"Safety'? Where is this safety and safety from what? WHO is supplying this safety? 'They' promised 'safety' with gun control and the result is Chicago+gun control=762 Murders every year. NY City HAS gun control and the criminals are shooting CEOs in the streets.
I worked Adult Protective Services/Elder Abuse for years. I remember telling people (Karens) DAILY that older Americans had the right to choose freedom over safety unless a judge deemed them incompetent- that they did not have to behave or live to anyone else's standards. Boy, how things have changed.
"Security [safety] without liberty [freedom] is called prison."
-Benjamin Franklin
Bitch, they want to KILL US!
"those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety"
If you want total security, go to prison. There you're fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking... is freedom.
Life without freedom is NOT safe.
if they don't want to own a gun, then don't buy one. but don't tell me or anyone else that wants one that we can't have one or two or.............
guns ensure us of safety and our freedom.
Remember how we gained independence from England by being safe?
This argument of hers is how Palpatine got into power.
Freedom isn’t safe. But, neither is being a slave.
We are born free! Fear makes us negotiate that freedom away!
"Safety'? Where is this safety and safety from what? WHO is supplying this safety? 'They' promised 'safety' with gun control and the result is Chicago+gun control=762 Murders every year. NY City HAS gun control and the criminals are shooting CEOs in the streets.
I worked Adult Protective Services/Elder Abuse for years. I remember telling people (Karens) DAILY that older Americans had the right to choose freedom over safety unless a judge deemed them incompetent- that they did not have to behave or live to anyone else's standards. Boy, how things have changed.
No freedom no safety.
Absolutely, but don't except a woman to understand.
"Absolutely, but don't expectt a
womanfeminist to understand."