I commented on a another post this week re: Smart Cities that another tipoff for us is the presence of Waymos. Have you seen those around your neck of the woods? I think the Waymo (self driving ride share) which is being piloted right now in a handful of cities is another sign that A) your city is designated for smart city and B) a likely target for these catastrophes to pave the way for SCs. LA has a ton of Waymos. And now a ton of destruction.
Remember when Trump said we'd be creating beautiful new cities? He wa not referring to smart City incarceration. Trump's new cities will be sources of prosperity, freedom and clean attractive environments.
That is how Judo works. They think they are "sly" but stupid people don't know they are stupid. So "smart" people flip the script as a result of the Hubris of the "sly". Nashville or Hollywood East as the West Hollywood Gay Mafia calls it. Southern Dandy is not a new concept.
C40 cities=smart cities=digital prison. New Orleans was on the list. There are as a competition for the best design. Local colleges participated. A design from LONDON won. enter text
Good luck wid dat! Cities are anachronisms. It is no longer necessary to concentrate human and financial capital, raw materials and expertise in one spot on a rail line or a waterway. They are very expensive - especially when you go up over 4-5 floors. That means they have to produce something other than fraudulent blue ballots with which to extort Fed.gov.- about the only thing a mega blue city can do to survive today
San Diego is already on its way . All the streets have bike lanes as well as some neighborhoods are obviously planned to be communistic camps ,, very sad . We will have fires soon too . What demons
Exactly .. will trump help us . SD streets are destroyed ,same thing .. they took a lane for bikes and it’s all smooth with green bicycles painted on the tar while the side for cars is all pot holes . There are already places that I can see will be their camps ,, SD will have a disaster soon , fires etc . Not sure what to do , if my homeowner ins drops me omg!! they raise my policy over 2 grand in the last 2 years . It will be 10 grand a year soon .
Isn’t that great thst he saved his house , thank you for telling me . When we had to evacuate years ago , 11 homes were burnt down in my neighborhood I didn’t go I knew it wasn’t gonna Make it to my street , And the idiots wouldn’t let us go anywhere but the stadium they had the streets blocked off! later that night it was absolute chaos the stadium here has no roof , so you can imagine , they ran out of masks ( smoke and ash ) water and blankets , it was an absolute disaster! While they were banging on my door I was like no freaking way , we stayed quiet and didn’t answer of course ! if I could go to a hotel it would be one thing , but I was not taking my kids to the stadium!!! anyway yes dear Lord please save us from the smart city situation
I believe and think the same , I often don’t go Go deep as you did because it’s so fkn weird and demonic . Im old enough to remember Dolly! So sick . I knew then it was so dark and honestly closed my eyes to the story it bothered me so much ! Your explanation makes so much sense with the little kid fidgeting omg , he is like a robotic kid , I don’t know what other explanation there is . Even his looks that greezed hair and almost oiled rubber skin. What would of happened to the first one ? Dems control this guy as DJT WH hats anyone even a bit normal would not allow him to destroy as he has , I mean the damage that is done in Cali , I saw a video of the mob family . Brown pelosi nescum and Getty all related and an evil force destroying Ca. Or destroyed ,, so sad !
I think I was one of the first ones to comment a few weeks ago when this idiot first came out rocking side by side it was so freaking weird , I can hardly watch stuff like that as it just doesn’t feel right .. Our spirit knows .. I know this side by side rocking has picked up steam and it’s been running around the web. I’m sure it’s being defended nothing surprises me anymore , geeze I believe 50 percent or more of Bee articles these days ,, that’s bad !!!
My God a clone ! Again any ideas what happened to thr original ? Newscums ex now Don Jr ex I blanked her name . She’s looking bad.. her face my God . She looks like a created creature . I wonder what that was all about. Was she brought in with Don Jr to get info ,, it’s all so nuts. I remember when she first came into the fold , she did speak patriotically but kind of kept taking a furthur seat back and face kept getting weirder as the years went by . Boy they were able to keepthat break up kind of quiet ,thank God !
