, judges/lawyers, priests, and most wind up seeking elite levels of office due to their nature.
How are so many men homosexuals and pedophiles? I've read that parasites may be involved. How did so many of them rise to the positions of bishop and cardinal? I do not know. I am a cradle Catholic and this has been an issue for most of my life. I agree that these men need to be stopped, and I think many have been, but reparations for those who were harmed in the past is not happening fast enough.
BINGO, Thanks so much for pointing out this CRITICAL piece of information.
Everyone LOVES to use this awful situation as a weapon to shamelessly bash & shit on ALL of Christianity; on ALL Christians.
These same pieces of shit conveniently fail to mention that 100% of the priests who molest / assault altar boys in the Catholic Church, ARE HOMOSEXUAL, AND PEDOPHILES.........
WRONG. This Arch Bishop is an ANGLICAN.
Both Prots & Catholics have been infiltrated by the same 5th collumn of Pedo Freemasons.
The Catholic Church remains the original Church founded by Jesus & his Apostles; there remains no salvation outside of her & what the Devil wants most is for people to abandon his Church. I remain, despite the damage being inflicted by the 5th collumn.
You can begin with Martin Luther, his ties to Rosecruitian German secret societies. English Queen Elizabeth I (early Protestant defector ) persecution of Catholics & her ties to John Dee & the hermetic Gnostic occultism that blossomed under her reign; for more info, look up Sir Francis Bacon & his Gnostic writings on America’s destiny as being the new Atlantis. Look up the Catholic Church’s ban on Freemasonry going back as far as 1738. The revolutions they fomented beginning with the French Revolution and all subsequent revolutionary wars including the Russian Revolution against the Russian Byzantine Christian monarchy, WWI, WWII.
Masons are the foot soldiers for the synagogue of Satan.
Regarding 2: they don't. Most priests aren't even in a position to be able to. Maybe in the 50's? But not today.
The rates of pedophilia in the church is below that found in teachers and in society as a whole.
The problem is the rate should be zero so whenever a priest commits such a grave sin you hear about it across the globe. In part this is because of the hatred in our media. In contrast, You might not even hear about a teacher if you're in the same school. Protestant abuse might not even hit the local news because it's not seen as being relevant to a more broad area. Overtly false accusations are also very common against church members, especially from mentally ill people.
Interesting factoids from discussion on this earlier on on our only vaguely right-wing media, Talk TV. The UK doesn't actually have a law that compels clergy to whistleblow on abuse, therefore they are not technically breaking the law by keeping it secret.
Very few countries around the world have left that loophole open. Guess which the last one was to close it and put those disclosure laws in place? Saudi Arabia. 😉
Two questions...
How about he is sentenced to a real job... hard work? Strip him of all power and money. Force him to deal with real life... or choose going to the worst prison they have??
What the hell is it with these Priests having overwhelming desires to molest young boys? Are you born with such proclivities? Or is it a cultivation? Either way, don't you think we should be looking into this and see what is the common spark? Get to the bottom of it? It is obviously a huge problem.
Part of the plan to destroy the Catholic Church was to flood the priesthood with homosexuals and pedophiles.
He is not Catholic. This is the Anglucan Church. Unfortunately the studies show a percentage of these evil people in all careers. Teachers, coaches, doctors.... Those clergy members get more publicity. Their actions are evil no matter the career the person has chosen. I assume there is a statistic for the career being chosen based probably for ease of access.
Pedophiles go where the children are. That's why you see so many pedophile teachers, coaches, doctors, and priests.
The Anglicans were one of the first Protestant sects to defect from Rome. Observing patterns of criminality in these two old Christian denominations further paints a clear picture; a 5th column exists in both Protestant & Catholic Church. I have heard rumblings that the Greek Orthodox also have an issue with Freemasons in their highest ranks.
We are all facing the same enemy from within.
The same question remains. How did so many choose such a path? Don't we need to get a grip on this? That grip starts with an abrupt STOP! ... while we figure out how this is coming about. The zenith and common denominators.
