Ocean County Sheriff: 50 Drones Emerge from the Ocean—Reveals What Happened When Police Drones Intercepted Them! (Video) - Red S...
An unsettling series of events has unfolded on the Jersey Shore, where over 50 drones reportedly emerged from the ocean, leaving authorities and residents both mystified and concerned. According to Ocean County Sheriff Michael Mastronardy, the drones were ...
Psy-op. The Globalist threat of Climate Change and Covid are wearing thin, so now the Aliens are coming. Global threat needs Global government to provide Global solutions.
ergo "Sky Event"?
If it is the sky event it's pretty lame for an "event".
Deep state aren't sending their best.
They've been trying to bring in their NWO for a very long time.
NWO = if you think things are f'd up now, wait until we make Satan king and all you minions have to bow down to us and our evil king.
So Clif High was right after all?
Apologize, here's some backstory, Clif High predicted that shortly (shortly means weeks / months not days in Clif High's predictions) after Trump gets interviewed by Rogan there would be many UFO sightings. Everyone thought it was bullshit now not so much.
Don't they have red and green lights on the tips of the wings just like the FAA rules say you're supposed to. Do aliens follow FAA flight rules in the US? I'm only asking because somebody else pointed out that they do have the red and green lights.
The navi lights help keep their cover. Those aliens have been around the block ya know kek
I'm of the mindset that this is a real operation of sniffers looking for a nuke or dirty bomb (RDD). Remember they will burn everything down to rule over the ashes. If they are able to pop one before inauguration, then they can claim martial law. If it got out to the gen pop that's what the mission was there'd be mass panic. Probably AI running the swarms and the sweeps at this point. I'm guessing we also have a mothership (sub) that is able to collect them and prepare them for the next mission.
DOE > NNSA > NEST // TS (DOD) = Q clearance (DOE). If this is a real DOE search then everyone involved would have a Q clearance. Hmm.
I thought about that too.
Lol. Never thought of that!
IF the Cabal worship Satan and the Cabal is about to collapse, would it be time to release the Demons/Aliens? Jus sayin!
They've been running around this world since they got tossed by God out of his presence. They've been operating ever since on a moment by moment basis in the life of someone somewhere. There isn't anything new under the sun.
I could clearly see the starboard and port wing lights plus landing lights on that one airplane. An alien craft isnt going to have world standard marker lights ffs. Dude sees 50 drones come off the water? 50 exactly because he could what count them? The lameness of all those is incredible. Then you have an infrared camera that doesnt capture the drones heat signature. Nobody stops to think maybe its laser generated holographics like the one on my neighbors house that looks like Santa landing a sleigh on his roof. I'm not sure what theyre trying to pull but have a wild guess. I'm most amazed at the drama queens who want this to be something it isn't. Predictive programming. Shumer acts like he cares so there fore I don't.
green on the right ----- red on the left
red flashing on the rear
white on the front
strobes anywhere
Blue beam? Makes sense to me.
Project Blue Beam…?
Russians ✅
Terrorism ✅
Rogue Nations ✅
Asteroids ✅
Space Aliens ❓
Will the FAA shut down airports and cancel flights? 🤔
Drone mystery solved https://greatawakening.win/p/19A0olyP49/drone-mystery-solved--smithmundt/c/
Watch The Water
I'm sure it will be the talk of the party tonight. And if it is, I'll see if I can get everyone talking about. Social experiment...
Julie Green prophecy
Something hidden in the Atlantic is about to be uncovered. And the world will know that what was supposed to happen to the United States was just stopped- an attack like no other was planned to stop My David from the stone he is about to throw. But that stone is Me, and no one can stop what is about to happen, saith the Lord.
So many things she's said have been outright false. I don't put any credence in what she says.
She has several prophecies regarding the Atlantic Ocean and specifically submarines.
Not sure how to claim a false prophecy if something just hasn't happened yet. Many people don't take any credence in the prophets, and that's okay. Just thought I would share that the Lord is watching over us.
No, the issue is that she has made several prophesies that certain things would happen but the time frame she described them happening in has already passed or she was outright incorrect.
For example, she once prophesied that King Charles would never take the throne and that Big Ben being heavily damaged by an attack of some kind would be a sign. Big Ben is still undamaged and King Charles is on the throne.
Is Charles the king same as Biden is the president?
That statement isn't even valid considering what I said. She gave a prophesy about King Charles never becoming king and he did. She said that Big Ben would be struck by something and greatly damaged as a sign that Charles would never sit on the throne. Nothing happened to Big Ben and Charles is on the throne.
As to Biden making it, it is possible to get some things right by sheer informed guess. QPosts, as taken literally and Trumps own statements indicated that Biden would likely win by election theft.
I've seen many other false prophets crop up since around the 2000, each just as false as the last. There is a high biblical standard for prophets and Julie Green has already failed it.
Interestingly, I have yet to hear anyone, that I can recall, bring up a false prediction by Clem Clement.
Kim Clement
We already know about the nuke ff they had planned if Hillary got elected.