Another move to drain the swamp. No more cush government jobs that pays you to sit on your butt at home. The "work from home" was one of the biggest lies spread during the pandemic, and it is killing our economy. The liberals and the lazy (which go hand in hand) will protest about this, but I see this as an absolute win.
Link to the article:
All people that work from home are not lazy. I did work from home here in Canada and I did the same job I did when we were at the office. Yes some will absolutely not do their job but many of us do.
I work for government and people would sleep in office. Alot of people just waiting for retirement.
I don't think getting rid of remote work will change anything except more underpaid employees not giving a shit even more.
If anything this will slow government down more and Elon and Vivek will just hire cheap H1-B's. Have fun when talking to Sanjay and Mohammed.
Biden already enacted minimum wage and that in itself caused a hiring freeze and less workers. Forcing the COVID jab already caused alot of people to quit.
Why don't we cut foreign aid? Giving handouts to Ukraine got us where we are.
I'm sure by Canadian standards, you are probably considered a hard worker, but that's not the same in America.
I work from home because my company realizes it doesn't need office spaces to baby sit grown ass adults.
You are truly short sighted if you think In office work = productive and wfh = lazy.
Everything about this post is stupid
^^^This, and I’m glad he’s getting the appropriate downvotes it deserves. This is just a narrow minded boomer view of how the world turns anymore. I’ve been remote before it was cool (probably around 2018) and the biggest issue I’ve run into is working too much. It took quite awhile to understand how to separate work life from home life. Fortunately I’m in a good habit now, 40 hours, extra only in emergencies that are actually emergencies. But I’ve built a comfortable career where I can rely on skill and the fact people know I’m a dependable resource for their projects. Kind of the opposite of his view on remote workers.
Have you noticed that since everyone started "working" from home, our economy has been in the toilet? Of course the workers like it, but no one wants to face the facts and admit that we aren't getting anything done. When they tried to get me to work from home, I hardly did anything. This is basically welfare, except I'm not even required to search for a new job.
Blue states shut down their states because of covid. Government forces tons of people to lose their jobs. Tons of business close their doors. Fucked up the economy to spite Trump. Biden enters office, prints unlimited money. Sends all of it overseas.
And you think it's WFH that's tanking the economy?
So your just lazy and undisciplined and need daddy corporation to supervise you in a cube farm?
Makes sense now, thanks for admitting your not mature enough to do work without daddy supervision lmao
You notice how businesses have been open for several years now and the economy is still in the toilet? It isn't because we were briefly stopped shopping in person four years ago.
Also, I am plenty mature. It is just a fact of life, people work better when they are monitored. Elon Musk get so much out of his workers because he is right there. He goes down on to the factor floor and sees the work they are actually doing. He's been known to fire unproductive people on the spot which is why Tesla is one of the most valuable companies in the world. Amazon outcompetes everyone around them because they track their warehouse workers down to the minute. Bathroom breaks are timed to ensure people don't waste time, and get things done. If you are working hard already, then why would you be opposed to supervision? I find that the laziest people are often the most defensive.
I am a hard worker by any standards. You actually just said Americans work harder than Canadians that is absolute BS. By the way just an FYI Canada is in North America just like you so we are America too. You are the US and we are Canada.
Here’s the thing, those of you who think bringing government workers into the office will make the lazy, ‘don’t do crap’ ones work, it ain’t gonna happen. The government has 3 employees to do jobs that require only 1. Half weren’t working before the work from home phase. That just moved those who didn’t really work to a more comfortable atmosphere to not really work. The workforce needs to be downsized, period.
Return to office has always been a downsizing endeavor.
The end goal of DOGE is to shrink government.
Won't work. Just a way to get more H1-Bs. Obama did same shit and it backfired bigly. I was in a local news article about it too when I was looking for a job after college.
This will screw college graduates.
A lot of college graduates are entitled and want to be making a boat load of money right out the gate with not practical skills. All this liberal indoctrination. There are plenty of jobs out there, young people just don't want to work hard.
I love working from home. I go to the office once a week.
While it is all well and good to keep the building occupied, the real problem is that when you have several government headquarters and their numerous staff all concentrated in one area. What you now have is a limited ability to hire the best and brightest to work for the government. It happens in federal and state governments. No one worth their salt wants to put up with the bullshit and headaches that come from having to either move to or suffer a long commute into a big city to do a job.
