"The corporate media propagandists are now throwing a fit because they have lost all credibility.
If they wanted us to believe them, they shouldn’t have lied about Russian collusion, Covid, Ukraine, and everything in between.
You did this to yourselves." - Clandestine...
What a faggot. Hey, remember the CNN scrolling death counter during the scamdemic? I do! Go jump is a pit of AIDS you loser.
That SoyBoy throwing a Hissy fit is hilarious...We ARE the News Motherf........🙂😆😎
Hissy fit. That's the description i was looking for thanks. Lol
😆 OK, But I'm used to using hissy fit...😉😎
I typo'd. Fat fingers. Sorry.
This is what tyrants look like when they are losing control.
They are all fascists at heart.
That was painful to watch.
It's very clear these people are NOT at peace with themselves.
This tantrum throwing proves they are getting the message. Its a free country, they can pretend to be reporters all they want and we can ignore them as the liars they are.
Here is a thought, "TELL THE FUCKING TRUTH YOU BASTARDS". Have fun being poor now.
Ill decide who ill recognize as media. It's not him or his ilk. They can continue to appeal to their own choir and pretend to influence the non thinking yes men in their own ranks. The rest of us are free of their lies. I'm laughing at his desperate tantrum.
yes they did it to themself and cant wait until it completely implodes
Tell it to Sweeney buddy! NOBODY believes you or your partners in crime. You're fake news and everybody knows it!
We know you people lurk here so go cry. Your reign of terror is done.
it's backwards day every day for them.
The difference in demeanour between our favourite president and these smug millionaire crybaby propagandists could not be more stark.
Nothing like an adult talking down to another adult.
We identify as journalists now. I did see why that bothers them.
Transgenders good, Transjournalists bad.
What's the matter liars, can't handle the truth? I guess they can't handle the truth OR speak the truth.😆🤣
Focusing everything you do 24/7 365 days a year on winning elections for the Democrats and promoting woke ideology doesn't make you a reporter either, wise guy.
Well the nice thing about abusers is that once you get your self-respect back you don't have to listen to them anymore and you don't have to do what they say you can literally just walk the fuck away and then they have no power anymore
Lol they big mad 😂
Hey Joe, No. It doesn’t matter.
doth protest too much
If Epstein had Hollywood and Diddy the music industry, who has the news industry?
They REALLY want to matter.
But, like a crazy lying ex that you don't have ties to anymore: they don't matter.
And they hate it.
See? Like I've been trying to tell you...
It's the phucking
Kyle Clark Denver 9 News…this one’s for you cuck!!
Scarborough seems to be rehearsing for a spot on the cast of SNL, where he will reprise the role of Stuart Smalley.
Take a look to the sky just before you die MSM.