These people still believe we have a Democracy, they don't believe in or use the word Republic-ever. The clips were great-they (the Dems/Commies) know they will be destroyed. Thanks conservativeamerica!
Clips were telling. Wow. Gaslighting will only stop when people are charged, punished with jail or execution based upon the severity of their crimes. MSM must be dismantled.
Someone tell me where was the hue and cry by Republicans over Biden’s picks of unqualified, dangerous, and some DEI inclusions that were dangerous to our government functioning. Instead with Biden we got a bunch of liars, trans individuals and political appointees who targeted Christians, white men, Trump supporters, and U.S. citizens in favor of DEI picks, illegal moochers, traffickers. The drug pushing, human trafficking, education programming, undermining of parental rights and pushing of transgenderism escalated. The military was wreaked to unbelievable levels by individuals who obviously want to destroy the U.S.
Just hold up a complete (didn't earn it) pick. Supreme Court Justice. Sotomayor, this woman is so dumb on the law everytime she opens her mouth she reveals how dumb she it. Just a DS puppet who uses her liberal law clerks to tell her her position. She's just so dumb, they can't hide her stupidity. BTW, retarded, and gay. I used both politically correct phrases to describe the left.
One of the clips compares Patel in the FBI to a fox in the hen house. Hey, the foxes are already in the hen house and have been for a long time. Kash will be putting a wolverine in there to clear out the foxes.
These people still believe we have a Democracy, they don't believe in or use the word Republic-ever. The clips were great-they (the Dems/Commies) know they will be destroyed. Thanks conservativeamerica!
Clips were telling. Wow. Gaslighting will only stop when people are charged, punished with jail or execution based upon the severity of their crimes. MSM must be dismantled.
We learn a lot about their criminal intent from their accusations of anyone who opposes them.
“Kash Patel as FBI Director would be like if you crossed Alex Jones with J. Edgar Hoover”🤣
Minus the cross-dressing....
I forgot about that.... made me laugh.
MAGA cheering on a brown person. What absolute racists they are. Where are the calls for "stunning and brave" from the MSM?
and what about those misogynists for selecting a woman for AG?
They only like Negros when they stay on the (D) plantation.
Make DEI great again 🤣 Just kidding
Someone tell me where was the hue and cry by Republicans over Biden’s picks of unqualified, dangerous, and some DEI inclusions that were dangerous to our government functioning. Instead with Biden we got a bunch of liars, trans individuals and political appointees who targeted Christians, white men, Trump supporters, and U.S. citizens in favor of DEI picks, illegal moochers, traffickers. The drug pushing, human trafficking, education programming, undermining of parental rights and pushing of transgenderism escalated. The military was wreaked to unbelievable levels by individuals who obviously want to destroy the U.S.
This was just so sugary delicious that I think my cholesterol levels went up!
Just hold up a complete (didn't earn it) pick. Supreme Court Justice. Sotomayor, this woman is so dumb on the law everytime she opens her mouth she reveals how dumb she it. Just a DS puppet who uses her liberal law clerks to tell her her position. She's just so dumb, they can't hide her stupidity. BTW, retarded, and gay. I used both politically correct phrases to describe the left.
We are going AFTER THEM!!!! Which is why the Left is screeching. We are going to topple the Deep State monster and bring down the entire machine.
Hulk Hogan: “What’s that smell??? Did you pee in your pants???”
One of the clips compares Patel in the FBI to a fox in the hen house. Hey, the foxes are already in the hen house and have been for a long time. Kash will be putting a wolverine in there to clear out the foxes.
They go on TV and say these picks are dangerous, but without a valid reason.
What they REALLY are saying is "Declass is going to occur and we are scared of being prosecuted by people because Kash and Pam Bondi aren't corrupt."
MXNBC will be covering all the journalist being charged with sedition> What a wonderful future! Keke