In this case, I could retire. As it is, I have to cough up $850/month just to own my home that is fully paid off, after living here for almost 30 years.
I think it is important to "reduce the burden on high earners", although for me the real issue is to mandate participation in the system by all citizens.
Either we have no income tax, or we have a flat tax that everyone pays. No loopholes. No tax write-offs. No "no tax" tax brackets.
What we have now is a convoluted system that drives up the cost of everything and makes a very large percentage of people think that money drops from helicopters, magically. It must end.
Flat at what rate? No income tax is the constitutional thing to do. Make a tax at point of sale of goods only. American made 5 percent. Foreign made 15 percent.
This ignores the limits of federal jurisdiction within the states of the union. It also avoids dealing with the fact that the Internal Revenue code has MANY definitions of State and United States, some of which refer to the 50 states and some that do not. For example, excise taxes on tires, fishing equipment, and petroleum involve the 50 states.
How about NO tax and a federal gummit that operates only on tariffs? May be an exception in an ACTUAL invasion war scenario…but that’s it. This could severely downsize the federal intrusion and the country would explode economically.
And I'm not quite sure what's up with Google, but it's been providing some helpful summaries...
I asked; 'sparrows toil verse'
and this is what it said;
"The Bible verse that mentions sparrows and toil is Matthew 6:26-34, which includes the following passage:
"Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?"
The verse also includes a passage about flowers, which says, "So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these"."
This^ is from the section of the Bible known as the many coincidences🐸
I say we get rid of income and property tax altogether.
and when the Government quits pissing away money we wont need taxes....but i agree income and especially property tax is theft...
In this case, I could retire. As it is, I have to cough up $850/month just to own my home that is fully paid off, after living here for almost 30 years.
Property tax is the original service "subscription" model.
Don't like these narratives one bit.
In a matter of 1 week we went from America for Americans First and 0% income tax to we need H1Bs to survive and be competitive and a flat rate tax.
All income taxes are unconstitutional, period.
During the Joe Rogan Podcast he asked him:
There is a rumor that you plan on getting rid of income taxes entirely. Is that true?
To which Trump replied:
Yes, that is definitely something I can do.
Don't remember the exact wording, but he did mention at least one time that he is okay with getting rid of all income tax.
I, for one, know the tax code is too big and certain things are hard to understand. I am almost certain it is purposely done that way to confuse us.
Consumption tax is better option - Flat tax still has issues of income and deduction definitions/legislation.
I got a better one. Replace it completely with tariffs. Income and property tax shouldn't even exist in the first place.
I think it is important to "reduce the burden on high earners", although for me the real issue is to mandate participation in the system by all citizens.
Either we have no income tax, or we have a flat tax that everyone pays. No loopholes. No tax write-offs. No "no tax" tax brackets.
What we have now is a convoluted system that drives up the cost of everything and makes a very large percentage of people think that money drops from helicopters, magically. It must end.
Flat at what rate? No income tax is the constitutional thing to do. Make a tax at point of sale of goods only. American made 5 percent. Foreign made 15 percent.
This ignores the limits of federal jurisdiction within the states of the union. It also avoids dealing with the fact that the Internal Revenue code has MANY definitions of State and United States, some of which refer to the 50 states and some that do not. For example, excise taxes on tires, fishing equipment, and petroleum involve the 50 states.
Fair Tax House bill 2525. Flat tax that can only be modified by a vote of the STATES.
We have a flat tax now. It's just been fucked with by every congress since 1985.
ALL Tax is THEFT!!!
Flat tax eliminates the IRS.
How about NO tax and a federal gummit that operates only on tariffs? May be an exception in an ACTUAL invasion war scenario…but that’s it. This could severely downsize the federal intrusion and the country would explode economically.
how about NO tax...
God doesn't need such foolishness.
And I'm not quite sure what's up with Google, but it's been providing some helpful summaries...
I asked; 'sparrows toil verse'
and this is what it said;
"The Bible verse that mentions sparrows and toil is Matthew 6:26-34, which includes the following passage:
"Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?"
The verse also includes a passage about flowers, which says, "So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these"."
This^ is from the section of the Bible known as the many coincidences🐸