P1: Ruby freeman should be executed.
P2: Executed... for what?
P3: Treason
u/BakasEverywhere: How was it treason? People just keep using that word without understanding what it means. It's basically made it meaningless now.
Bakas brings up a very valid point, and we do throw out accusations of treason quite a bit, so let’s address this and see what all might go into accusations of it.
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
Treason is a unique offense in our constitutional order—the only crime expressly defined by the Constitution, and applying only to Americans who have betrayed the allegiance they are presumed to owe the United States. While the Constitution’s Framers shared the centuries-old view that all citizens owed a duty of loyalty to their home nation, they included the Treason Clause not so much to underscore the seriousness of such a betrayal, but to guard against the historic use of treason prosecutions by repressive governments to silence otherwise legitimate political opposition. Debate surrounding the Clause at the Constitutional Convention thus focused on ways to narrowly define the offense, and to protect against false or flimsy prosecutions.
ArtIII.S3.C1.1 Historical Background on Treason - https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artIII-S3-C1-1/ALDE_00013524/
The Clause was therefore intended to put extend[ing] the crime and punishment of treason beyond Congress’s power. the Framers contemplated a restrictive concept of the crime of treason that would prevent the politically powerful from escalating ordinary partisan disputes into capital charges of treason, as so often had happened in England
What are some cases of this from England that they would have been concerned about?
The severity of Dafydd ap Gruffydd’s punishment was almost certainly influenced by Edward I’s anger against the Welsh prince, who had rebelled against him, and each form of his execution was linked to specific crimes. For betraying the king he was to be drawn at the horse’s tail to the place of execution. For killing certain English noblemen, he was to be hanged alive
Payments recorded for the execution of William Wallace, which record him claiming to be ‘King of Scotland’.
They fail to mention very prominently that Dafydd was apparently the Prince of Wales, or that both these “rebellions” were from provinces trying to break free and run themselves independently, and during the same time period, if not overlapping. Interesting.
The symbolism of a treason execution could also take more unusual forms. The execution of Sir John Oldcastle in 1417 linked two separate forms of execution in symbolic fashion once again. Oldcastle was a lollard, a religious reform movement which spread in the early 15th century , and which was the subject of regular crackdowns by the Lancastrian regime. As a religious movement, the lollard movement was faced by charges of both heresy and treason.
We see here the impetus for “Congress shall make no law regarding an establishment of religion”, as attempting to leave the Anglican Church, of whom the king was also the pope, was both heresy and treason, by law, thus we do not establish an official state church (let’s leave any further delving on this subject out of this topic, as it is a different rabbit hole).
Then we start to fall into what definitely would have been sought to be protected against.
Thomas Kerver, a gentleman from Reading in Berkshire, was charged with uttering treasonous words against Henry VI in the precinct of Reading Abbey in 1444, stating that it the realm would have been £100,000 wealthier had the king died twenty years earlier when he was young.
Edward Coke decides in R v Owen that mere speech about the monarch could be treason if it "disabled his title" in departure from his earlier statement "it is commonly said that bare words may make a heretick, but not a traytor without an overt act"
Thus we start to see some of the issues that were desired to be avoided, as English treason was absolutely in conflict with free speech by free men.
Thus, the Framers adopted two of the three formulations and the phraseology of the English Statute of Treason enacted in 1350 but they conspicuously omitted the phrase defining as treason the compass[ing] or imagin[ing] the death of our lord the King,4 under which most of the English law of constructive treason had been developed.5 Beyond limiting Congress’s power to define treason,6 the Clause also limits Congress’s ability to make proof of the offense of treason easy to establish7 and to define the punishment for treason.8
So who does make proof of the offense of treason and establish its punishment?
Ex Parte Bollman case https://caselaw.findlaw.com/court/us-supreme-court/8/75.html
Are the accusations of it from citizens? Military? I haven’t seen it yet. We may have to read cases to see this, as it’s probably not a thing [they] would want us to know about.
ArtIII.S3.C1.2 Levying War as Treason - https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artIII-S3-C1-2/ALDE_00013525/
Beginning with the reign of Edward I the Crown asserted its authority to recognize rebellions ("levying war") as treasonous.
By English law, American independence and “self governance” (if that ever actually truly happened) was absolutely an act of treason, and the quote of “either we hang together, or we shall assuredly hang separately” was meant very literally, as proven by the same attempted acts from Wales and Scotland.
"Levying war" refers to assembling for a purpose "treasonable in itself." It requires actions against the United States and not just a conspiracy against the nation.
This is an interesting distinction. What would the difference be?
ArtIII.S3.C1.3 Trial of Aaron Burr - I’ll skip this one. If someone else wants to dive in, feel free.