Predictable response. I was just trying to have a a little fun with a list of cities that we already know are trouble areas. So much for freedom of thought...
Depopulate as in kill the rest of the people. Please do not take this in such a cavalier way. What do you think Q and Trump meant when they said: Fight, Fight, Fight!
not cavalier, just don't know HOW they could do it logistically, unless the blow up the entire area.
like how will they kill people who live miles, and miles apart without being killed by the farmers, etc? SD & ND have very few people...who's going to drive through the states to round them up?
our own sidebar discourages violence, the 'fight' is with words...
Are you serious? They do not need to round up any one. They have many ways to kill the population. Once they are in full control, they could 'Lahaina' any city, or release a bioweapon or a chemical attack . Have you not being paying attention?
I am not saying that they will succeed because I trust God that at the end good people will prevail. I am not trying to scare anyone or be pesimistic, but we need to fight with the tools we have. We have a resposibility to fight these changes and impositions.
out of chaos people will beg for government control and those that dont will be handled. This for some reason brings to mind the movie Left Behind-when the antichrist takes control the godly people go into hiding & the code word they used to tell what side your on is ‘Life’. Do we need a code word?
Do Americans get a vote on this?? I don't want this for any city. And, more to the point, what, exactly will have to change for this utopia to be created??
Pittsburgh is a mostly abandoned shithole. It could be fixed up, but you'd get a polished turd at best. Blackrock can have it ... They can even take the billions of dollars worth of stadiums for the various faggotball teams.
Look for DEI "incompetence" and natural disasters soon in these locations. Also, watch what your insurance drops on you.
^^^Came to say this. Sadly, I'm in striking distance of 2 of those cities.
Same! I tell my husband weekly that we’re not going to make it to retirement living in this blue political hell hole. 🤷🏼♀️
I commented on a another post this week re: Smart Cities that another tipoff for us is the presence of Waymos. Have you seen those around your neck of the woods? I think the Waymo (self driving ride share) which is being piloted right now in a handful of cities is another sign that A) your city is designated for smart city and B) a likely target for these catastrophes to pave the way for SCs. LA has a ton of Waymos. And now a ton of destruction.
Remember when Trump said we'd be creating beautiful new cities? He wa not referring to smart City incarceration. Trump's new cities will be sources of prosperity, freedom and clean attractive environments.
They are using stealth in cities to smart them on the sly. Nashville well on the way...
That is how Judo works. They think they are "sly" but stupid people don't know they are stupid. So "smart" people flip the script as a result of the Hubris of the "sly". Nashville or Hollywood East as the West Hollywood Gay Mafia calls it. Southern Dandy is not a new concept.
C40 cities=smart cities=digital prison. New Orleans was on the list. There are as a competition for the best design. Local colleges participated. A design from LONDON won. enter text
Our Mayor of London, SAD-DICK KHUNT, is a chair of C40 cities. Every word that comes out of his festering shithole of a mouth is taqqyia.
Well , a bit redundant but exactly correct:
Good luck wid dat! Cities are anachronisms. It is no longer necessary to concentrate human and financial capital, raw materials and expertise in one spot on a rail line or a waterway. They are very expensive - especially when you go up over 4-5 floors. That means they have to produce something other than fraudulent blue ballots with which to extort Fed.gov.- about the only thing a mega blue city can do to survive today
Hey, what about Sacramento?
Everyone is fleeing from the big cities to there. That's for sure.
The overlap with the list of cities from Jericho has me itching to rewatch the show and finally read the comics.
I was in Manhatthan for 2 days this week. Its not the same place post covid.
San Diego is already on its way . All the streets have bike lanes as well as some neighborhoods are obviously planned to be communistic camps ,, very sad . We will have fires soon too . What demons
Exactly .. will trump help us . SD streets are destroyed ,same thing .. they took a lane for bikes and it’s all smooth with green bicycles painted on the tar while the side for cars is all pot holes . There are already places that I can see will be their camps ,, SD will have a disaster soon , fires etc . Not sure what to do , if my homeowner ins drops me omg!! they raise my policy over 2 grand in the last 2 years . It will be 10 grand a year soon .