I've been well, if not overqualified for many jobs that I applied for, but after serious soul searching I decided not to take the interviews for. I've literally had the hiring managers try everything to convince me that I should seriously reconsider because as one manager outright told me, "we can't get anyone who is even halfway qualified to interview for the job so we are stuck with the bottom of the barrel for interviewees."
THAT is the real reason why we have idiots and clueless people working for the government. If they would de-centralize the jobs and put large sub-offices in other states and cities they would be able to attract a better class of people. Unfortunately, the total losers in power can't have people working somewhere else that they can't control on a daily basis.
Yep. This is all about uniparty control. They should fix government spending first but let's keep dividing people.
Concentration is a good thing. It will allow us to keep an eye on the workers. Remote or disturbed work is a Chinese Spy's wet dream. They don't even have to attempt to blend in. By having everyone concentrated in one area, it makes the prospect for them a lot more dangerous.
This is government work. We don't need the so called "best" or "brightest". I find most of those are already too indoctrinated to be useful. What we need is the most loyal, and that's what coming into the office shows, loyalty.
Hating on WFH is boomer-tier nonsense. Yeah, it should be banned for government workers because they're serving our nation. However when it comes to the private sector, I'm not going to sit in a shitty cubicle next to chatty Cathy who runs to HR at the slightest inconvenience when I could do the same work more efficiently from my home office.
Yep. I think it's jealous people that actually need to go to office that hate on it lol. But ya these boomers cant grasp concept.
Boomers are the ones working from home. Think about it.
Most the ones I know retired when COVID was forced on government employees.
Now federal government can employ H1-B's lol. Elon and Vivek say america first but then hiring foreigners?
Every thinking American is seeing this going on. Most are not aware of Q or GAW. Many Americans got messed over the last few years and aren't willing to play games. Results is what we want.
They're only hiring H1-Bs because Americans aren't willing to work. Not every job is going to pay that great. You have to start at the bottom and work your way up, but kids these days don't want to do that and just complain that there aren't any good jobs. My local McDonald's is starting out at $18 an hour. That is incredibly generous. Kids will say that you can't afford to live on $18 an hour, but that's only true because of their lifestyle. Apparently top roman and dumpster diving is beneath them. We need to stop supporting these kids and teach them some life lessons about how to work.
Boomers built this country buddy. We didn't have a lot of these problems 60 years ago.
Private sector can do what they want, but the government shouldn't incentivize laziness or easy jobs. Maybe something like an additional tax on companies that use work from home, or a visa system like we use for immigrants. Only so many should be allowed. This will help curb those impulses and encourage people to actually work.
Boomers also fucked this country almost beyond repair. Also boomers didn't build shit, the generations that came prior did. Boomer entitlement right there.
Wfh isn't lazy. I've seen so many lazy ass people in offices. Completely baseless claim.
Tf is wrong with you? Who's side are you even on? More taxes? What in the actual fuck. Literally going against what we're trying to do here.
What are you even talking about here?
Holy drivel batman.
No, it is millennials and Gen-z with all their entitlements.
I just know that when I was working from home, it was so much easier to just sit around and not do anything. People work hardest when they know they are being monitored.
Taxes are to disincentivise bad behavior. No one here complains about taxes on cigarettes.
Boomers did not build this country lmao. Their fathers did. Congress is run by boomers and has been for a long time. What does that tell you?
Congress is run by thieves and pedophiles it has nothing to do with being boomer. Boomers did more good for this country than the rest of you.
Sounds like jobs the U.S. could do without.
Almost any job that can be done remotely is not actually needed. You know what doctors, plumbers, mechanics, pilots, fashion models, and carpenters all have in common? They have to actually physically show up and put the work in, and actually produce something of value.
Wrong. Accountants can work from home. And get the job done. Logging in everyday keeps track of time and saves business alot of money on maintenance costs. Workers save money on gas for long commutes and it helps cut down on rush hour traffic. Some people are self motivated and work more efficiently at home because they don't have to put up with stupid stuff
Every accountant I've ever met didn't do jack. They literally just look at the books, pop open a spreadsheet and say "yup, looks good". Maybe they'll track down a little missing money here or there, but these savings are often completely soaked up by the salary of the accountants themselves. Seriously, these guys are just busy bodies, bitching at real workers for useless receipts and explanations for spending. I've seen good workers get fired because some accountant thinks they're taking money. So what if someone buys a few beers and a round of black jack after work on the company credit card? These guys work hard and need to blow off some steam, it is not a big deal. Accountants are the type of people who get in the way of real work.
