I knew she was a terrible traitor as far as her loyalty to DJT . But she lost her law license …..I almost feel bad for a woman who is this dumb and stupid ! Man she could have been on top of the world in her professional career but core issues .. she has major problems ! I said almost ! Loyalty is everything!
NeverStopBelieving...YOU HAVE HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD SQUARE: "she has major problems - LOYALTY IS EVERYTHING"...If ONE, who is an attorney, KNOWINGLY casts doubt(s) on someones character SHOULD NOT BE IN THAT POSITION...She made a bet with the DEVIL (OL' FANNI) and LOST THE BET!!!!!!!
There is NOTHING that will be bring her back like what she had...IF she had MORE SCRUPLES and NOT had MORAL TURPITUDE this WOULD not have happened!!!!!!
Yep ! Not sure what family she had to support as people are staying ? Is she a single mom ? Doesn’t matter to me , for Gods sake it’s not so much that she took a deal, which was stupid, it was the fact that she had bad mouthed DJT and actually turned hateful towards him and us , was that part of the deal ,, no way !!! You’re correct about what u wrote ! Being this disloyal actually surprised the hell out of me and for me loyalty and trust is more imp then love, can’t have love without trust and loyalty!
She didn’t bet on the devil, she face adversity on a grand scale. Her family too. Let’s give people a little grace. It wasn’t us under the gun. Who paid her legal bills? Do you know? Did they drag your reputation through the mud? I know it wasn’t mine.
Loyalty is everything unless you have a family and your family is suffering emotionally and financially. I don’t doubt that the pressures were very great and you can see by the agony on her face that she was torn. We need to give people grace in the face of adversity on a level we will probably never experience. Pray for her and her family.
No "Fs" given by me. She can go flip burgers at McDonalds, like Trump did. Look what that got him...the Presidency. Jenna needs to restart her life at the bottom rung and learn how to be a good citizen!
I remember her well. Sitting there with Rudy fighting for election integrity, after the stolen 2020 election. At the time I had faith and hope for her. To hear her later, basically, throw up her hands in defeat and start the apologetic route, I was shocked. To me that means she never truly believed the election was stolen. She didn’t believe what she was fighting for. If you know the truth, and stand up to fight corruption, you don’t quit until you’re dead. It doesn’t matter who or how many stand against you. It doesn’t matter the odds. What’s right is right. Pray to the one true God in Heaven for help. Focus on Jesus. And stand up for what’s right. If God is for you, who can truly stand against you? Stand strong and tall knowing you’re fighting the good fight. She wasn’t standing alone. And today she would be held as a hero. Would have.
Those who knowingly were involved; no deals!
What a perfect word!
I knew she was a terrible traitor as far as her loyalty to DJT . But she lost her law license …..I almost feel bad for a woman who is this dumb and stupid ! Man she could have been on top of the world in her professional career but core issues .. she has major problems ! I said almost ! Loyalty is everything!
NeverStopBelieving...YOU HAVE HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD SQUARE: "she has major problems - LOYALTY IS EVERYTHING"...If ONE, who is an attorney, KNOWINGLY casts doubt(s) on someones character SHOULD NOT BE IN THAT POSITION...She made a bet with the DEVIL (OL' FANNI) and LOST THE BET!!!!!!!
There is NOTHING that will be bring her back like what she had...IF she had MORE SCRUPLES and NOT had MORAL TURPITUDE this WOULD not have happened!!!!!!
Yep ! Not sure what family she had to support as people are staying ? Is she a single mom ? Doesn’t matter to me , for Gods sake it’s not so much that she took a deal, which was stupid, it was the fact that she had bad mouthed DJT and actually turned hateful towards him and us , was that part of the deal ,, no way !!! You’re correct about what u wrote ! Being this disloyal actually surprised the hell out of me and for me loyalty and trust is more imp then love, can’t have love without trust and loyalty!
On target eagle!
She didn’t bet on the devil, she face adversity on a grand scale. Her family too. Let’s give people a little grace. It wasn’t us under the gun. Who paid her legal bills? Do you know? Did they drag your reputation through the mud? I know it wasn’t mine.
All she should have done to prep for it all was to read 'Art of the Deal'
Loyalty is everything unless you have a family and your family is suffering emotionally and financially. I don’t doubt that the pressures were very great and you can see by the agony on her face that she was torn. We need to give people grace in the face of adversity on a level we will probably never experience. Pray for her and her family.
Ethics confuse them, they defer to authority regardless of right or wrong.
No "Fs" given by me. She can go flip burgers at McDonalds, like Trump did. Look what that got him...the Presidency. Jenna needs to restart her life at the bottom rung and learn how to be a good citizen!
looks a little chunky these days. or was she always chunkster ?
'It's not my fault!'
'I'm a strong & independent woman! You can't hold me responsible for my actions!'
She responded back and called this fake.
Once you step off the Trump Train, you can walk alone!
I didn't put 2 & 2 together when I read about her and her begging yesterday. You are spot on.
poor Jenna. Conflicted since the steal. Picked the wrong team.
Yes...the people who picked the wrong team are regretting it now
So... she called scavino and got voicemail
...the dreaded voicemail u/#catdance
FAFO Judas Ellis.
Phuck her.
Learn to code…
Life comes at you fast
Jenna's a Club 33 member.
Fani was fuking more than just Nathan Wade....
Not defending her but can't she appeal her conviction due to fanni (gorilla grip) being removed?
Not sure...need a legal fag to answer this..
I remember her well. Sitting there with Rudy fighting for election integrity, after the stolen 2020 election. At the time I had faith and hope for her. To hear her later, basically, throw up her hands in defeat and start the apologetic route, I was shocked. To me that means she never truly believed the election was stolen. She didn’t believe what she was fighting for. If you know the truth, and stand up to fight corruption, you don’t quit until you’re dead. It doesn’t matter who or how many stand against you. It doesn’t matter the odds. What’s right is right. Pray to the one true God in Heaven for help. Focus on Jesus. And stand up for what’s right. If God is for you, who can truly stand against you? Stand strong and tall knowing you’re fighting the good fight. She wasn’t standing alone. And today she would be held as a hero. Would have.
Agreed...I was shocked and disappointed by her betrayal...