🙏Is this a Christian movement 🙏
Is this a Christian movement. Yes I know there R many that are and even some that don't yet say they are..and we invite them in all the same. So I'm curious how you all see things.
Well, our country was founded on Christian principles.
Seen this? https://x.com/its_The_Dr/status/1856122032863224170
When you say "is this" a Christian movement, does this = The Great Awakening.
IMHO, YES!! thanks be to GOD (spoiler alert: God wins in the end!)
I think the question was about The Awakening but what you said is correct. As a matter of fact the very first commissioned flag of the American Revolution was commissioned under George Washington and was the "An Appeal To Heaven" flag. Sometimes called the Pine Tree flag. It's also the flag that caused such a ruckus amongst the libs because Justice Alito flew it at his beach house.
The phrase comes from John Locke’s 1690 "Second Treatise on Civil Government." For the British philosopher, the concept of an appeal to heaven meant that when people face injustice and have no one on Earth to defend them, they must rely on a higher power and even take up arms in the fight for justice. Locke saw this as the only way to protect people's rights when laws and governments fail.
Image - An Appeal To Heaven
Silly me I could have been a little more specific. Yes "is this" refers to the great awakening
I believe it is. I believe the Great Awakening is God intervening on our behalf because what Satan was about to achieve. We had to wake up or we were dead and his creation bastardized and gone forever.
We have a chance and we better not squander it. We have 4 years to figure out how to keep this going.
This Great Awakening named itself after two of the greatest Christian movements in history, it had better be a Christian movement!
Non-Christians in the movement are welcome because the common causes of liberty unite us. But there can be no Great Awakening without both general morality and Christian revelation. Thank you for the question.
I agree^ and think it's important to study the other Great Awakenings; teachings of Whitfield, Edwards, etc. Lots of helpful 'coincidences'
Someone posted a video here yesterday that accidentally led me to this video
But… I don’t think I buy that. Jesus himself was the “light of the world”. Does that make him “Illuminati”? We were called to be salt and “light”, does that make Christians Illuminati? Clearly not.
Logical thinking is important to Christianity. Understanding that there is evil is important to Christianity. There are evil ones who will proclaim “Jesus is Lord!” while leading people to destruction, and we are seeing that in the church right now. The posts stressed praying. I can’t recall if it was on this board or in the posts, but something involved in this said “get right with God”.
I asked it before, and I’ll likely ask it again, but in the end times, many will come saying “I am the Messiah!” and many, including possibly even the elect, will be deceived, so it bears constant vigilance that we understand “If our Messiah was standing right in front of us, by what means would we know him?”
Are we just waiting for the sky to crack at this point, and that’s our only method, or could we know Him by His character?
To answer the original question, I don’t know, but it doesn’t seem to be set against coming to faith, does seem to encourage faithfulness, does seem to have brought people back to belief, and does encourage learning tools that Christians should know, so my best thought is to keep faith in God rather than men, while also seeking to establish His Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven.
My hope is always just that I don’t end up gnashing my teeth, having been found an unfaithful servant, which is what I imagine to be the “Fear of The Lord” - that Yahusha’s sacrifice is sufficient to cover my wrongs (Matthew 7:21-22).
Also, if we knew that Q could be trusted, we would inevitably put our faith in it, because that’s just what we do… so not be able to be known might just be all part of the plan…. I actually do suspect, and often even think, that there might be some divine help involved in Q, actually, I know that there is divine movement in this time, but I don’t believe that there is divine providence in Q. The differences between “suspect”, “think”, “believe”, and “know” are important, as well as how we come to each of those. They also said that they are not prophets and whatever is being done is being done through “control” somehow.
This has always been a very difficult thing to rationalize and conceive, and I always reserve the right to change any of my positions at any time, because what do I really know? It does seem to be oriented in a godly direction, and the operation did precede the public phase, and does seem to have accomplished many good things.
At the end of the day, the important part is that we love God, and love our neighbor as ourselves.
Amen !!
I had to go back and reread the title, I first read it as This is a Christian movement:)
Which principles specific to Christianity was America founded on?
Here! https://x.com/its_The_Dr/status/1856122032863224170
Thank you, that was spectacular!
Yes, I watched the video. It doesn't mention what principles America was founded upon that is specific to Christianity.
What does it mean to you, when you say we're a Christian nation?
Do you think only Christians should be able to live here? Should Christians get preferential treatment over non-Christians? Should Christians be treated differently, and if so, how?
Every time I see someone say that the US is a Christian nation, I ask them these same questions, yet no one can really answer them.
I'd really like to understand what people believe being a "Christian Nation" means, practically speaking.
I mean, the Bible was open in the middle of the table for purposes of drawing out precepts into the constitution as it was written, and church membership was originally required to be a citizen.
If you want to argue that the people inside the jurisdictions of these United States no longer comprise a predominantly Christian nation, you have a very good case to be made, but it was absolutely founded on Christianity.
What parts of the Bible cause you so much consternation? You didn’t take me up on my offer to explain things before.
And have an unearned updoot, just so you know the downdoot wasn’t mine! 😁
absolutely NOT. This was a primary reason America was founded to begin with! To escape religious persecution from the Catholic church and church of England!
Which brings us to an interesting little thing to note: How can a nation be a Christian nation without being a Christian Nation™ ? 😉