Isolate the known predators with a track record. They don't need to roam free. They can't stop themselves obviously. We will have end this for them.
I assumed the Archbishop of Canterbury was a Catholic, but I just read that he is Anglican. I guess the plans include destruction of all Christian Churches. No denominations can claim they are exempt from these issues.
You've hit on a HUGE point. There's a universal effort to denigrate just Catholics, for example Catholic charities is the only face ngo mentioned in relation to helping to illegals, when there are a dozen other groups getting more money to handle more illegals. There are massive amounts of youth ministers and pastors from all other denominations but you only ever hear about Catholics. Seriously, look at the news stories, pastor or youth minister and never the denomination. And that's just the ones they report. Whose churches are the victim of arson, which denomination was the only one to get banned from Walter Reed Hospital... When unity is most needed, they'll continue to split everyone from within to avoid the first church, the original church. Once the deep church is exposed we all need to clean them out together.
Unfortunately, the nature of psychopathy is to seek power over others and to have no empathy. Many psychopaths are high functioning and able to hide their proclivities to evil well by using the influence they gain over time.
Some of the most prevalent psychopath attracting professions are doctors, politicians, judges/lawyers, priests, and most wind up seeking elite levels of office due to their nature.
How are so many men homosexuals and pedophiles? I've read that parasites may be involved. How did so many of them rise to the positions of bishop and cardinal? I do not know. I am a cradle Catholic and this has been an issue for most of my life. I agree that these men need to be stopped, and I think many have been, but reparations for those who were harmed in the past is not happening fast enough.
BINGO, Thanks so much for pointing out this CRITICAL piece of information.
Everyone LOVES to use this awful situation as a weapon to shamelessly bash & shit on ALL of Christianity; on ALL Christians.
These same pieces of shit conveniently fail to mention that 100% of the priests who molest / assault altar boys in the Catholic Church, ARE HOMOSEXUAL, AND PEDOPHILES.........
We need to weaponize THAT against THEM.
WRONG. This Arch Bishop is an ANGLICAN. Both Prots & Catholics have been infiltrated by the same 5th collumn of Pedo Freemasons.
The Catholic Church remains the original Church founded by Jesus & his Apostles; there remains no salvation outside of her & what the Devil wants most is for people to abandon his Church. I remain, despite the damage being inflicted by the 5th collumn.
Eh, IDK about that - I'm not up on church history.
You can begin with Martin Luther, his ties to Rosecruitian German secret societies. English Queen Elizabeth I (early Protestant defector ) persecution of Catholics & her ties to John Dee & the hermetic Gnostic occultism that blossomed under her reign; for more info, look up Sir Francis Bacon & his Gnostic writings on America’s destiny as being the new Atlantis. Look up the Catholic Church’s ban on Freemasonry going back as far as 1738. The revolutions they fomented beginning with the French Revolution and all subsequent revolutionary wars including the Russian Revolution against the Russian Byzantine Christian monarchy, WWI, WWII.
Masons are the foot soldiers for the synagogue of Satan.
Pedos go where the kids are available
Been asking myself this same question (2) lately
It's concerted action to convert youth and then continue to manipulate then into certain positions to propagate.
Regarding 2: they don't. Most priests aren't even in a position to be able to. Maybe in the 50's? But not today.
The rates of pedophilia in the church is below that found in teachers and in society as a whole.
The problem is the rate should be zero so whenever a priest commits such a grave sin you hear about it across the globe. In part this is because of the hatred in our media. In contrast, You might not even hear about a teacher if you're in the same school. Protestant abuse might not even hit the local news because it's not seen as being relevant to a more broad area. Overtly false accusations are also very common against church members, especially from mentally ill people.
*And I'll just bet that some of the cases he covered up involved members of the British Royal Family
Interesting factoids from discussion on this earlier on on our only vaguely right-wing media, Talk TV. The UK doesn't actually have a law that compels clergy to whistleblow on abuse, therefore they are not technically breaking the law by keeping it secret.
Very few countries around the world have left that loophole open. Guess which the last one was to close it and put those disclosure laws in place? Saudi Arabia. 😉