I live in CO. Last year smart meters were installed in every house in the area served by Mountain View Electric. If you opted out - NO electricity for you!
same here in MN, the town I live in has a coop for utilities. no choice, they showed up, switched meters and if you denied access, they shut off your utilities. PURE EVIL
We’re in Golden Gate Canyon with United Power. We could opt out and pay $25 fee a month to keep the old style. I had a long convo with one of their engineers about the health issues caused by smart meters. They pump high EMF levels through your house. If the meter is near the bedroom or living room you’re bombarded with dangerous EMF. People have significant health degradation due to this.
Same horror that 5g antennas subject those near them to.
The main issue I have with them is that the provider has control over, for example, one's hot water cylinder, which they turn off at times of high load. It's called ripple control (just when a hot shower in the morning is what u need, on a frosty morning - and a cold shower is not).
Plus I know of a guy who purchased some sanding equipment and started sanding and painting his car, who got a police visit, because the provider reported him as 'using lots of power (suspicion of a weed farm), lol - not mentioning that most indoor growers now use LED and cannot now be detected thus, LOLOL'.
It's all rather creepy. In our own house we made sure our HWC is hard-wired into the mains, so that it cannot be 'turned off' by a third party).
However, I would be interesed on updates regarding the matter. Is anyone following this guy?
It’s an electronic electric meter the power company uses to track your specific electricity usage. The meters pulse high electrical energy (EMF, harmful to health) many times a minute to communicate with the companies system. The meters have also been shown to explode and cause fires.
Also, these "smart meters" ARE INSTALLED HOMES AND THE INSURANCE COMPANIES MAY/MAY NOT cover YOU'RE HOME!!!!!!! AND I am quite sure that these insurance companies are finding out that certain "smart whatever" is ACTUALLY A CASE OF DYNOMITE READY TO GO OFF...then watch the wrangling...OH tobe a fly on the wall at that meeting!!!! Food for Thought!!!!!
Ffairchild...HAMMER MEAT NAIL....When those fires start in the most in-opportune places like beside a flammable whatever then the fun begins BECAUSE whoever has a SMART-WHATEVER...the insurance is going to go sky high...Also, the insurance cos., right now, I am quite sure they are NOT pricing in the ion crap...Every seen an explosive go off...well that is one ionic thing I DO NOT want to be around!!!!!!!
You likely have one already and don't know what it's called. Go look at your meter and see if it has an LCD display, if it does it's a smart meter and you didn't have to even be home when they swapped it in. They've been around in my area for about 6 years already, they did away with the meter readers since the readings are wireless now.
The flat earther and "electrosensitive" types like to fearmonger about them. "OMG they give off EMF" whines someone who is likely using WiFi to access the Internet. Regardless they can't just magically draw tons of power on their own if the appliances in your house aren't (in which case your main breaker would trip first assuming it's not oversized for your incoming power line). Even if they could a first your power line would likely just melt and break the circuit and if a bunch of houses on a block suddenly did so at once it would blow the transformer before they started on fire. I say this as someone who actually works in electrical engineering.
Respectfully. Why so much additional draw strength required before installation? They always need new lines and additional voltage strength to install these. Far far more than just “ readability” that is done by my home security system on 2 aa batteries. I am not an electrical engineer so I am super curious. If the only point is to replace the meter readers then an add on would be more efficient and cost effective instead of entire new meters that need triple the transmission lines.
Did away with meter readers and never lowered our electric rates. You would think with that cost savings alone we could get a reduction in rates but no it just keeps increasing.
Of course not. Those smart meters are about invigilation and control,as it would show what kind of devices you are using and when.
regardless they can't just magically draw tons of power on their own if the appliances in your house aren't (in which case your main breaker would trip first assuming it's not oversized for your incoming power line
u/ ZerroDefex You are electrican or above ? You know,I am engineer even if not electrican one and I checked few things - the problem is that IF somebody would want to do something malicious with smart meters all he needs is not-so-high but very long overvoltage without lowered amperage. This way before the fuses would break the circuit it sometimes can be too late. New fuses used in homes are not the ones which would just burn and break the circuit too, and it can be of course less safe too.
What mixed with very American cheap "architecture" including wood,paper and plywood - oh man... (yes,in Europe we have heard "funny" stories about American "architecture" - not so funny however if you would get we are mocking quality of most of American housing)
And no,absolutely this way main power line wouldn't burn,as both power line and transformer have some margins of safety,as big companies build infrastructure having in minds they might get some new clients using the same power lines.
But if of course would be hard,and definitely it wouldn't be any accident.
Other way is simply smart meter having some big battery. Batteries in all (connected to any networks) electrical devices can cause fire if for example device is hacked.Wrong (modified maliciously) loading/unloading cycles and kaboom...
Both take long time of course,like all sabotages.Doesn't matter as most people wouldn't notice.
Smart meters allow electric companies to also read your meter without getting out of their trucks, thus reducing the staff required. We were forced to get them and isn't that a coincidence?
