Years ago I paid for everything for my wife’s family to have a week vacation at a resort. The day before they were picking in my youngest— one of the adults. So I asked her if she took her meds. They lost it.. just like the leftist does. They took a vote and voted me out of attending the resort I paid for and then complained about how one of them paid for half the groceries.
Let them scream and yell and all that.
While they were driving to the resort my wife called and canceled it and we went to the other resort in the area.
This is the same thing. Just let them do their thing and stop paying for all their stuff. They will reap what they have sown. In my thing the marine brother in law finally saw the light and divorced his leftist nut case and now she is scrapping by and on drugs and almost homeless.. good I say. We need to stop appeasing these nut jobs.
I imagine them driving to the resort and checking and finding out they owe a lot of money. I am not a push over. I believe in God and I left everything behind for God, albeit what I left was only leading to prison or death on that road. Nonetheless everything I have is what I asked for when I left. Maybe I should have asked for more? Haha
I love hanging with people and I have always wished I fit in better. My roots were with very bad people that all went to prison or died… so I would rather be quiet and just able to hang, but these leftist people use words and everything they can to belittle. I am incapable of kneeling to their junk.
On the flip side I told my other brother who was asking me to go to his church that his church would have kicked me out for not wearing a mask just a short time ago.
When I was young on the cattle ranch in the desert I learned to be ok being a loner, i do wish I had that fit in ability and I don’t understand how they can zero in on me at times….
I am not anything special. I am very thankful to be alive and have what I have because of God. Being bitter is horrible junk. The left is always bitter and some Christian’s are very sheepish I guess?
They went to the resort and I was going to pay for it. I believe what goes around, comes back or it’s better to give than to receive. The wife is who canceled and I was fine with that too.
The brother in laws wife was picking on my youngest and then started yelling at him in front of me. Made my kid jump-he was not used to yelling. I was very calm. We all know she took meds. So I asked very calmly.
My mother was whacked. She was a lot like this one and I have allergic reactions to it. With my mom I would be calm to when she was alive. I would try and get her to think. That’s all I was doing here.
She chose the wrong battle and teams up with my wife’s family and they are very commie. With them I just put them in their place or ignore them. I think this is what woke up my wife’s brother though. He is much happier now and is pretty successful.
The more they threaten his family the more determined he will be to ensure he finishes the job. He is doing this for his family and mine and yours. Rat buzzards threatening a man’s family. The dishonorable CAN NOT be allowed to use this tactic or no one is safe. No way they want open borders for anything but nefarious purposes obviously they don’t care about innocents.
The Left/Commies would not tolerate this from MAGA, I hope these people get what is due to them. Please, President Trump, have your attorney general investigate and charge these idiots--ASAP!
This is not retribution, this is why they don't respect our laws and think they are immune from prosecution. Because NOTHING has been done prior to now.
Praise the Lord! This is personal to me because one of my close friends lost her daughter to Fentanyl that came right over the border. Damn everyone who cracked that border wide open.
Dear Lord, protect this man and his family. He is your warrior! Amen
Amen fren🙏
Years ago I paid for everything for my wife’s family to have a week vacation at a resort. The day before they were picking in my youngest— one of the adults. So I asked her if she took her meds. They lost it.. just like the leftist does. They took a vote and voted me out of attending the resort I paid for and then complained about how one of them paid for half the groceries.
Let them scream and yell and all that.
While they were driving to the resort my wife called and canceled it and we went to the other resort in the area.
This is the same thing. Just let them do their thing and stop paying for all their stuff. They will reap what they have sown. In my thing the marine brother in law finally saw the light and divorced his leftist nut case and now she is scrapping by and on drugs and almost homeless.. good I say. We need to stop appeasing these nut jobs.
I bet to this day, you're still the bad guy in their eyes.
I imagine them driving to the resort and checking and finding out they owe a lot of money. I am not a push over. I believe in God and I left everything behind for God, albeit what I left was only leading to prison or death on that road. Nonetheless everything I have is what I asked for when I left. Maybe I should have asked for more? Haha
I love hanging with people and I have always wished I fit in better. My roots were with very bad people that all went to prison or died… so I would rather be quiet and just able to hang, but these leftist people use words and everything they can to belittle. I am incapable of kneeling to their junk.
On the flip side I told my other brother who was asking me to go to his church that his church would have kicked me out for not wearing a mask just a short time ago.
When I was young on the cattle ranch in the desert I learned to be ok being a loner, i do wish I had that fit in ability and I don’t understand how they can zero in on me at times….
I am not anything special. I am very thankful to be alive and have what I have because of God. Being bitter is horrible junk. The left is always bitter and some Christian’s are very sheepish I guess?
Understand. I am incapable of bowing to anyone's pressure. I'd rather die fighting them.
His wife likes bad boys.
What did the wife's family do after you canceled it? Just drive back home? Good job kek
Who did you ask to take their meds? That would trigger anyone haha
They went to the resort and I was going to pay for it. I believe what goes around, comes back or it’s better to give than to receive. The wife is who canceled and I was fine with that too.
The brother in laws wife was picking on my youngest and then started yelling at him in front of me. Made my kid jump-he was not used to yelling. I was very calm. We all know she took meds. So I asked very calmly.
My mother was whacked. She was a lot like this one and I have allergic reactions to it. With my mom I would be calm to when she was alive. I would try and get her to think. That’s all I was doing here.
She chose the wrong battle and teams up with my wife’s family and they are very commie. With them I just put them in their place or ignore them. I think this is what woke up my wife’s brother though. He is much happier now and is pretty successful.
Kek. She chose.... poorly
God Bless him and protect him and his family.
So Homan has been with us all along, sharing his shower thoughts here. Before shower thoughts were relegated to general chat.
The more they threaten his family the more determined he will be to ensure he finishes the job. He is doing this for his family and mine and yours. Rat buzzards threatening a man’s family. The dishonorable CAN NOT be allowed to use this tactic or no one is safe. No way they want open borders for anything but nefarious purposes obviously they don’t care about innocents.
The Left/Commies would not tolerate this from MAGA, I hope these people get what is due to them. Please, President Trump, have your attorney general investigate and charge these idiots--ASAP! This is not retribution, this is why they don't respect our laws and think they are immune from prosecution. Because NOTHING has been done prior to now.
Luke 12:7 But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Holman has freed up some of God's time with numbering hairs, so that time saved can go to other areas, like protecting him.
God protect this man and his family. Beware of the clown heart attack gun.
Praise the Lord! This is personal to me because one of my close friends lost her daughter to Fentanyl that came right over the border. Damn everyone who cracked that border wide open.
I say the month of March is the first missile strike on a cartel.
Don Jr looks bored to death and wishing he was somewhere else.
Probably in bed. He looks exhausted. He has been a very busy boy of late.