888 IRAN next. Q
Over 1,000,000 people have converted to Christianity in Iran as 50,000 mosques close
A million Muslims have accepted Christ in Iran as tens of thousands of mosques in the Islamic country have closed, according to reports on the ground and multiple ministries in the region. In February, Mohammad Abolghassem Doulabi, a senior cleric in Iran, revealed that 50,000 of the nation's 75,000 mosques had closed because of a substantial drop in attendance.
At the same time, Muslims are finding Jesus, with approximately 1 million Muslims in Iran coming to Christ, according to the international radio ministry The Tide and a new report from CBN.
Todd Nettleton, vice president of message for The Voice of the Martyrs, said many Iranians are searching for hope.
"You have a country with one of the highest drug addiction rates in the world. You have a country where corruption runs rampant. You have a country where more than half the people live below the poverty line," Nettleton told CBN. "And the people of Iran are looking at this, and they are saying, 'Wait a minute. If this is what Islam has brought us in the last 45 years, we're not interested. We want to know what the other options are.'"
A December survey of Iranians from the Netherlands-based Gamaan Institute found that 80 percent reject the Islamic Republic and want a democratic government.
The potential of a "Jesus revolution" within Iran has sparked pushback from the Islamic government, Nettleton said. Conversion from Islam to Christianity is illegal in Iran.
"This is not something that is making the regime happy. And, really, in many ways, they are seeking to solidify their power and to crush any kind of dissent," Nettleton told CBN. "We have heard multiple stories this year of Bible study, a home church being raided. Everyone there is photographed, everyone there is questioned. But then the leader of the meeting is held onto. They are arrested. They are detained, they're put in prison."
Don Shenk, executive director of The Tide ministry, said Muslims are responding to gospel-centered messages that are broadcast into Iran.
"We get responses from listeners who say, 'Now I understand that God loves me. I always thought that God wanted to punish me,'" Shenk told CBN. "And I think there's an awakening that is taking place across the Muslim world, not just in Iran."
The international ministry Open Doors said Christianity in Iran is only tolerated if "you're part of a traditional Christian community, for instance, Armenian or Assyrian Christian."
But for "Christians who convert from Islam," Open Doors said, "not even the veneer of tolerance is present."
"The government views conversion as an attempt by the West to undermine Islam and the Islamic government of Iran," Open Doors reported. "This means that anyone who is discovered to be a member of a house church can be charged with a crime against national security, which can lead to long prison sentences. Anyone arrested or detained can be tortured and abused while in jail. Some Christians are released and monitored -- and know a second arrest would mean a long prison sentence."
Shenk's ministry, The Tide, reported that "what is happening in Iran is just the tip of the iceberg, as similar movements to Christ are happening across the Muslim world." The ministry said it is not uncommon for Muslims to dream about Christ.
"There is one common thread across these testimonies of Jesus appearing to Muslims in dreams: the dreams by themselves do not immediately result in conversion," a blog on The Tide website said. "Rather, they are a step in the spiritual journey, where the Lord breaks down some of the barriers which were the result of growing up in the Islamic faith. After receiving these dreams, these Muslims are often led to believers who engage them relationally."
I simply do not like articles like this, no source but a Christian newspaper. Geee... maybe they are biased? And its an older article, updated in august 2024... I guess they are hunting cristians right now over there.
Yeah, I was wondering as well. How do we know this is accurate or not?
Is it repeated? Against all common sense, is it being sold as obvious and like it's sort of subverting the conventional wisdom?
ask yourself these questions especially when its something you would live to be true.
always apply this simple test and you will have a lot less "news" to read.
I agree about the bias. Over 20+ years I have seen Christian magazine articles about a revival in Japan and how people in Japan are turning to Christ, etc. Basically, propaganda. The reality as I see it as I live in Japan, there is no such "revival" and the whole Unification Church political scandal that involved the assassination of PM Abe has really soured people's image of Christianity even more than the bike riders and door knockers have managed to do. I take the opportunity in my adult English class to mention about this and people really don't know the difference between Christianity and cults derived from Christianity.
Well... you must admit that even for a westener its pretty difficult to discern between the two. KEK
Bingo. CBN
I've heard many stories of mass conversions to Christianity in the Middle East, from Gaza to Iran. So, I asked Copilot: "How many mosques have closed in Iran during the past four years? According to reports, approximately 50,000 out of Iran's 75,000 mosques have closed in the past four years. This significant number indicates a decline in the number of Iranians attending religious services2. Factors contributing to this trend include economic challenges, lack of government funding, and growing disillusionment with the regime's use of religion." Cited by Alarab News and dailytimes.com/pk
I've heard reports of this a year or two ago as far as Islam converts (web based). I've also directly run across strangers here in the US that were atheists just two or three years ago, one of which was on the brink of suicide. Her, husband & young child were now into Christianity full bore, including some of the clothing they were wearing. All while some of the bad news about pastors, priests and other lay people coming out regarding pedophilia & trafficking.