This is bait. An electrical fire can't start unless you have a hot open inside the house or a grounding issue, and you don't need a smart meter for that. It's literally a meter, not an actuator. This is preying on the weak minded and using basic logic deduces this.
Those smart meteres contain battery big enough (=possible explosive) or not.
Monitoring is NOT the only function of smart meters. Other is VOLTAGE CONTROL. In theory it is to maintain stable parameters of the current.
But in someone malicious hands just "tunning" the current parameters "right" way and turning out some settings of smart meter can do terrible things.
You maybe not undeerstand:
It don't needs even to regulate it itself, just transformers and regs would do the job.The same way you can tune the current to stop minor problems you can do the opposite. It requires time and much calculations but don't say it isn't possible.
It is ! Of course it requires some engineering knowledge but it is essentially the same thing like with troubleshooting it all in smart grid - just done with opposite purpose.
They emit EMFs which are problematic to your health. Make sure, if forced to install, they are far from your sleeping area. Some places allow you to opt out.
I don't think they could start a fire but they are bad nonetheless.
Yeah. But these are bad news as well. No immediate effects but manifest gradually over the years. Some are highly sensitive and are ill when in the vicinity of EMFs.
Government shouldn't be able to bombard us with EMFs without our consent.
Which we shouldn’t be using either. Remove the smart meter, hardwire everything in the house and if a cellphone is needed, don’t keep it in proximity. All this EMF screws with our nervous system which is how the body communicates with all of its systems for repair. The smart meters turn the home into a big microwave frequency cage.
The body, all atoms, and thought is electrical impulses. Strong unnatural impulses interfere with the body’s natural electrical state and causes illness and dis-ease.
Among other things, smart meters provide information about electricity usage that shows whether or not you are in your house. Handy for the burglar/squatter contingency, no? Also, combined with other data, you have the Deep State knowing every move you make.
And all homeowners are being forced to install them on their homes to the tune of 6000.00 or more. Commifornia
I live in CO. Last year smart meters were installed in every house in the area served by Mountain View Electric. If you opted out - NO electricity for you!
same here in MN, the town I live in has a coop for utilities. no choice, they showed up, switched meters and if you denied access, they shut off your utilities. PURE EVIL
You do not make peace with Evil
You destroy it
We’re in Golden Gate Canyon with United Power. We could opt out and pay $25 fee a month to keep the old style. I had a long convo with one of their engineers about the health issues caused by smart meters. They pump high EMF levels through your house. If the meter is near the bedroom or living room you’re bombarded with dangerous EMF. People have significant health degradation due to this.
Same horror that 5g antennas subject those near them to.
The main issue I have with them is that the provider has control over, for example, one's hot water cylinder, which they turn off at times of high load. It's called ripple control (just when a hot shower in the morning is what u need, on a frosty morning - and a cold shower is not).
Plus I know of a guy who purchased some sanding equipment and started sanding and painting his car, who got a police visit, because the provider reported him as 'using lots of power (suspicion of a weed farm), lol - not mentioning that most indoor growers now use LED and cannot now be detected thus, LOLOL'.
It's all rather creepy. In our own house we made sure our HWC is hard-wired into the mains, so that it cannot be 'turned off' by a third party).
However, I would be interesed on updates regarding the matter. Is anyone following this guy?
Ummmm what's a "smart meter" ? Like is is something that commifornia implemented? This is the 1st im hearing of it
It’s an electronic electric meter the power company uses to track your specific electricity usage. The meters pulse high electrical energy (EMF, harmful to health) many times a minute to communicate with the companies system. The meters have also been shown to explode and cause fires.
Also, these "smart meters" ARE INSTALLED HOMES AND THE INSURANCE COMPANIES MAY/MAY NOT cover YOU'RE HOME!!!!!!! AND I am quite sure that these insurance companies are finding out that certain "smart whatever" is ACTUALLY A CASE OF DYNOMITE READY TO GO OFF...then watch the wrangling...OH tobe a fly on the wall at that meeting!!!! Food for Thought!!!!!
That and smart vehicles (bikes, cars, etc.) catching homes on fire. They are literally making it Hell on Earth.
Ffairchild...HAMMER MEAT NAIL....When those fires start in the most in-opportune places like beside a flammable whatever then the fun begins BECAUSE whoever has a SMART-WHATEVER...the insurance is going to go sky high...Also, the insurance cos., right now, I am quite sure they are NOT pricing in the ion crap...Every seen an explosive go off...well that is one ionic thing I DO NOT want to be around!!!!!!!
Thank you fren
An electronic device that records things. Like electricity and other things.
You likely have one already and don't know what it's called. Go look at your meter and see if it has an LCD display, if it does it's a smart meter and you didn't have to even be home when they swapped it in. They've been around in my area for about 6 years already, they did away with the meter readers since the readings are wireless now.
The flat earther and "electrosensitive" types like to fearmonger about them. "OMG they give off EMF" whines someone who is likely using WiFi to access the Internet. Regardless they can't just magically draw tons of power on their own if the appliances in your house aren't (in which case your main breaker would trip first assuming it's not oversized for your incoming power line). Even if they could a first your power line would likely just melt and break the circuit and if a bunch of houses on a block suddenly did so at once it would blow the transformer before they started on fire. I say this as someone who actually works in electrical engineering.
