Massive Fire Erupts After Power Substation Explosion in North Fort Worth, Texas — Triggers Voluntary Evacuationswhere | The Gate...
A powerful explosion at a North Fort Worth power substation has ignited a massive fire, leading to voluntary evacuations. Discover the latest updates and safety information as the situation unfolds.
And to think we thought we had reached The Precipice. 😩
Are those transformers made in Chyna?
🤔 Hadn’t even thought of that, but likely so!
I wonder how many of the fires were INTENTIONALLY set in CA?'s how they all start, every single year. It's just one big money/land grab.
If only we had weather modification technology to make it rain there right now...
All of them.
And fire not water will destroy the Earth.
Hmmm where did I read that 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔?
Catch a few arsonists and immediately send them to gitmo as terrorists. Prosecute quickly and publicly. Maybe this will deter other criminals from their plans of arsen.
Public firing squad executions. This is mass murder on top of mass private propery damage with billions in damages on top of environmental damage and the costs to fix it all.
Pray for snow in north dakota?
There is snow there right now
Not enough though.
True, pretty dry in the midwest
11 more days. Is the deep state fot rodding is HAARP and DEW? Ridiculous, Trump will make them all pay.
texas tends to get on these things like a politician on a taboo sex act, I'd wager itll be contained quickly enough...
Note - the sleeper cells will start hitting food production facilities right before the inauguration.
Apparently this station services a Facebook data center and not much else.
Voluntary evacuations?
You can always evacuate voluntarily ANY TIME.
I saw the fire live coverage as it was happening. It didn't fit my definition of massive. By Dallas standards... that's a 3 on a scale of 10.
The newsies have a tendency to wax hyperbolic.
dunno how the details off the top of my head, but it's either a strong suggestion to get out now while you can, a way to coordinate those who would go on their own anyway to prevent a stampede, an attempt to get as many people out before they have to start a mandatory evac, or some combination of the previous reasons.
It's between Alliance and Roanoke if you're trying to place it