Owning my own home was a life long goal and I worked hard to achieve it. To think it could be taken away for missing tax payments in my old age both saddens and enrages me. We don't really own it if Government can take it.
Depending on the state, property taxes are waived after a certain age. My mom's parents were property tax free before they died, and now so is my mom but only because she reached the age limit (65 I think in VA).
You have to be under a certain household income here in TN to qualify for partial reduction. I check with them every year. They increased my property valuation last year but luckily it didn't go up too much. Still a bargain here compared to other states. But as you age and your income goes down it becomes a hardship.
You don’t own your home. You are just renting it from the government. I started the fight to end property taxes for those over 65. That started when my Great Aunt told me she was going to have to sell another portion of her farm off to pay the property taxes. There should be no property taxes, but 65 is a place to start.
Property taxes are a state/local thing, so Trump would not be able to easily eliminate those. It would take either a Supreme Court case challenging property taxes as unconstitutional (which, they are, but I digress) or each state outlawing it for themselves (not entirely unlikely as the election fraud should be coming to an end).
Trump is hinting at something VERY vital here: we CONSENT to pay property taxes to our states, cities and counties. Property tax is a complete rip-off, enriching our local, corrupt governments. Do we need TRUMP to take away property taxes? Or can we simply unite to stop paying them OURSELVES??? Let’s gooooooooooo, Patriots! 🔥
Problem is, how many people are going to risk serious penalties, fines, or the loss of their homes?
In California (tax deed state), 5 years behind = power to sell. Property is auctioned off to the highest bidder. If you have a mortgage that will not happen, the lender will foreclose before that happens and pay the back taxes themselves.
AFAIK states are either tax lien or tax deed states. Different rules, but you always risk losing your property.
I am not going to risk my home.
Let's see plans on how to run state, local, and federal governments and support infrastructure, etc with no income taxes and no property taxes.
Assuming non-corrupt, non-bloated governments.
I want to know how that works.
There are thousands of ideas on how to find a government in a voluntary way free of coercion. Ayn Rand lays a few out in her book Capitalism, The Unknown Ideal
As an ancap, property tax is my number 2 target of annihilation after income tax. It will take a new article of the constitution to be ratified to make property tax unconstitutional, but it is a fight worth waging. If such a fight were to be won in 4 years time, I would be stunned beyond all reason. Such an action, coupled with the abolishing of income tax, would warrant enshrining Trump as the greatest president of all time, including the founding fathers. For he would then be the greatest president for protecting and preserving the liberties of the people.
Property taxes are theft for the woke school system. We are paying to have our children dumbed down. They have been playing the long game for a very long time. Its so ridiculous now that it has to change. People should be able to choose where there kids are educated at and how our hard earned money is spent. Not in a corrupt system that forces everyone to pay in!
Constitutional Amendment. We have a right to own property. Property taxes completely abrogate that right.
💯 Fer Shizzle
Now do motor vehicles, certificates of origin and titles...
Would be perfect, but as much as the Swamp would be drained, you need 38 states (75%) to agree to this.
Not an easy task.
God, I'd love it, though. My parents promised this house to me, and I fear not being able to pay the property taxes on the land it's on once they die.
Owning my own home was a life long goal and I worked hard to achieve it. To think it could be taken away for missing tax payments in my old age both saddens and enrages me. We don't really own it if Government can take it.
Depending on the state, property taxes are waived after a certain age. My mom's parents were property tax free before they died, and now so is my mom but only because she reached the age limit (65 I think in VA).
"Depending on the state, property taxes are waived after a certain age."
Maybe in some states. But I'm 76, and still paying.
You have to be under a certain household income here in TN to qualify for partial reduction. I check with them every year. They increased my property valuation last year but luckily it didn't go up too much. Still a bargain here compared to other states. But as you age and your income goes down it becomes a hardship.
You don’t own your home. You are just renting it from the government. I started the fight to end property taxes for those over 65. That started when my Great Aunt told me she was going to have to sell another portion of her farm off to pay the property taxes. There should be no property taxes, but 65 is a place to start.
Property taxes are a state tax. I am not sure federal law can prevent a state from levying whatever tax it wants.
Any law repugnant to the Constitution is null and void, doesn't matter if it's a state or federal law.
True, but if that null law will still be enforced you, its effects are real.
We are moving back to the the original Constitution. I don't know how the state laws will be overturned, that remains to be seen.
It's a whole pyramid scheme...
State -->County-->Town
Pyramid scheme implies you get nothing for your money. No fire department, no police department, no court, no roads, no nothing.
cough california cough
Cheap shot cheap shot.
Can't deny it's accuracy though 😂😭
Only an article in the bill of rights could subvert states from implementing property taxes.
And this is the man to do it. We're getting Greenland. Lol
Bro they're gonna take your house!?
State Constitutional Amendment to abolish property tax. We the People. By the consent of the governed. https://x.com/SovereignsEmber/status/1872854641790075216
Property taxes are a state/local thing, so Trump would not be able to easily eliminate those. It would take either a Supreme Court case challenging property taxes as unconstitutional (which, they are, but I digress) or each state outlawing it for themselves (not entirely unlikely as the election fraud should be coming to an end).
YES, PLEASE! They are killing the older generation.
And stealing the generational wealth that should be passed down.
Trump is hinting at something VERY vital here: we CONSENT to pay property taxes to our states, cities and counties. Property tax is a complete rip-off, enriching our local, corrupt governments. Do we need TRUMP to take away property taxes? Or can we simply unite to stop paying them OURSELVES??? Let’s gooooooooooo, Patriots! 🔥
Problem is, how many people are going to risk serious penalties, fines, or the loss of their homes?
In California (tax deed state), 5 years behind = power to sell. Property is auctioned off to the highest bidder. If you have a mortgage that will not happen, the lender will foreclose before that happens and pay the back taxes themselves. AFAIK states are either tax lien or tax deed states. Different rules, but you always risk losing your property. I am not going to risk my home.
That would sure be nice. I hate paying property taxes. I feel like I'm renting the house from the state. A house that's already paid for.
Let's see plans on how to run state, local, and federal governments and support infrastructure, etc with no income taxes and no property taxes. Assuming non-corrupt, non-bloated governments. I want to know how that works.
Yeah who would build the roads 🤣🤣
There are thousands of ideas on how to find a government in a voluntary way free of coercion. Ayn Rand lays a few out in her book Capitalism, The Unknown Ideal
If the state government wasn't so corrupt, they wouldn't need as much money. Sales tax would be plenty.
As an ancap, property tax is my number 2 target of annihilation after income tax. It will take a new article of the constitution to be ratified to make property tax unconstitutional, but it is a fight worth waging. If such a fight were to be won in 4 years time, I would be stunned beyond all reason. Such an action, coupled with the abolishing of income tax, would warrant enshrining Trump as the greatest president of all time, including the founding fathers. For he would then be the greatest president for protecting and preserving the liberties of the people.
Property tax is a county thing. Congress may have to pass a law to get rid of it.
That's only place fed.gov has to turn to create liquidity....fast. With the stroke of a pen
Property taxes are collected by the IRS on behalf of the state. They are not federal dollars.
Property taxes are theft for the woke school system. We are paying to have our children dumbed down. They have been playing the long game for a very long time. Its so ridiculous now that it has to change. People should be able to choose where there kids are educated at and how our hard earned money is spent. Not in a corrupt system that forces everyone to pay in!