Next up: "Formerly toxic white dudes for Kamala join the Masons."
Already accustomed to performing oddly humiliating rituals, White Dudes for Kamala feel they'll fit right in with the ridiculous cult antics of the Masons.
"We're a shoe-in, for sure!" said one guy nonchalantly. "We have gotten so much better at play-acting. I feel like the Masons should get, like, Emmy's or something."
Considering how often they're on the news immediately following false flags, we here at NewsNow agree!
I already lead with courage, presence, and unshakeable depth. But I'm also a dominant Alpha male who will stomp a mud hole in someone's ass and then walk it dry if I or my family is disrespected or threatened. And I learned how to lead by joining the Navy and doing things these weak assed males could only dream about. Hell, some of the stuff I did in the Navy and afterwards would make these Beta Cucks puke, shit themselves, and faint. And probably not in that order, either.
A place made up of "men" like that is called "a conquered nation".
Weak men make for hard times...
Misandrist bullshit.
Did they all get a free dick to suck afterwards?
Not just no, but hell no!
What can men do against such reckless faggotry?
Fags. Be a fucking man. Suck it up. Grab a rifle. Go kill dinner or take it out in the ring. No need to cry. We all have trauma.
So... let me see if I've got this right...
You just donkey punch a bunch of dudes in their yambag until they cry ...
And then hug it out?
They making money on this shit or what?
Aunt Trepanuer enters the chat
Yeah, this gives me some ideas, too.
So gay
Imagine showing this to a great grandfather who stormed Normandy.
To quote a classic "bunch of slack jawed faggots"
Honestly, I'm embarrassed for them.
Bwahahahahahaha! OMG, I about pissed myself.
How pathetic.
These people are retarded!
I can’t be the only one who laughed at this! Amirite???
I did as I was trying to say what in the actual hell
Next up: "Formerly toxic white dudes for Kamala join the Masons."
Already accustomed to performing oddly humiliating rituals, White Dudes for Kamala feel they'll fit right in with the ridiculous cult antics of the Masons.
"We're a shoe-in, for sure!" said one guy nonchalantly. "We have gotten so much better at play-acting. I feel like the Masons should get, like, Emmy's or something."
Considering how often they're on the news immediately following false flags, we here at NewsNow agree!
Most of the Masons I know wouldn't allow a cuck faggot like these guys into the Lodge.
Crying??? The lib women flip out session in the forest didn’t even have crying.
The war on masculinity continues.
I already lead with courage, presence, and unshakeable depth. But I'm also a dominant Alpha male who will stomp a mud hole in someone's ass and then walk it dry if I or my family is disrespected or threatened. And I learned how to lead by joining the Navy and doing things these weak assed males could only dream about. Hell, some of the stuff I did in the Navy and afterwards would make these Beta Cucks puke, shit themselves, and faint. And probably not in that order, either.
Male Karens feeling the need to express their inner menstrual cycle? These dopes need to get a life.
Will I be asked to leave when my jerk reaction is to smack a girly man? Back to planet earth? What are you crying for? Feeling guilty about something?
Or is this an expected part of the program? Getting smacked around.