As a Gen-X-er, I wasn't there myself, but I recall something similar being discussed in regards to polio. (Perhaps some elder frens can correct me or shed more light on the topic if I'm getting this wrong.) There was much fanfare about the precipitous drop in polio cases around the same time as the release of a polio vaxx. It was also a time that coincided with the large-scale discontinuation of DDT. But the vaxx seemed to get all the credit for defeating the disease.
I'm Gen-X too, but I remember a boy in elementary school who got the polio vax and ended up with polio. They had immigrated here from Ecuador so he could get the proper treatment.
My parents say that polio had almost burned itself out by the time the vax was rolled out, but then there was a spike in polio cases AFTER the vax was introduced.
I don't remember the specific time frames but I remember reading that DDT poisoning symptoms are extremely similar to polio symptoms. They thought the DDT was killing the polio virus. When more people were getting polio symptoms (from the DDT), they kept spraying more DDT (making the problem worse.
I also remember reading that polio was already on the decline before the vaccine, and continued to decline after the vaccine, and the same trend happened in Europe (who did not have a polio vaccine).
There's also this: more polio cases caused by mutant strains from vaccination than from polio in the wild.
Like several other diseases. Like malaria, which used to be common in Finland, but these days most people here think it's something that only exists in the tropical and subtropical countries. What probably made it disappear here was better buildings, the mosquitoes that spread it could easily live winters in the old log houses, often at least somewhat damp, here. When the whole household lived close to each other, often even sharing part of the same building with their livestock, those mosquitoes could spread the parasite to everybody in the building while eating both from the people already infected with it and those who didn't have it yet.
Then the country got richer, most people were able to build better houses and warm them better so the insides got dryer, the animals were moved to other buildings, people even started to be able to afford separate rooms for different family members and so on, and the disease started to get rarer even before the first med for it, quinine, started to get used here.
And as said, now most people here have no idea that the disease once existed as a problem in this country.
The connection with the eradication of polio (indoor plumbing, shift in numbers of city dwellers vs farmers) has been obvious, but malaria’s connection wasn’t. Great catch!
Its sound like you are knowledgeable about measles. Curious how you know this and how you know it isn't just more lies about another dise-ease. No shot should be mandatory even if what you say is true. Works like covid ifnibget measles anonymous have your shot you have nothing to worry about. If 1000 of is don't have the shot we all know what we are getting into. It's our choice.
I always like to use scarlet fever as a control. When I was a kid (in the 60s) many children got scarlet fever. I had it as a baby and was hospitalized. It is a strep and has no vaccine. How many here know anyone who has had scarlet fever in the last 50 years? How many of you 45 or younger have even heard of it?
Heres what wiki says about it:
In the early 20th century, scarlet fever was a leading cause of death in children, but even before World War II and the introduction of antibiotics, its severity was already declining. This decline is suggested to be due to better living conditions, the introduction of better control measures, or a decline in the virulence of the bacteria.[8][9]
In the first half of the twentieth century its was a leading cause of death among children. But there is no vaccine. So what changed for it to go from a leading caused of death among children to a disease almost unheard of? The key sentence in the above paragraph is that before antibiotics were even in use the decline was apparent.
It wasnt vaccines like the death cult would have you believe led to the reduction in Whooping cough, measles, polio and rubella. And it wasnt antibiotics. But without a vaccine or antibiotics it followed the same trajectory of decline.
The difference in the prevalence of all these diseases from then to now is clean water and proper waste management. Not a vaccine.
I discovered this fact 20 years ago. I had no idea how to process it, so I put a hold on vaccines for all my animals, pending more research. And the more I researched, the worse it got.... Vaccines are sketchy and unscientific as is - but add in human greed and corruption, and FORGET IT. Never worth it. We are largely made up of microorganisms living in balance with each other.
Hey ythehorses. After reading your comment I think you would be interested in the History of Vaccines Lecture I referenced in my first comment in this thread. I think it goes perfectly with what you've stated.
From time to time when a good post like the one posted here by the OP comes up, I think it's very helpful to reference this post made by GAW Member "MAG768720" that reinforces the point:
It has a link to an hour and a half YouTube lecture video on the history of vaccines. If you haven't watched it before I think you will find it worth your time. I'm a bit shocked YouTube hasn't taken it down.
Before watching this vid, I was strongly leaning towards being an anti-vaxxer. Afterwards I'll never be anything other than 100% anti-vax.
The presenter has a calming demeanor, so even though the subject matter is chilling the video itself can be "pleasant" in a way to watch.
There were no measles vaccines for either type when I was a kid. I had red measles, the dangerous one, when I was a few months old preemie. Luckily I survived. Mom said she tied baby socks over my hands so I couldn't scratch. I went to school over the years with kids my age who were disabled after having polio. I remember getting the first polio shot, not sure what age, and the second sugar cube vaccine later.
Polio, too. Modern cleanliness matches the trends of transmission and contagion reduction better than introduction of vaccines.
The only vaccine that was historically effective was cow pox as a salve for small pox. A great medical leap that could have been exploited properly but really wasn't.
As a Gen-X-er, I wasn't there myself, but I recall something similar being discussed in regards to polio. (Perhaps some elder frens can correct me or shed more light on the topic if I'm getting this wrong.) There was much fanfare about the precipitous drop in polio cases around the same time as the release of a polio vaxx. It was also a time that coincided with the large-scale discontinuation of DDT. But the vaxx seemed to get all the credit for defeating the disease.
