What does he mean? He means that the US and other parts of the world will not be allowed to get away with consuming the flesh of trafficked human beings and drinking their blood, in the multi billion annual dollar industry of human slave exploitation which has existed on this planet for thousands of years because of Ba 'al worship. The Cabal's so called royal lineage families are descendents of that heirarchy. The threads are being cut, the pandora's box is open. Vampirism is the consumtion of the life force of human beings by predator humans and hybrid or disguised humans.
Putin is in the plan to save the world along with Trump.
What does he mean? He means that the US and other parts of the world will not be allowed to get away with consuming the flesh of trafficked human beings and drinking their blood, in the multi billion annual dollar industry of human slave exploitation which has existed on this planet for thousands of years because of Ba 'al worship. The Cabal's so called royal lineage families are descendents of that heirarchy. The threads are being cut, the pandora's box is open. Vampirism is the consumtion of the life force of human beings by predator humans and hybrid or disguised humans.
We already know what he means
Well, there's some disclosure for you.
Is that really Putin?
You have to ask?
Earlier in the week Putin said who the vampires are
Link? Post? My search feature doesn’t work or else I would dig 😔
Who did he say the vampires are?
How much flesh, Shylock?
His face and hands have been swollen over the last couple of years. I wonder if he is on steroids for something?
He means just what he says.