I have a good friend who came from Iran and still has a lot of ties to people there. I will ask him to confirm this, or not.
Here what my friend wrote. He was a Muslim and surrendered to Christ: Since 1979 revolution in Iran, many Iranians have converted to Christianity. Iranians have paid a big price since then. Many boys and girls, young and old have been tortured and executed for their political and religious views. Christianity has been one the most popular religion in Iran. The message of Jesus (Gospel) resonates with Iranians especially after Iranians tasted the fruit of the religion of Islam. Muslim people are open to Christianity more than ever. Iranians were not Muslim. Muslim religion was forced on them. As you read in many Old Testament books of the Bible, such as Daniel, after people of Israel were in captivity, Dariush freed them and helped them to go back to their homeland. Persians (Iranians) were Zoroastrian and later Dariush wanted Persia to follow the God of Daniel. There are many radio TV channels broadcasting message of Jesus to Iran. TV Nejat, radio voice of Christ, internet radio Sedayee Enjil, and many more are very active. Bible Is app and many other Social media sites offer Videos and Bible translated to Farsi and even so ethnic languages/ dialects. I am not surprised when I hear 1 million. I believe out of 80 million people that number is very conservative. Iranians want to follow the true God but unfortunately, the forces of evil blinded their eyes followed the false prophets. But as we both know, the truth will set people free. Jesus, the Way the Truth and the Life has been revealed amongst Iranians. Every knee will bow and event tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. The 1979 revolution in Iran had been a blessing for Iranian. We came to meet the true God. Thank you Jesus Light shines and darkness does not overcome it.
Note that there is a very large population of “underground Christians” in Iran going back what appears to be at least a few hundred years. They have converted to Islam publicly, but still practice Christianity privately to stay alive and preserve very old traditions. Some of the recent “re-conversions” may indicate that it is become safer to practice Christianity publicly in Iran. NOTE: gov’t of Iran is NOT the people of Iran just like in US.
If true, Hallelujah.
There's negative feedback on this post, the great awakening is about more than 'revealing corruption', it's about a 'Great Spiritual Awakening' that will surpass the early church.
Exactly aslan.
This must happen .
Amen. Their response reveals their hearts. God wants all men saved. Stay Blessed.
This article is probably slop. That said something is happening in Iran.
Iran is a very unique case - Iranians are not Arabs. They have a different racial origin. Persia was forcibly converted to Islam when it was invaded but had a history as a great empire. I wonder if the Islamic revolution hasn't ultimately put some of the population off of it. Iran hasn't exactly had a great time of it. There have been riots over inflation that were probably genuine and not astroturfed by western intelligence. The birth rate is also incredibly low there. I have seen anti Islamic sentiments expressed by Iranians before.
I also know that Christianity is growing in India and Hindu mobs have been attacking and killing converts.
But wasn't the radical Islam movement astroturfed by Western intelligence? The Soviets were making inroads into Afghanistan, and could have proceeded from there to oil-rich Islamic nations. So the C_A rallied Al Quaida (the list) and staged their radical revolutions. Am I right? Before that happened, the Middle East culture was becoming quite modernized.
So there was about 1 mosque per muslims?
So there is a mosque for every 20 converts to Christianity? Something doesn't add up. I highly doubt 50k mosque closed.
I Died & What Jesus Revealed About Coming Change Will Shake You
This article is smelly.
Still being outbred by Hindus.
I severally doubt this.
I think there are one billion Muslims. We have a long, long way to go to save them from their slavery to Satan.
Good news, but just wondering when the planeloads of newly converted “Christians” start arriving in Europe due to “oppression”?
“Hello, we escape bad muslim man, we demand house and gibs, it our right, praise alla, I mean praise the Lord”.
Call me skeptical, but I smell a rat. It’s a strange coincidence how many oppressed “gay” immigrants are arrested for rape.
Europe needs Christians for all the havoc and Stealing and globalhomoism they've pushed out on the world.
Zionist folk hate this news. I will rejoice if it is only 1 soul saved..as Jesus and His Kingdom would. Many hearts are being revealed in these days. Pray for the revival of the entire earth.
They probably ran out of people to fight with and needed more opposition...
Seriously - all religion can piss off.
If these so called "Christians" are truly living as Christ instructed, their fruits will be obvious. And THAT would be absolutely wonderful for them and the world.
However, I doubt it. It's probably just exchanging one sky daddy for another and around and around it goes.