This is the same man who seized the checking accounts of truckers, for daring to oppose his COVID declarations, who made standing along the side of a street to cheer illegal and punishable.
My bank account was doxed, and the Salt Lake Tribune contacted me to discuss why I gave my money to the truckers in Canada.
That's the level of degenerate we are dealing with.
The Uranium 1 deal, where Obama / HRC were selling uranium to Russia, prepping WW3, future nuclear war. All that uranium passed through Canada.
Canada was part of Five Eyes, along with the UK, Australia and NZ.
The UK assisted HRC with the dossier / Russia / impeachment scandal.
NZ was going to be the retreat for the elite when the nuclear war started between Russia and the USA. This is why the PM Jacinda Arden disarmed her citizens.
All or the Five Eye countries were colluding with Klause Schwab of the WEF. All of the 5 Eye leaders were in Klause's Young Global Leader program.
Planning and/or assisting with the preparation of a nuclear world war that destroys the USA and Russia should come with consequences.
I want to know if this was discussed at the Trump /Trudeau meeting.
It had to be done this way! Destroying the deep state's multi-generational narrative, while protecting normies sanity, can only be achieved slowly but surely! Peace is the prize! Good people were deceived for centuries to believe the people in power were working to make their lives better! Trudeau's treachery will be revealed in due time! We that know, walked through the darkness, in advance for a specific reason. We are tasked to be the guides for when the normies begin to awake!
I agree. Trudeau is a monster even worse than his father Fidel but it's not Trump's role to accuse him. That's up to the Canadian people, at some point. Meanwhile Trump plays his cards as he does (& I'm sure he has all of these points in mind)
Fidel is banking on more dossiers, special councils, RINO led impeachments, efbeeI/seeIa hostility, & Trump for only 4 years. Then it is back to biz as usual since no one will ever stand up to them again for generations
This is the same man who seized the checking accounts of truckers, for daring to oppose his COVID declarations, who made standing along the side of a street to cheer illegal and punishable.
My bank account was doxed, and the Salt Lake Tribune contacted me to discuss why I gave my money to the truckers in Canada.
That's the level of degenerate we are dealing with.
Wow .... $1.25/gallon taxes on fuel - That will decimate the trucking industry.
We depend on semi's to deliver everything that makes civilization run. Sheer idiocy.
Castro's boy is a liar. Trump knows this.
What's going on with the Arctic?
geopolitically semi-disputed
Does he have a choice? Trump will have him boxed in six ways to Sunday.
The Uranium 1 deal, where Obama / HRC were selling uranium to Russia, prepping WW3, future nuclear war. All that uranium passed through Canada.
Canada was part of Five Eyes, along with the UK, Australia and NZ.
The UK assisted HRC with the dossier / Russia / impeachment scandal.
NZ was going to be the retreat for the elite when the nuclear war started between Russia and the USA. This is why the PM Jacinda Arden disarmed her citizens.
All or the Five Eye countries were colluding with Klause Schwab of the WEF. All of the 5 Eye leaders were in Klause's Young Global Leader program.
Planning and/or assisting with the preparation of a nuclear world war that destroys the USA and Russia should come with consequences.
I want to know if this was discussed at the Trump /Trudeau meeting.
Mr. Trump! Don't trust Trudeau! Trudeau is asshoe!
Trump should join other world leaders in calling Trudeau what he is, a dictator that's despised by his people.
Maybe one of the fastest ways to remove a Deep State asset... is to make a deal with Trudeau so that he is now working against them.
Not everything has to be a fight. Trudeau may be a tool... but he can be Trump's tool.
Is there an anagram in there with the caps?
Topics such as the Arctic you say. Interesting!
It had to be done this way! Destroying the deep state's multi-generational narrative, while protecting normies sanity, can only be achieved slowly but surely! Peace is the prize! Good people were deceived for centuries to believe the people in power were working to make their lives better! Trudeau's treachery will be revealed in due time! We that know, walked through the darkness, in advance for a specific reason. We are tasked to be the guides for when the normies begin to awake!
I agree. Trudeau is a monster even worse than his father Fidel but it's not Trump's role to accuse him. That's up to the Canadian people, at some point. Meanwhile Trump plays his cards as he does (& I'm sure he has all of these points in mind)
Don't trust that canadian prick
"...and before."
Fidel is banking on more dossiers, special councils, RINO led impeachments, efbeeI/seeIa hostility, & Trump for only 4 years. Then it is back to biz as usual since no one will ever stand up to them again for generations
He will just make canadians lives more intolerable, in return. We canucks cannot fathom having this fucking sleezeball damage our country even more.
There's that A word again. It would be nice to get to the bottom of it and why it is soooooo important.
There must be some comms in there, with the odd capitalizations. Did anyone already decipher it??