Respectfully. Why so much additional draw strength required before installation? They always need new lines and additional voltage strength to install these. Far far more than just “ readability” that is done by my home security system on 2 aa batteries. I am not an electrical engineer so I am super curious. If the only point is to replace the meter readers then an add on would be more efficient and cost effective instead of entire new meters that need triple the transmission lines.
Mine is not a smart meter. Mines 75 years old. Lol
Did away with meter readers and never lowered our electric rates. You would think with that cost savings alone we could get a reduction in rates but no it just keeps increasing.
Of course not. Those smart meters are about invigilation and control,as it would show what kind of devices you are using and when.
u/ ZerroDefex You are electrican or above ? You know,I am engineer even if not electrican one and I checked few things - the problem is that IF somebody would want to do something malicious with smart meters all he needs is not-so-high but very long overvoltage without lowered amperage. This way before the fuses would break the circuit it sometimes can be too late. New fuses used in homes are not the ones which would just burn and break the circuit too, and it can be of course less safe too.
What mixed with very American cheap "architecture" including wood,paper and plywood - oh man... (yes,in Europe we have heard "funny" stories about American "architecture" - not so funny however if you would get we are mocking quality of most of American housing)
And no,absolutely this way main power line wouldn't burn,as both power line and transformer have some margins of safety,as big companies build infrastructure having in minds they might get some new clients using the same power lines.
But if of course would be hard,and definitely it wouldn't be any accident.
Other way is simply smart meter having some big battery. Batteries in all (connected to any networks) electrical devices can cause fire if for example device is hacked.Wrong (modified maliciously) loading/unloading cycles and kaboom...
Both take long time of course,like all sabotages.Doesn't matter as most people wouldn't notice.
PS: As this person claims here: https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/firefighters-caught-scrubbing-smart?r=qosm5&utm_medium=ios&triedRedirect=true
Well if that is true...
You silly Frog, tricks are for Liberals.
Thank you fren
Welcome alot
Smart meters allow electric companies to also read your meter without getting out of their trucks, thus reducing the staff required. We were forced to get them and isn't that a coincidence?
Thank you for the info fren.
They are also able to generate your bill without having to come out and read your meter.
Thank you for the info fren.
Thank you fren
This is bait. An electrical fire can't start unless you have a hot open inside the house or a grounding issue, and you don't need a smart meter for that. It's literally a meter, not an actuator. This is preying on the weak minded and using basic logic deduces this.
Maybe yes,maybe not.
Depends if:
dont be a newfag, its just for metering.
transformers/voltage regs do the heavy lifting.
You maybe not undeerstand: It don't needs even to regulate it itself, just transformers and regs would do the job.The same way you can tune the current to stop minor problems you can do the opposite. It requires time and much calculations but don't say it isn't possible.
It is ! Of course it requires some engineering knowledge but it is essentially the same thing like with troubleshooting it all in smart grid - just done with opposite purpose.
There are reports of smart meters failing and causing house fires.
After the smart meter was installed on our house we began having refrigerator problems.
7 years ago in commifornia: https://abc30.com/pge-smart-meters-house-fires-lawsuit/2657513/
A quick smart meter home fire search bring up unending reports. Add in the health problems and it’s obvious smart meters are negative for everyone.
They emit EMFs which are problematic to your health. Make sure, if forced to install, they are far from your sleeping area. Some places allow you to opt out.
I don't think they could start a fire but they are bad nonetheless.
No different than what's coming from the WiFi or cellular you likely used while writing this comment.
Yeah. But these are bad news as well. No immediate effects but manifest gradually over the years. Some are highly sensitive and are ill when in the vicinity of EMFs.
Government shouldn't be able to bombard us with EMFs without our consent.
Which we shouldn’t be using either. Remove the smart meter, hardwire everything in the house and if a cellphone is needed, don’t keep it in proximity. All this EMF screws with our nervous system which is how the body communicates with all of its systems for repair. The smart meters turn the home into a big microwave frequency cage.
The body, all atoms, and thought is electrical impulses. Strong unnatural impulses interfere with the body’s natural electrical state and causes illness and dis-ease.
Smart meters have high EMF spikes almost continuously. WiFi doesn’t.
I’ve thought to get sheet lead and place it around the meter on the house side to shield the emf from penetrating the living areas.
We need Trump to allow Zero Point Energy Generators to be mass produced. In the meantime, I'll use my start meter, my brain.
Look up the Searl Effect Generator (SEG.)
Among other things, smart meters provide information about electricity usage that shows whether or not you are in your house. Handy for the burglar/squatter contingency, no? Also, combined with other data, you have the Deep State knowing every move you make.
A lot of the smart meter BS is forced on people. Can you not install it in a fireproof box or something?
Why would a house not have one today? there were installed years ago to do away with the meter reader dude.... same with water meter.........