Early judicial interpretation of the Treason Clause and the term levying war arose in the context of the partisan struggles of the early nineteenth century and the treason trials of Aaron Burr and his associates. In Ex parte Bollman,1 which involved two of Burr’s confederates, Chief Justice John Marshall, speaking for himself and three other Justices, confined the meaning of levying war to the actual waging of war.
ArtIII.S3.C1.4 Aid and Comfort to the Enemy as Treason
To convict someone of the crime of treason for giving aid or comfort to an enemy, the government must prove two elements: 1. Adherence or loyalty to an enemy of the United States, and 2. Providing aid or comfort to the enemy. The Supreme Court has noted, treason cannot exist if either element is missing.
For example, a U.S. citizen may favor or harbor sympathies for an enemy or hold beliefs that are disloyal to the United States. However, so long as they don't act on those by giving aid or comfort to the enemy, they have not committed treason.
Similarly, a U.S. citizen can take actions that, in fact, aid or comfort the enemy. However, as long as there is no adherence or loyalty to the enemy (i.e., no intent to betray the United States), there is no treason.
An enemy of the United States is a person, partnership, or other group of individuals who live within the territory of any nation the United States is at war with. It also includes governments of any nation with whom the United States is at war.
Another way to think about whether someone is an enemy or not is if their loyalties lie with a country other than the United States, in combination with their actions against the United States.
Other cases of treason
Some other interesting finds:
Until the late 19th century, Britain - like various other countries - held to a doctrine of "perpetual allegiance to the sovereign", dating back to feudal times, under which British subjects, owing loyalty to the British monarch, remained such even if they emigrated to another country and took its citizenship.
Hi, California.
After Napoleon fell from power for the first time, Marshal Michel Ney swore allegiance to the restored King Louis XVIII, but when the Emperor escaped from Elba, Ney resumed his Napoleonic allegiance, and commanded the French troops at the Battle of Waterloo. After Napoleon was defeated, dethroned, and exiled for the second time in the summer of 1815, Ney was arrested and tried for treason by the Chamber of Peers. In order to save Ney's life, his lawyer André Dupin argued that as Ney's hometown of Sarrelouis had been annexed by Prussia according to the Treaty of Paris of 1815, Ney was now a Prussian, no longer owing allegiance to the King of France and therefore not liable for treason in a French court. Ney ruined his lawyer's effort by interrupting him and stating: "Je suis Français et je resterai Français!" (I am French and I will remain French!).[11] Having refused that defence, Ney was duly found guilty of treason and executed.
This one is THE most important consideration in defining treason:
In other words, the ruling class used the crime of treason to eliminate their political dissidents.
We cannot do that, and should avoid being seen as doing that. “Optics matter.”
To the original case, Ruby is clearly involved in criminality, but treason would be reserved for someone higher up the chain, who is knowingly loyal to another nation and acting to usurp total control of the government and overthrow the constitution.
All that and more in one word, one relatively tiny clause of “treason”. Someone has most definitely committed it right now, but we will have to be discerning about who we accuse of it, why, how, and in which jurisdictions.
Good post, this needs to be examined.
Election fraud is a crime.
Participating in a criminal conspiracy to commit a coup against a duly-elected President is treason. That means everyone from Ruby Freeman to Soros and Obama.
I think OP was trying to make the point that the election fraud ISNT treason
ALSO, this means EVERYONE IN-BETWEEN...they are all are TREASONOUS people under the color of law...
Also, this will more than likely be heard in a MILITARY COURT ROOM due to the SEVERITY of the crimes committed against the USA...hence the following url that explains in DETAIL WHAT treasonous act....
The reason for Military Courts is due to the SEVERITY of the CRIME...
Collaborating with (i.e. Giving Aid and Comfort To) an enemy attempting to overthrow the US government is absolutely treason.
The very act of attempting to overthrow the legitimate government of the USA is an implicit act of war. It doesn't matter if anyone has explicitly stated we are war with the globalists, which consists not only of China but several other foreign entities. And a foreign entity does not have to be a nation state.
If anyone came in, tanks rolling, and seized control of the government before Congress had a chance to declare war, then a bunch of Congressmen and Senators took up arms and helped them, are you honestly going to say we aren't at war so that isn't treason? Only the means of warfare separates these 2 scenarios.
Ruby intentionally and knowingly tried to abrogate the Constitution in cooperation with a foreign power. She committed treason. No if's, and's or but's.
Who told you we are not at war with China? That's news to me.
Not all wars involve bombs and bullets, but most involve "shots" of some kind.
I do seem to recall that President Trump referred to himself as a War Time President. Remember that?
If the global virus known as Sars-2 Covid 19 was a bioweapon released by the Bioweapons Lab in Wuhan, China, then that was absolutely an Act of War. If the "Vaxxines" were created to inject gene altering mRNA to alter human DNA and dangerous adjuncts were included, and the result was the global maiming, injuring, and killing of innocent people who were not given written accurate consent of the dangers of the "vaxxines", then those were Acts of War, too. in my opinion.
