National Debt Discussion, Will We/Trump Pay It Off?
X22 Dave has mentioned this several times, Trump may use BTC to pay off "our" national debt.
He did a show today with Bitcoin Ben where he mentions this also.
My take is, there is no effing way we should be paying off what's been swindled from We The People.
Maybe, just maybe, if there was a complete audit done on every last dollar of the national debt and determined what was actually spent to benefit We The people, then maybe I'd concede to paying it off.
Bitcoin Ben says Trump will do this to save the USD, the only thing needed to save the USD is 86ing the Fed/FRN and bringing back a true USD.
Curious what others thoughts are on this.
Imagine stealing somebody's wallet, blowing all the cash and running up all of the credit cards just to go back to the victim and say "So, how do you plan on paying off your credit cards?".
Ha, We The People should approach our elected officials and pull this wallet scam with them!
I think they will use this crypto to pump and dump from the younger generation, I'm in crypto but I haven't been able to convince anyone older than 30 to get into it over the last 4 years. These young ones only know digital money and they will need to crash this crypto/bank fraud and make them ask for constitutional currency once they get rugpulled. Many think these gains will last but this is all a distraction from buying physical goods/ land, gold and silver.
So no they won't pay off they debt, they will hyperinflate and crash the market up and then start a new system to compete with BRICS and the comodity backed, just look at Debtclock and their new currency they keep showing with multi backing with metals, oil, stocks, realestate, etc. so the old system needs to go down so a new ssytem can be built. The war with the Fed/Jerome has started and he will be blamed when it all goes down for not doing what the president say.
I'm closer to 60 than 30 and I'm holding BTC & XRP.
Most I know into crypto are around 30 and dabble with many of the available coins out there, buying and selling.
It would be nice to make some money of it, I hear Zach Rector talking about shorting BTC but I've yet to find any good info on how to. So in the end I'm fine just hodling for a rainy day. I have been quite pleased with gains on both the past week.
Compete with BRICS, or join. Or BRICS becomes the new standard, I'm curious to see how all this plays out.
What I wouldn't give to bump this movie up to 1.5x! lol
IMO, BRICS is going to have a hard time. I don't think those countries actually coordinate well, and they put fucking Dilma (Marxist/Terrorist/Thief) in charge of launching their currency, so don't hold your breath/have high expectations.
Meanwhile, what I would do to save the USA and the US$:
Drastically Reduce the Size/Expenditures of the Federal Government
Fully Restore the Strategic Oil Reserve
Drill Baby Drill
Initiate a pro-nuclear power effort
Produce a credible independent audit of our gold, and value it at market price
Establish the proposed "Strategic Bitcoin Reserve"
End the Federal Reserve
End the IRS
Tariffs not Income Tax
Back the USD with the oil/gold/bitcoin
Reform how Property Tax is calculated (ideally get rid of it)
If we did these things, the US economy would roar and would outpace every other country for at least a decade, and perhaps the rest of our lifetimes.
But this list is a tall order. We shall see what happens.
Trump v2 will destroy the central banks somehow. Debt goes away.
That's what I'm thinking, destroy the fed and they can STFU about the debt.
US Republic may be contractually obligated to pay the debt. Paying off most while rescinding some of the fraudulent parts prevents assets backing the debt as collateral from being lawfully seized by the bankers. Debt is about future asset seizure, nothing else. A “legal” means of asset theft once the bankers engineer a financial crash.
Long running theory is that the debt will be effectively paid off with the bankers assets, one way or another.
One example is US Treasury creates Bitcoin strategic stockpile and then bankers are “incentivized” to buy Bitcoin, pumping up the valuation with both demand and lack of inflation aspects. Unleashing American natural resources (not owned by bankers) to create energy (for the economy) and to create Bitcoin appears to be the heart of one viable plan. Banker-owned natural resources used for the same purpose ALSO drive up Bitcoin valuation.
Constant creation of energy to create or buy Bitcoin represents a nearly 100% efficient power generation device where energy can be created, stored, then used later with minimal losses. Details of how exactly this might work still being worked out, but the foundation is there.
