The Criminal Coverup of Michael Byrd, the man who assassinated Ashli Babbit. An Article by The Blaze with a Great Synopsis by Charlie Kirk. Why was this defective human employed by Nancy Pelosi? Was he there to do her dirty little business whenever she needed it? You decide.
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Michael Byrd agreed to be PATSY for the staged crisis actor Psy-Op.
Agree. Too many inconsistencies in the whole act. I saw it livestreamed by JaydenX (I think) who conveniently happened to be at the front of the charge. The bloodspatter (or lack thereof) analysis. No one flinched or ran. LEO didn't render aid. EMS mishandled her all the way down the steps of the Capitol without a cervical collar. Etc. Not to mention she was not carrying a weapon and Byrd had time and distance to take a cleaner shot.
First USCP is the laughing stock of law enforcement in the DMV. They are lower than MPD and that's hard to do.
I believe that Byrd had some good dirt on someone very high up. Like he caught Lindsey in a back room with a page back in the day and got photos on film, LOL. Seriously I dunno. Maybe he got something good on Pelosi. Or the SGT at arms. Or a copy of the sexual assault slush fund payouts. The possibilities are endless.
JaydenX (John Sullivan) was there to film the KILL SHOT.
And JaydenX is the son of an Air Force Colonel (I think) who was in South Dakota when the nuclear triggers or whatever they were went missing. (Bit fuzzy on the details but I think I got it right and please correct me if Im wrong, 4 years is a long time to remember shit when ya get to my age)
Yes fren, your memory serves you well. Triggers did come up missing that were discovered on Tawain? Coincidently, during the same timeline, a B-61 bomb was "inadvertently" uploaded to a B-52 Bomber bound to an Airbase in Louisiana, which happened to be located next to the Mississippi River. Upon the aircrafts arrival, and Air Force weapon tech was supposed to download the payload and deliver to a DRMO for disposal. The tech realized what was there and it was promptly reported. Many people lost their jobs over that debacle. Now what's the significance of this you might wonder? Look at the maritime trafficking on the Miss. River... how many foreign vessels traverse this waterway? How easy was it to get this item onto one IF the item is designated as scrap???? It's bad enough BonerBill Clinton allowed the blueprints of a B-61 to fall into the hands of the CCP, but think about a B-61 in the hands of a Terrorist Organization somewhere in Dhurka dhurka Mohammed jihadland with triggers in Tawain making their way to them??? Not good.
I remember that as well. I tried asking ChatGPT to bring the story back and it shut me down and locked me out. Getting old sucks - mid 50s.
It will be hilarious when he’s found guilty for murder & then tries to explain to everybody that it was just a prank and she’s still alive.
Wasn't that the theory on Chauvin and Saint George Floyd? Isn't Chauvin still doing time?
He only shot her if he was using JFK bullets
Well, for over a million dollars forgiven in IRS debt, some might do some questionable things.
J6 was Mafia staged and controlled by Pelosi and her contractors. So Byrd history not surprising.
Pelosi lost her last grasp at becoming POTUS which is all she had ever wanted up to that point. The whole thing was hers. Insiders knew of course and didn't object, but it was hers through and through. Anyone who watched J6 live will remember an R Senator turning away from Pelosi saying 'Mrs Speaker', to address what he thought was the senators behind him being disruptive, to turn his head back and have to bewilderedly say 'Mr Speaker' because Nancy had fled the chamber in a literal blink of an eye and been replaced. I saw it live and I will never forget.
They keep him around for wet work. LBJ did the same for his hitman.
Mr. Speaker? Who was he talking to? And why was she replaced?
I am confused by your statement. Please elaborate.
He was addressing Pelosi about certifying the count, he turned around, then when he turned back, he had to say Mr Speaker as it was Pence or whoever would have been her substitute.
I'm not convinced any of that was REAL. There is a rumble hosted video I can't find at the moment where some guy breaks down everything happening leading up to this shooting in the room where Babbitt is. The footage covers a few minutes before, the shooting, and a couple minutes after. It looked COMPLETELY staged, lots of not very good actors involved.
So, lemme ask this question: If Ashli wasn't really shot, where did she go? Was she put in witness protection or just go take on a different identity? Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch is representing her parents and husband (?) in a suit against the government for her death. How does that work with it all?
I don't know where Ashli went or if she was offed somewhere else. But the frame-by-frame view of the video shows clearly that the gun was not aimed at her at the instant it was fired. But it was aimed her way before the shot and after the shot. The whole thing was a show, as evidenced by the multitude of cameras present and the obviously fake police on the stairs.
No idea, but I found the video I was referring to:
https://www.bitchute.com/video/PnAYVQkzG2Bf/ This is WILD, right??? Tell me you believe the narrative after watching this? Just look at how bad those actors are! I don't know what to say about Fitton representing the family.
All I can say is, the only thing I'm sure about... nothing is what it seems!!!
All very interesting.
We don’t know. But that’s irrelevant because we know damn well she wasn’t killed when we were meant to believe she was. That’s the point. She could be dead today and so what—she faked her death first, and that much is clear.
this is a distraction... Ashley Babbit is not dead... this was a show.
He must’ve strangled her at the hospital then.
God I’m so tired of this weird story of this fake murder.
Credentials of proof that he can be an senator or congressman
Has peelosi been pardoned yet?
Direct links:
Sauce: https://x.com/charliekirk11/status/1867635026680238550
I do have the link in the above image and also in the first comment, but thanks!