Next time deal with real accountants. What you posted is utter nonsense and demonstrates a superficial knowledge of the field.
Wrong - you think a lawyer needs to be in an inner city office to render legal advice over email and do video conferences with clients?
Every lawyer I've met had an actual office. They also go to court, and wear a suit and tie. Also, a lot of work lawyers do is BS. Seriously, a good portion of our politicians happen to be lawyers. They make complicated laws, then require that only people who graduate from special schools are allowed to help other people understand those laws. 85% of what lawyers do does not need to exist. It is such an obvious grift. You ever notice who always makes out in court cases? Lawyers. Your client goes to jail? That's OK, you still get paid. A company harms a bunch of people and gets sued in a class action? The Lawyers (on both sides) walk away with millions. Leaches on society.
Ah yes, fashion models, the pillar that holds up the world. Much needed
Kind of a broad term there. It includes sex "workers" as well (because that's essentially what fashion models are doing). Prostitution is the world's oldest profession, and that can't be done remotely.
Wrong - IT can work from home. I know a bunch of successful people that do it.
What's difference from working on home PC vs office cubicle?
Also there are doctors that control robots remotely for surgeries. What are the going to fly to every location in the world?
Most of IT isn't needed. The IT guy I know literally just googles stuff all day. If he needs to program something, he just copies it from random people online, and it isn't just him. When I called him out on it, he said that's what everyone does. He doesn't even know what the problem is half the time. My computer isn't working right? He says he is just going to wipe it and reinstall the software, but when I ask what is wrong, he can't actually tell me. Hell, most of the time he doesn't even need to do that. He just tells me to reboot and call him back if it still doesn't work. I think he is secretly breaking things to make it look like a reboot magically fixes it. I've noticed that if I ask him to come look at my computer, and he walks away from his desk over to mine, somehow the issue just goes away without either of us doing anything. It is all just a grift.
As for doctors, no, I don't want to be operated on by a robot. It could be easily hacked. In the middle of a surgery, someone else could take over, maybe implant a chip or make a few unauthorized changes and no one would know. Everywhere should have their own local doctors anyway.
Im a non govt worker & love working from home. I am able to save so much time & money.
I worked from home as a private contractor doing the same work I sat in an office to complete previously. I found I could complete the same amount of work in about 1/3 of the time it took me in the office. Another plus was that I didn't have to listen to my suitemate's weekend rehash or attend any office birthday parties.
I think the real issue with federal workers teleworking is that our evaluation systems are based on in-office work. What really needs to be changed is the evaluation systems. Tell me what I need to accomplish - how do you define a day's work - and I'll finish the work each day, regardless of how much time it takes me.
I have an easy way to fix all of this. Trump said he wanted to distribute Federal Agencies across the country in different states.
Well - do it.
It would allow the bldgs in DC to be sold, bringing in a bunch of money, while the bldgs in different states would be cheaper due to land and construction prices being much more reasonable than in DC.
Have states bid on the Agencies kind of like cities bid on the Olympics. If they want 1,000s of new jobs, customers for their stores, restaurants, hotels, and more people on their tax rolls they will bid.
Tell people if they want to continue employment they will have to move. You can even give a relo package (still cheaper). When they don't want to move to North Dakota their employment ends. Don't back-fill the positions. That is an easy way to get rid of federal employees without trying the impossible and firing them.
No permanent teleworking in the new locations without a doctor's note requiring convalescence time to recover from an illness/injury or signed permission from the agency Director/Secretary. The signed permission cases should be reviewed and resubmitted every 90 days, with copies sent to the White House.
Distribution is a bad thing. Concentration is a good thing. It will allow us to keep an eye on the workers. Remote work is a Chinese Spy's wet dream. They don't even have to attempt to blend in. By having everyone concentrated in one area, it makes the prospect for them a lot more dangerous. During this administration, we need to tighten down even more than ever before. Full monitoring and open cubicles. Watchers for the watchers. No back room deals, or hidden conversations. This is how we bring security and restore order.
Qled is a troll. We literally background check everyone in the government. Try getting a government job.
We did have a Chinese hacker on a interview and background check came up and guess what we did not hire him. Private sector will probably hire him lol.
