Pork producers in America have been administering mRNA-based gene therapy to pigs secretly, contaminating pork with self-assembling nanoparticles.
why does Bill Gates who poisons food and blocks the sun want to talk to Musk and Trump, that motherfucker belongs on trial for War crimes
Trump better put a fucking END to this motherfucking mRNA platform
Does it survive at 165 degrees F? That's the question.
The mRNA vaccines for animals may not be intended to directly harm humans but perhaps instead causes mysterious animal deaths leading to increased food prices and starvation
Or make humans unhealthy so they become paying customers to pharma.
Yeah that part always gets danced around when I ask how this stuff is supposed to survive cooking. Hell a lot of vitamins don't even survive cooking past certain temps.
Will nanobots survive the digestive process?
Class action lawsuits can be very effective
I'm smoking an 8lb Boston Butt tomorrow night for at least 14 hours, hopefully, no nanoparticles survive cuz I'm a Pure Blood!
I shoot for a 190° finish.
I find 200 -203 perfect for pulled pork!
That’s why I have been buying my meat from a local and very successful butcher.
You mean after the big conglomerates drove the family hog raiser out of business.
Leviticus enters the chat...
Old testament kosher dietary mandates for the win...
To add some detail…
A lot of shellfish are nutritionally basically cockroaches, and none of us wanted to “eat ze bugs”, right? Joke’s on us! We already were! This is disclosure. Love that mercury content!
Pigs are nature’s garbage disposal. Their flesh is made from eating dead stuff, they don’t sweat, their cells just hold toxins, and are so plentiful because they have lots of offspring. Sure, it tastes good. Aspartame turns to formaldehyde if stored at incorrect temperatures. Arsenic has a delightful sweet taste to it. Dogs will snarf chocolate right up. “Tastes good” does not equate to “should be eaten”.
Jesus said outright that he did not come to abolish “the law” (which can be translated other ways). “The teachings” are a user manual, and God doesn’t change.
Mark 7:19 "Don't you see that nothing that enters a man from the outside can make him `unclean'? For it doesn't go into his heart but into his stomach, and then out of his body"
The context:
It is not saying that anything can and should be eaten, but putting things into perspective. The apostles were not observing the hand washing teachings of the Pharisees, because those teachings come from the Talmud, not the Torah, and are unnecessary. Jesus scoped it against what they do allow in their teaching (dishonoring father and mother in their age) and pointed out how it was against the spirit of the Torah.
We know, from a secular, practical standpoint that eating mercury is a bad idea. Shrimp are high in mercury. We can not purge it without assistance after we eat it. Mercury causes many diseases over time. Eating certain types of chitin cause diseases over time.
This is a conversation that the church as a whole needs to have, putting aside prejudices and the teachings of seminary-taught ideologies and interpretations, and earnestly digging into the scriptures, in context, and in full.
Natural news has been a bad voice since 2002. Not always but a lot of their stories.
Mike Adams behind it too .. Natural News.
Doom Ranger once again with the usually sauceless claims and pushing tons of "questionably natural" products on his own site. Dude never even has solutions, just doom porn.
We all need to Know who are writing these “opinion/commentary” pieces. Natural News/Mike Adams has been correct on many items that I have researched.
Who is farmprogress.com?
Farm Progress, the publisher of farming and ranching magazines, is owned by Informa PLC, a UK-based company.  Informa acquired Farm Progress in 2016 through its purchase of Penton Information Services.  Informa is a publicly traded company listed on the London Stock Exchange.
Who are the owners/shareholders of Informa PLC? As of December 31, 2023, the major shareholders of Informa PLC are: • Bank of America Corporation: 8.90% • BlackRock: 5.92% • Newton Investment Management Limited: 4.93% • Lazard Asset Management LLC: 4.30% • Norges Bank: 4.00% • APG Asset Management N.V.: 3.99% • Artemis Investment Manager LLP: 3.59% • Invesco Ltd: 3.55
Interesting self-promotion on Farm Progress:
Started by the Prairie Farmer magazine in 1953, this August show, America’s largest outdoor farm event, alternates annually between Iowa and Illinois, with an indoor version in New York. More than 10,000 people from farmers to Wall Street analysts turn up to the agriculture innovation event, known for its field demos and it generates about $10- $30 million of revenue.
What we must understand is that these “commentators” writing for these magazines are cover stories for actions that are normally detrimental to our health: GMO seeds, detrimental vaccines, against farm-to-table mom and pop operations and big in Climate Activism.
I gave a seminar at a Farm Progress show in 2019… only once, but invited back every year since but have politely declined. I said in 2019 to my assistant “our food problems are only the tip of the iceberg and are going to get much worse”.
They don't want you to know https://www.theorganicprepper.com/m