Was the Plandemic used to sway the 2020 election? How many fake mail-in ballots poured in due to this fake pandemic?
Most of this discussion on "treason" is relating to the U.S. Constitution. We can analyze all angles on that perspective.
I would like to interject the Law of War Manual into this discussion for additional consideration.
Section XI Military Occupation is important to note.
11.3.1 End of Occupation.
In the Law of War Manual, there is a term "War Treason."
4.17.3 Saboteurs and Other Persons Engaging in Secretive, Hostile Acts Behind Enemy Lines. Punitive Detention in Non-International Armed Conflict.
17.18.4 Liability of Private Individuals for Supporting Non-State Armed Groups.
The State that is threatened by such activities may prosecute such individuals for treason or other offenses against the State. States in which such conduct occurs may seek to prosecute such conduct for a variety of reasons, including its duties under international law to refrain from materially supporting hostilities against another State, and to repress terrorism or piracy.
Executive Order 13848 may also play a role in this discussion.
u/#mikerekt u/#mikeyep
Wouldn't election fraud be overthrowing a duly elected government? I mean if you and others willingly and premeditated to us fraudulent ballots and ran ballots through the voting machines numerous times to change the results of an honest election, shouldn't that be considered treason?
Manipulating A municipal election for money would be criminal in many ways, but would not qualify as aiding foreign enemies to overthrow the nation, so it would not be treason.
On the other hand, if they manipulated an election knowing that it was done at the behest of a foreign government that wants to destroy the nation, it would be treasonous.
And what is the Deep State? Just my little ole opinion!
That’s kinda where this thread comes in. I’ve tried to present the issues that were at play in the 1700’s, links to significant court cases, historical issues from the legal framework we came out of, and the constitutional definition we are working from.
We know that we did not prosecute royalists for treason following the revolutionary war. We can also see where we might need to amend the definition for what we are dealing with now, except that we were also fighting the Prussians in the revolutionary war! Same enemy, different tactics, so do we change the application?
We should be open to considering it but we should also need a very good argument for it.
Yes, overthrow of government is under rebellion/insurrection which is listed as a separate crime. And reading statute seems distinction made between levying war against US the nation (on behalf of foreign power) vs US the Fed government ie first is treason while second is rebellion. But I’m not a lawyer so 🤷♂️
Are people really denying israel and chinas influence in overthrowing our elections? What about the media under soros? We know better.
The Selections have been rigged for decades now. It’s prowrestling by uniparty. Yes and lots of foreign participants as well.
I based that statement, for Ruby specifically, off the Supreme Court ruling that:
You’d have a hard time convincing me that these 65 IQ rubes have any comprehension that they are allied with anything other than an American political party and/or accepting bribes to do shady stuff, or fighting the racists, or whatever sort of other ill-considered guidance they swallowed or conceived.
I’m absolutely down with very stiff punishments for them - the cost of which will all be borne by us, so it needs to be both deserved and worth it - but I don’t see them, specifically as having committed “treason”, and I’ve grunted it myself after quite a few issues we’ve seen.
By contrast, John McCain absolutely did commit treason, which is why I gleefully repost this meme every chance I get
Many others surely did as well. This post is about a more formal evaluation of the issue in accordance with precedent, the constitution, and wise foreward-looking action, than emotional reaction to things that are clearly against our constitution, sovereignty, and righteousness. It doesn’t mean I’m right, just that I’m trying to take more into consideration, and present more context for us to be aware of.
I.e. this post is less about the two specific instances that brought it up than the wider issues we will be confronted with, including much more severe cases, affronts that will impact more than even just our own country, and how we can start to think about them.
In all likelihood, a lot of the people who did commit treason, developed a sudden affinity for spraining their ankles and needing walking boots to get around in public. cough cough. “Oh hi, Katie Hobgoblin!”
Especially if foreign nations are involved in the process.
Devil's advocate - wouldn't overthrowing the crown by the revolutionaries also be considered as such?
It was considered treason by the crown
Many of the founders were killed, their families killed, homes burned or taken, and many other horrendous outcomes.
They were all in knowing well that they were traitors in the eye of the crown.
Keke! Yeah, I think the Crown thought so too!
It was treason against the brits. Many paid an price for it too.
Thank you. Been saying this for years whenever people would toss around the charge willy nilly just cause they’re mad about SOME crime. Got tired of the ignorant backlash though and eventually dropped it.
The dems are constantly accusing Trump of treason for nonsensical things. It’s gotten to the point of “everything I don’t like is treason.”
Plenty of laws and penalties in place for all that other stuff guys, in some cases even the death penalty. Don’t need to call everyone who disagrees with your take on the Constitution a traitor. Makes the word less meaningful.