Background checks are just one step in the process. Anyone can have clean teeth twice a year when they go to the dentist, but it is harder to fake if it is checked every day. As Q said, watchers for the watchers. It is important. A system where everyone is accountable to everyone else. A circle of accountability.
nonsense. it's easy to track homeworkers. In office costs more money to the company and worker. To say nothing of the stupid people you have to put up with and the politics. All govt. James Comer is a dumbass. lazy dude. just fire the unproductive people. He won't do that because he is a coward and lazy. This punish everybody instead of the culprit shit is straight communism.
Correct. He's gonna make it worse. Government employees already underpaid. Only thing good is benefits.
Things can be faked when they're virtual. I've seen plenty of solutions to evade tracking. Just tape a mouse to an oscillating fan, it is that easy. You can't do that in an actual office. Also, compromised workers can have the Chinese hack into their computers, so it looks like they're busy, but it is actually the Chinese going through all our secret documents.
We do phishing attempts on our own system to evade this.
Yes you can use mouse move, etc but also end of day you still have deadlines, meetings, etc and you can't be shitty at your job.
I was more away from computer in office bullshitting with friends, bathroom breaks, etc. We even had a track you can walk or run and a food court to grab a snack as well as stores. Oh ya and extra meaningless meetings.
Showing up to the office made it impossible for "you" to be faked. Did you hear about the news about scammers who stole 25 million dollars by using AI to fake their co-workers? I'll put the link below. This can't happen when in an office. Maybe you don't get as much done, but the extra security is important. If we're going to fight against the deep state, then we will have to use every tool at our disposal. It may be uncomfortable, but freedom has a cost.
Child please. If my dept. doesn't do it's job folk won't get paid. Homeworkers don't get snow days. Spreadsheets gotta get responded to dead lines gotta get met. Less stress from being in bad traffic. Better work attitude. Folk gold brick in office environments everyday. Fire the ones not meeting the standard and stop messing with good workers.
I'd rather he'd just fire them....
What’s the lie about work from home?
They shoved it down our throats. Wear a mask, get the vax, and work from home. It makes people lazy and unproductive, but they pushed it as the new big thing. Besides efficiency issues, it also makes it a lot harder to catch co-workers doing sketchy stuff. Working from home is a Chinese spy's wet dream.
Sounds like you are one of those adults needing constant eyes on supervision to be productive at work. Hopefully your boss doesn't mind baby sitting you.
The amount of time wasted I've seen in the office is staggering yet, all these office people think they're inherently productive because they're at a cube farm.
Everyone should be monitored. Whenever people are supervised and checked, their productivity goes up. That's why Elon Musk spends so much time at his factories. Not just in some corner office, but on the floor itself. By being there and telling them how to do their job more efficiently, he's able to get more work out of them. Jeff Bezos does the same with Amazon. Their warehouses track when employees take bathroom breaks and how many items each is able to get. That's why they're so efficient. Everyone wants to work without someone watching over their shoulder, but that leads to indolence. If we're going to make this country great again, then we will all need to make a few sacrifices, but I guess that is too much for some people.
You have to be trolling. No one is this stupid.
Dumbest thing I'll read all day. Hello big brother. Sounds like you'll be the first retard to get a chip in your arm once it's available. Go simp harder for the gov and big business.
How did they build the country without being monitored 24/7?
They were. It used to be that your neighbors knew what was going on in your life. Party line telephones kept people honest. When my grandfather went to work, there were other people working right next to him. His job site supervisor was right there as well. Almost no one worked alone. Everyone was in teams or on crews. The only exception I can think of is truck drivers, but that was pretty easy to monitor. Either you show up when you're supposed to, or you are late.
Yep. If they send me back my productivity dropping lol.
WFH doesn't mean no work for fuck's sake. However government workers are probably prone to laziness so fuck them.
Older generation that is just collecting retirement. But COVID already forced most them to retire.
Yay! I'm excited!
I'm just dreaming of how much better traffic is going to be with 228,000 retards who are completely out of rhythm with the traffic patterns when they start clogging up the roads again... and their cellphone addiction has only gotten worse.
I can hardly wait!
They can't do anything think they can drive as good as you!? Pfft
Right on.. well said.
During business hours, roads should only be open to those who have a good reason to be on them.
What, you mean a BOGO on grape soda at the dollar store doesn't qualify?
Well, it did give us Loobin' Toobin 🤣