The Internet was the place to go when you wanted the truth. Now it’s complete 5GW lies. As another non just said. It start around 25 years ago. They saw what independent press could do against their operations aka a certain event that changed the world into a global demilitarized zone.
Notice how American media knew exactly who did 9/11 minutes after the event? Pointed our attention so the forever wars can be started.
Funnily enough there's an article in TGP today about how Wikipedo calls TGP a 'a far-right disinformation conspiracy site' in its intro, which I'd noticed for the last few years always pops up as the very first search result for TGP. It got me thinking how incrementally the internet has changed over the last 25 years from being a wild west free for all to the total Left-run and dominated fishbowl it is now. One thing about the progressive left is that for all their day to day impetuosity and shouting to get their immediate way, they sure do have temerity when it comes to their Long Marches.
But we can't blame it all on the left.
The biggest change to the net and media was 9/11 under the auspices of national security.
Legit (or what seemed to be legit) media outlets, were not allowed to run real stories, because it was a NS issue.
They slowly became an extension of government. Getting their pre-approved talking points daily.
It's why they all think they're untouchable.
In the mid 80s I started reading up on who really got JFK. On a jobsite, I talked to an old guy who seemed cool. He gave me a bunch of his back issues of Spotlight and JB Society papers. When I got back to the jobsite next day, I was floored, wow. All that stuff is going on? ! ?
Once you open your eyes and see the lies, you question everything.
I'm in the same boat. I know everything our government tells me is a lie.
I've read the Bible 3 times. But I've also read the atra hasis, epic of gilgamesh, maha Barata, dead sea scrolls etc.
Old testament is all of these stories resold.
Now I question the official timeline.
I begin to wonder how much knowledge of our past is suppressed and known by who? How is that used to benefit for them, and at our expense.
Then you can dig into celebs, Uber wealthy, etc, see the link, the intel agencies, and how they sell it.
Literally the whole system is flawed and a scam.
I can't even put in to words were my brain goes trying to put together the big picture.
I spent a lot of years on creation. Annunaki, all the old sites like balbek, machu pichu etc.
Recently got into Tataria, the world's fairs.
I was a stone fabricator for years, i know human didn't build the pyramids.
I grew up in Chicago, i travel the country and love architecture. There's so many building from the early 1900s that took so much labor and skill. There has to be more to it. Something is being hidden from us.
Why do we no longer use stone, like we did back then?
I think they formed in the early 50s so I was alive but I didn't know anything about them. They are just one of many groups that have basically the same membership.
Yessir! Like all of these entities, they first deny they exist, then slowly start acting like of course they were here all along.
And as this first paragraph says, any talk of bilderberg being a secret group is a conspiracy theory.
Right? The complete flip.
The Internet was the place to go when you wanted the truth. Now it’s complete 5GW lies. As another non just said. It start around 25 years ago. They saw what independent press could do against their operations aka a certain event that changed the world into a global demilitarized zone.
Notice how American media knew exactly who did 9/11 minutes after the event? Pointed our attention so the forever wars can be started.
They were successful for a long time, too! Now, the tables have turned. Watching the msm has been entertaining. I’m thankful we were awakened.
Same with weed, they went from calling me a "conspiratard pothead" to being experts of all things weed in a week.
Heavier than air flight. First they were mocking Orville and Wilbur, then "Ohh that heavier than air flight, oh yeah, we knew that."
Vitamin C, handwashing, witch burning, etc, etc, etc.
"Arrogance is a weed that only grows in small minds."
Funnily enough there's an article in TGP today about how Wikipedo calls TGP a 'a far-right disinformation conspiracy site' in its intro, which I'd noticed for the last few years always pops up as the very first search result for TGP. It got me thinking how incrementally the internet has changed over the last 25 years from being a wild west free for all to the total Left-run and dominated fishbowl it is now. One thing about the progressive left is that for all their day to day impetuosity and shouting to get their immediate way, they sure do have temerity when it comes to their Long Marches.
Yeah a union hack liberal friend quoted that to me about an article I sent him.
But we can't blame it all on the left. The biggest change to the net and media was 9/11 under the auspices of national security. Legit (or what seemed to be legit) media outlets, were not allowed to run real stories, because it was a NS issue. They slowly became an extension of government. Getting their pre-approved talking points daily. It's why they all think they're untouchable.
I say we bam revolving doors. Figurative and Literal.
Might prevent all those bloody noses Js
In the mid 80s I started reading up on who really got JFK. On a jobsite, I talked to an old guy who seemed cool. He gave me a bunch of his back issues of Spotlight and JB Society papers. When I got back to the jobsite next day, I was floored, wow. All that stuff is going on? ! ?
I’ve surmise that we’ve been in a 5G information war for centuries. It’s not just about an election. It’s the entire giant planetary conspiracy.
So right. I'm questioning the whole ball of wax. Like, how we are living, what is money, our edited holy books... you name it
Once you open your eyes and see the lies, you question everything. I'm in the same boat. I know everything our government tells me is a lie. I've read the Bible 3 times. But I've also read the atra hasis, epic of gilgamesh, maha Barata, dead sea scrolls etc. Old testament is all of these stories resold. Now I question the official timeline. I begin to wonder how much knowledge of our past is suppressed and known by who? How is that used to benefit for them, and at our expense. Then you can dig into celebs, Uber wealthy, etc, see the link, the intel agencies, and how they sell it. Literally the whole system is flawed and a scam. I can't even put in to words were my brain goes trying to put together the big picture.
I spent a lot of years on creation. Annunaki, all the old sites like balbek, machu pichu etc.
Recently got into Tataria, the world's fairs.
I was a stone fabricator for years, i know human didn't build the pyramids.
I grew up in Chicago, i travel the country and love architecture. There's so many building from the early 1900s that took so much labor and skill. There has to be more to it. Something is being hidden from us.
Why do we no longer use stone, like we did back then?
Never heard of the NSA either.
there's no such agency
I remember Alex Jones sneaking around in the bushes to get the dirt on them
Ahhhh the David Gergen video
He might work out well with Bilderb. Steering Committee member Stacey Abrams. Maybe she approved him?
Must take her a while to make an about face.
Yes I thought this was people talking stupid.
Right up there with the Deep State.
Man I was wrong.
Bilderberg, CFR, and trilateral commision. Those were where everything was hashed out. In private, very quietly.
I think they formed in the early 50s so I was alive but I didn't know anything about them. They are just one of many groups that have basically the same membership.