Just like fascist or racist are pretty much meaningless now. When I read a story about some racist thing that happened, I'm now generally surprised when it actually has to do with real racism. People use these words, because they already have such negative connotations associated with them. But that erodes the more they are improperly used.
The word is overused here, tossed around like cheap hyperbole.
But even Ruby can be guilty of treason, if her actions were done knowing that she was helping a foreign enemy to overthrow the nation. Knowingly: that's the key.
Responded to the “knowingly” part on photobuf’s comment, but yes, agreed.
I agree that the pawns are not the target.
She helped enable the subversion of the will of the people, so enabling treason by those who did the planning.
Life in jail (50 years, no parole), with 2 years deducted for every successful lead that results in an arrest on provable charges.
10 years deducted for producing evidence that will help in the trial of the ring leaders.
Hit them hard, then allow them a partial exit. What she and others did is unforgivable, remember that people died and the whole world suffered in some form (except the parasite civil servants and their welfare puppets).
I think the word Sedittion is the word that should be used. Like this: the "Sedition Act" was one of the several laws that constituted the "Alien and Sedition Acts" of 1798, which essentially allowed the government to restrict immigration and criminalize criticism of the government, primarily targeting political opponents of the Federalist party at the time. Sedition is overt conduct, such as speech or organization, that tends toward rebellion against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent toward, or insurrection against, established authority.
Sedition would definitely be a more appropriate charge for say, communist community agitators/organizers who don’t understand their foreign alignments, and whose actions directly resulted in significant damages.
There’s also malfeasance, failure to enforce the law, dereliction of duty, fraud, and several other crimes.
“Fraud with unknowing participation in overthrowing the constitution” might be a good charge in this specific case, but I’m no lawyer.
"who is knowingly loyal to another nation and acting to usurp total control of the government and overthrow the constitution."
So, this means the attempt to replace our republic with communist socialism is treason. What exactly have the democrats been up to the last 50 years or so?
All true but Ruby and her daughter do NOT deserve to have Mayor Rudy's NYC apartment, his car and his baseball card collection
This thread is about what “treason” is, not specifically about the injustices being committed. Some room for alternative criminal charges is sensible.
FROM https://thelawdictionary.org/treason/:
Treason Definition and Citations:
The offense of attempting to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance; or of betraying the state into the hands of a foreign power. Webster. In England, treason is an offense particularly directed against the person of the sovereign, and consists (1) in compassing or imagining the death of the king or queen, or their eldest son and heir; (2) in violating the king’s companion, or the king’s eldest daughter unmarried, or the wife of the king’s eldest son and heir; (3) in levying war against the king in his realm; (4) in adhering to the king’s enemies in his realm, giving to them aid and comfort in the realm or elsewhere, and (5) slaying the chancellor, treasurer, or the king’s justices of the oue bench or the other, justices in Eyre, or justices of assize, and all other justices assigned to hear and determine, being in their places doing their offices. 4 Steph. Comm. 1S5-103; 4 Bl. Comm. 76-84. “Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.” U. S. Const, art 3, Previous Definition:
Yes I see term treason tossed around when they mean rebellion/insurrection or sedition, or subversive activity. Which are separate crimes with different penalties.
Guess it depends on WHO was behind her election shananigans. Foreign country or actor for foreign country makes it treason in my eyes
I'm still getting over how someone is named "Dafydd ap Gruffydd." Sounds like something Biden would say.
They could just say David the Strong King, but gotta aydd thyyim ayksstrya cwnsynnannttyfs afndd vwwyllfss.
Say that three times fast.
Of course Ruby freeman and her delinquent daughter shouldn't be executed for treason that is insane to even suggest that.
Fined and some prison time for election fraud sure but treason no.
We have to remember this was the entire point of the CIA/mockingbird campaign against Trump in 4 years they needed the normies to hate him and they succeeded quite well.
Ruby freeman and her daughter is just as much victims as everyone else on this planet. Personally i believe the personal on the bottom in the democratic mafia cartel who participated in the massive election fraud of 2020 should be given leniency under law.
I remember her quite well in 2020 when we all saw videos and pictures of her and I remember telling myself that her forefathers are looking down in disgust, since her last name was literally a name former slaves took after the US civil war.
What she and her daughter did is of course a serious offense but compared to so many others her crime was actually not that significant. Go after her boss and the higher ups harshly but the low brainwashed morons at the bottom who committed election fraud for 100$ an hour should really have leniency in my opinion.
It really is sad that someone whose ancestors joyously took the name “Free man” would delusionally participate in trying to recreate the slave system..
That is sad.
Pretty much covers most of the folks we think committed treason.
This. A must read.
How about Congressmen with dual citizenship?
Tbf that one is kindof on us, given we “elected” them with that status (as if we actually elect people).
What specific overt action could be brought against anyone to satisfy, “ No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court”?