I'm Gen-X too, but I remember a boy in elementary school who got the polio vax and ended up with polio. They had immigrated here from Ecuador so he could get the proper treatment.
My parents say that polio had almost burned itself out by the time the vax was rolled out, but then there was a spike in polio cases AFTER the vax was introduced.
Thank you for providing corroborating evidence!
The polio vax came out in 1956. DDT wasn’t stopped until 1972. Not really the same time frame.
I don't remember the specific time frames but I remember reading that DDT poisoning symptoms are extremely similar to polio symptoms. They thought the DDT was killing the polio virus. When more people were getting polio symptoms (from the DDT), they kept spraying more DDT (making the problem worse.
I also remember reading that polio was already on the decline before the vaccine, and continued to decline after the vaccine, and the same trend happened in Europe (who did not have a polio vaccine).
There's also this: more polio cases caused by mutant strains from vaccination than from polio in the wild.
Like several other diseases. Like malaria, which used to be common in Finland, but these days most people here think it's something that only exists in the tropical and subtropical countries. What probably made it disappear here was better buildings, the mosquitoes that spread it could easily live winters in the old log houses, often at least somewhat damp, here. When the whole household lived close to each other, often even sharing part of the same building with their livestock, those mosquitoes could spread the parasite to everybody in the building while eating both from the people already infected with it and those who didn't have it yet.
Then the country got richer, most people were able to build better houses and warm them better so the insides got dryer, the animals were moved to other buildings, people even started to be able to afford separate rooms for different family members and so on, and the disease started to get rarer even before the first med for it, quinine, started to get used here.
And as said, now most people here have no idea that the disease once existed as a problem in this country.
The connection with the eradication of polio (indoor plumbing, shift in numbers of city dwellers vs farmers) has been obvious, but malaria’s connection wasn’t. Great catch!
Thank you.
Clean water and sanitation!
The switch from horses to cars, reducing feces on streets. The increased access to nutrition through industrial farming.
It's called ---- fixing something that ain't broken.
Well, that's because they stopped spraying DDT.
I got measles and mumps and chicken pox. And turned out just fine.
Its sound like you are knowledgeable about measles. Curious how you know this and how you know it isn't just more lies about another dise-ease. No shot should be mandatory even if what you say is true. Works like covid ifnibget measles anonymous have your shot you have nothing to worry about. If 1000 of is don't have the shot we all know what we are getting into. It's our choice.
Could it also be because we would encourage young people to get measles so that they could develop natural immunity?
Or could it also be because the disease has devolved over time and is now not as potent?
I always like to use scarlet fever as a control. When I was a kid (in the 60s) many children got scarlet fever. I had it as a baby and was hospitalized. It is a strep and has no vaccine. How many here know anyone who has had scarlet fever in the last 50 years? How many of you 45 or younger have even heard of it?
Heres what wiki says about it:
In the first half of the twentieth century its was a leading cause of death among children. But there is no vaccine. So what changed for it to go from a leading caused of death among children to a disease almost unheard of? The key sentence in the above paragraph is that before antibiotics were even in use the decline was apparent.
It wasnt vaccines like the death cult would have you believe led to the reduction in Whooping cough, measles, polio and rubella. And it wasnt antibiotics. But without a vaccine or antibiotics it followed the same trajectory of decline.
The difference in the prevalence of all these diseases from then to now is clean water and proper waste management. Not a vaccine.
That is Dr. Mendelsohn's view as well: He wrote a book called How To Have A Healthy Child - In Spite Of Your Doctor
Now you know why they're populating the west with turd world cultural enrichers. These are bioweapons here to cull the White people.
mass influx of turd worlders
poop in the streets
vaccination campaigns
spanish flu deux
vaccination campaigns
A “campaign” is something that’s waged in a “theatre” of war.
I discovered this fact 20 years ago. I had no idea how to process it, so I put a hold on vaccines for all my animals, pending more research. And the more I researched, the worse it got.... Vaccines are sketchy and unscientific as is - but add in human greed and corruption, and FORGET IT. Never worth it. We are largely made up of microorganisms living in balance with each other.
Hey ythehorses. After reading your comment I think you would be interested in the History of Vaccines Lecture I referenced in my first comment in this thread. I think it goes perfectly with what you've stated.
From time to time when a good post like the one posted here by the OP comes up, I think it's very helpful to reference this post made by GAW Member "MAG768720" that reinforces the point:
It has a link to an hour and a half YouTube lecture video on the history of vaccines. If you haven't watched it before I think you will find it worth your time. I'm a bit shocked YouTube hasn't taken it down.
Before watching this vid, I was strongly leaning towards being an anti-vaxxer. Afterwards I'll never be anything other than 100% anti-vax.
The presenter has a calming demeanor, so even though the subject matter is chilling the video itself can be "pleasant" in a way to watch.
There were no measles vaccines for either type when I was a kid. I had red measles, the dangerous one, when I was a few months old preemie. Luckily I survived. Mom said she tied baby socks over my hands so I couldn't scratch. I went to school over the years with kids my age who were disabled after having polio. I remember getting the first polio shot, not sure what age, and the second sugar cube vaccine later.
Polio, too. Modern cleanliness matches the trends of transmission and contagion reduction better than introduction of vaccines.
The only vaccine that was historically effective was cow pox as a salve for small pox. A great medical leap that could have been exploited properly but really wasn't.
Vaxines dont do shit but bloodstream aluminum and mercury.