Great Point. Since the commies now control the school systems, they don’t teach any history so people don’t really have clue about Hitler. Using the Hitler example falls on deaf ears.
Legal is defined as"the "undoing of God's law” (1893 Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, Encyclopedia Britannica]
Fake foreign law forum courts have no jurisdiction over the living.
Donald the man was not con-victed, only the legal person was.
When will americans once more use the law of the original republic?
The difference between Adolf Hitler and Donald Trump is that Adolf Hitler actually committed a crime by staging a coup. Donald Trump simply made a hush money payment to somebody. (JessyS. checks to see if any other President was convicted of paying hush money to another person.) Looky here, Paula Jones accepted hush money from President Clinton. Where is his 2001 conviction in the case? Surely the Bush 43 administration or the State of Arkansas decided that charges needed to be filed in the case? Wait, there is none, so I guess giving a hush money payment is okay.
Translation, Trump was convicted on bogus charges.
It must be very fatiguing living with permanent TDS.
Boy I guess so.
Is there an asshole that the Dimocrats could compare with drumpt that isn't Hitler? It doesn't have as much steam as it used to. Try harder libs
Great Point. Since the commies now control the school systems, they don’t teach any history so people don’t really have clue about Hitler. Using the Hitler example falls on deaf ears.
Fun fact: Hitler was elected in a fair election.
And was a vegetarian, possibly due to the same reason most vegans go there, he hated animal suffering. Aww, animal lover.. :D
Mentally ill status confirmed
Always with the H man reference. Shall we talk about the beloved communist Genrik Yahoda? The original mustache man
So was Nelson Mandela.
Yep. And Trump is still your DADDY!!!!
How many others in the Capital are convicted felons?
Legal is defined as"the "undoing of God's law” (1893 Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, Encyclopedia Britannica] Fake foreign law forum courts have no jurisdiction over the living. Donald the man was not con-victed, only the legal person was. When will americans once more use the law of the original republic?
So we’re supposed to live wild and free like all Gods creatures big and small?
Fun fact: Hitler was also senile and discredited when he left office.
I wonder, if one is never sentenced for an alleged crime, are they really a “convicted felon” 🤔
The difference between Adolf Hitler and Donald Trump is that Adolf Hitler actually committed a crime by staging a coup. Donald Trump simply made a hush money payment to somebody. (JessyS. checks to see if any other President was convicted of paying hush money to another person.) Looky here, Paula Jones accepted hush money from President Clinton. Where is his 2001 conviction in the case? Surely the Bush 43 administration or the State of Arkansas decided that charges needed to be filed in the case? Wait, there is none, so I guess giving a hush money payment is okay.
Translation, Trump was convicted on bogus charges.
Hey Bruce : Did u forget what you did to the children ? This won’t distract you sick pedo !
I mean we'll have to find some use for Covid camps...
Plastic coffins at the ready.
posts like this just prove how uneducated these people are. They would be the first ones following along.
Fun fact: Hitler was also a big-government socialist like @BruceBartlett.