The debt belongs to the corporation, not to the true sovereign govt of the U.S.A. No payoff needed. The cabal can collect from their own bankrupt corporation, without power to collect from us. Trump cut his business teeth on bankruptcy law. Brutal.
Terms of US Corporation bankruptcy may have been assumption of debt by Republic with modified repayment options.
We likely will see similar arrangements as Corp States (municipal service corps) get put into bankruptcy and sovereign states assume debt repayment obligations to un-encumber sovereign state lands being used as collateral fraudulently. This may be why we are seeing a red state/blue state economic split. Red states are on accelerated path to sovereignty restoration and economic golden age while blue states are getting destroyed over 4 years (without massive citizen pushback) to show the contrast.
I agree on the 'accelerated path to sovereignty restoration,' but for different reasons. I think that states with compromised elections will be federally run until a legitimately elected government can be restored, similar to Southern States under reconstruction. (The real question there is how many, if any, states haven't had illegitimate governments.)
But why would the Republic assume any fraudulent debt at all? The corp may have pledged assets, sure, but not holding real title to those assets, the pledge is also illegitimate.
Obviously speculation, but that's the line I'm hoping for. After all, fraud vitiates everything, right?
Because YOU are the collateral. We have all been collateralized and turned into financial instruments via Social Security number. That is what is backing the debt federally in addition to lands.
Banks had/have contractual right to all of our labor capital as collateral to back debt until it is either cancelled (Jubilee), paid off, or reorganized. Bankers not going to give up their slaves easily, imo.
They won't. But nobody is going to agree to pay them imo.
I hope the doge dept will find all the useless spending, then when we dont have all that excess fat, the debt can easily be paid off. But u bring up a really great point of what is exactly "OUR" debt? Im sure we paid for big mikes hot dog party at the WH.
And the hot dog party is probably one of the "better" things we've paid for...
No clue on what exactly "our" debt is, but pretty damn sure it's only a slim portion.
There will never be a truly balanced budget, without an iron-clad Balanced Budget constitutional amendment, with teeth.
The political class will never, ever agree to tie their own hands.
Constitutional Convention is the only way.
I honestly don't think Trump has any intention of paying off the debt. It was all built with smoke and mirrors so that the Fed could strip the country of it's wealth.
It should go up in smoke that way it came.
One of Trumps Economic advisors is Martin Armstrong of Armstrong Economics Fame. Martin has advised over 75 countries for five decades. He offers one solution as each American will get $1 million dollars in a coupon to invest in the stockmarket. They would intern accrue windfall and have a payout timeframe. This is one of many ideas. The audit was mentioned, an extensive one past and present. Even using modern longer term loans based on new modern tools. Very exciting to hear Martins enthusiasm for the future.
The fed has been printing a lot off the books I bet,it cancels out the real debt...... or most of it.
The national debt is greater than the gross national income. I doubt it is going to be payed off.
Also there’s an international law about government leaders saddling a nation with emense unplayable debt that doesn’t benefit the people.
You just can’t run up the debt and walk away leaving a collapsed nation and wealthy corporations. This 100 years of fraud needs to be handled.
There are two sides to a transaction and the entities/people owning the bonds that make up the 36 Trillion in gov't debt have to agree to accepting BTC. That's just one of the many problems with the plan. What would BTC have to be valued at for this to occur and how much does the gov't own?
DOGE will save a lot of money, but also a lot of jobs will be lost, and rightfully so. But when those incomes disappear along with the tax revenue, it poses a whole new set of issues our society and gov't will have to deal with. At a minimum I could easily see a massive depression that would last decades.
Space. We must transition to a space economy.
nah, they will replace the jobs of the illegals and see what it's like to live. That's justice. Then people who actually love America can get those high paying jobs. almost everyone's lives will get better this way and they will figure out how to get us out of this mess
BTC has a market cap of $2 trillion and the government doesn't even own half. This is not in any timeline a viable means to pay off the debt.