NOTE to ALL: IF ANY US MILITARY PERSONNEL DESTROYED ANY RELIGIOUS DEITY, example, Buddhist Temples Vietnam, that would be considered desecration and could be held accountable...
Didn't the US military totally take all ancient art and treasures from Iraq and Afghanistan? It's theorized that that was the true reason for the invasion, hide or destroy ancient artifacts which reveal clues to history and origins. A continuation on what the Smithsonian has been doing since its inception.
If you killed a major religions deity wouldn't you want that religion to disappear. Not only is history being rewritten so is Christianity. Attack, attack, attack, destroy. Be proud of yourselves, you killed the son of God. Its been 2025 years. Continue to attack the word of God.
But they learned well, and the 110th to attempt their removal was destroyed, and is still struggling to this day with the propaganda they created.
You wonder why the white countries of the world are being flooded by foreign non-whites? It should be obvious, but the 'muh chosen' brain washed just can't bare embrace who the 'hidden enemy' really is. They fear they might go to hell if they did. They'll go to hell anyway if they keep allowing their societies, their moral fabric, and their religion to be destroyed.
Removing the observance of His ascension and for the reasons stated...sounds more like the product of the fallen angels who are said to have landed on Mt. Hermon a millennium ago after being cast out.
Suppressed News link:
"The soldiers’ explanation on why they did so:
“In the briefing, we are told that the point to which the climbers and the people are going to work and place things is at the top of the peak (it is literally a kilometer north of the highest UN post on the mountain) which they decided to call - listen carefully - "The Jesus" and why - because there is a cross there that was built there a long time ago and it marks the summit, the place there to this day is called - "The Cross"
We really didn't like it and were worried that from now on, no one would have a reason to see a cross there and call this place that...”
You folks are some serious dyed in the wool Jew haters. I’m going to sit back with my popcorn and find out if you’re right. As of now, I do not hate the Jews. I realize they have a deep state like we do but that is all.
What is the problem? It's their country and not their religion. It was an offensive symbol for them, placed by invaders. I would have burnt it up if I where them, just a lil gasoline should do.
"Greatest Ally"
Wake up normies with this.
Show them a video of a Rabbi sucking blood off of a circumcized baby.
Disgusting degenerate Synagogue of Satan.
Satanic genocidal degenerate army of cowards, children murderers and rapists.
There must have been a kid hiding behind the cross.
NOTE to ALL: IF ANY US MILITARY PERSONNEL DESTROYED ANY RELIGIOUS DEITY, example, Buddhist Temples Vietnam, that would be considered desecration and could be held accountable...
Didn't the US military totally take all ancient art and treasures from Iraq and Afghanistan? It's theorized that that was the true reason for the invasion, hide or destroy ancient artifacts which reveal clues to history and origins. A continuation on what the Smithsonian has been doing since its inception.
When are we going to wake up and realize Israel is our enemy.
Many of us did. Trump didn't get the message.
If you killed a major religions deity wouldn't you want that religion to disappear. Not only is history being rewritten so is Christianity. Attack, attack, attack, destroy. Be proud of yourselves, you killed the son of God. Its been 2025 years. Continue to attack the word of God.
109 countries over 900 years? Surely it wasn't their fault at all?
But they learned well, and the 110th to attempt their removal was destroyed, and is still struggling to this day with the propaganda they created.
You wonder why the white countries of the world are being flooded by foreign non-whites? It should be obvious, but the 'muh chosen' brain washed just can't bare embrace who the 'hidden enemy' really is. They fear they might go to hell if they did. They'll go to hell anyway if they keep allowing their societies, their moral fabric, and their religion to be destroyed.
Jews hate you as much as Muslims. The Muslim stabs you in the front, the Jew, in the back. Potato potahto.
Muslims have a religious duty to protect and respect Christians [1]. Muslims highly respect Jesus and Mary.
The Jews work overtime to set-up Christians vs Muslims. You're a victim.
Jews are going to jew. Fuck Israel.
Oh no! Why would our besties do something so rude?
Of course they did.
are there any prophecies related to this? It sounds like something foretold.
Removing the observance of His ascension and for the reasons stated...sounds more like the product of the fallen angels who are said to have landed on Mt. Hermon a millennium ago after being cast out.
Anyone still thinking the Israeli government is our friends, or even friends of Christians are beyond help.
Suppressed News link:
"The soldiers’ explanation on why they did so: “In the briefing, we are told that the point to which the climbers and the people are going to work and place things is at the top of the peak (it is literally a kilometer north of the highest UN post on the mountain) which they decided to call - listen carefully - "The Jesus" and why - because there is a cross there that was built there a long time ago and it marks the summit, the place there to this day is called - "The Cross" We really didn't like it and were worried that from now on, no one would have a reason to see a cross there and call this place that...”
How fucking hard is it to clear the tracking off your links?
You folks are some serious dyed in the wool Jew haters. I’m going to sit back with my popcorn and find out if you’re right. As of now, I do not hate the Jews. I realize they have a deep state like we do but that is all.
Israeli haters* and it's directly because of their actions and content of character.
Yes the problem is not Jewish people it is Zionists. The Synagogue of Satan
Not that hard to use a clean link - try it some time
What is the problem? It's their country and not their religion. It was an offensive symbol for them, placed by invaders. I would have burnt it up if I where them, just a lil gasoline should do.
Yeah seems I'm very ignorant in geography, and can't read
It's not their country, schlomo
It’s not actually cause the Khazars are frauds.