Isn’t that great thst he saved his house , thank you for telling me . When we had to evacuate years ago , 11 homes were burnt down in my neighborhood I didn’t go I knew it wasn’t gonna Make it to my street , And the idiots wouldn’t let us go anywhere but the stadium they had the streets blocked off! later that night it was absolute chaos the stadium here has no roof , so you can imagine , they ran out of masks ( smoke and ash ) water and blankets , it was an absolute disaster! While they were banging on my door I was like no freaking way , we stayed quiet and didn’t answer of course ! if I could go to a hotel it would be one thing , but I was not taking my kids to the stadium!!! anyway yes dear Lord please save us from the smart city situation
I believe and think the same , I often don’t go Go deep as you did because it’s so fkn weird and demonic . Im old enough to remember Dolly! So sick . I knew then it was so dark and honestly closed my eyes to the story it bothered me so much ! Your explanation makes so much sense with the little kid fidgeting omg , he is like a robotic kid , I don’t know what other explanation there is . Even his looks that greezed hair and almost oiled rubber skin. What would of happened to the first one ? Dems control this guy as DJT WH hats anyone even a bit normal would not allow him to destroy as he has , I mean the damage that is done in Cali , I saw a video of the mob family . Brown pelosi nescum and Getty all related and an evil force destroying Ca. Or destroyed ,, so sad ! I think I was one of the first ones to comment a few weeks ago when this idiot first came out rocking side by side it was so freaking weird , I can hardly watch stuff like that as it just doesn’t feel right .. Our spirit knows .. I know this side by side rocking has picked up steam and it’s been running around the web. I’m sure it’s being defended nothing surprises me anymore , geeze I believe 50 percent or more of Bee articles these days ,, that’s bad !!! My God a clone ! Again any ideas what happened to thr original ? Newscums ex now Don Jr ex I blanked her name . She’s looking bad.. her face my God . She looks like a created creature . I wonder what that was all about. Was she brought in with Don Jr to get info ,, it’s all so nuts. I remember when she first came into the fold , she did speak patriotically but kind of kept taking a furthur seat back and face kept getting weirder as the years went by . Boy they were able to keepthat break up kind of quiet ,thank God !
Works for me, now we know where not to go. Lots of other really great places in this beautiful country of ours!
We need to stop this crap. If we allow as much as one city in our nation, it will spread like cancer.
Predictable response. I was just trying to have a a little fun with a list of cities that we already know are trouble areas. So much for freedom of thought...
You do know that the long term plan is to depopulate the rest of the Country?
we're already depopulated;) and lots of people hunt, so I don't think that plan would work🤔
Depopulate as in kill the rest of the people. Please do not take this in such a cavalier way. What do you think Q and Trump meant when they said: Fight, Fight, Fight!
not cavalier, just don't know HOW they could do it logistically, unless the blow up the entire area.
like how will they kill people who live miles, and miles apart without being killed by the farmers, etc? SD & ND have very few people...who's going to drive through the states to round them up?
our own sidebar discourages violence, the 'fight' is with words...
Are you serious? They do not need to round up any one. They have many ways to kill the population. Once they are in full control, they could 'Lahaina' any city, or release a bioweapon or a chemical attack . Have you not being paying attention?
I am not saying that they will succeed because I trust God that at the end good people will prevail. I am not trying to scare anyone or be pesimistic, but we need to fight with the tools we have. We have a resposibility to fight these changes and impositions.
of course I pay attention. and aren't they already 'in control', so they already could have released a bioweapon...why haven't they done that yet?
yes I understand all that.
I don't think you guys are getting what I'm saying logistically. The people in low populated areas are Still there after All of this...
HOW will they get rid of them Now that they will supposedly have all the power?
the people Know what you posted, and aren't falling for it anymore.
if the Democrats really are in charge, Why haven't they went into the plains states and killed everyone already so they just have blue states left??
out of chaos people will beg for government control and those that dont will be handled. This for some reason brings to mind the movie Left Behind-when the antichrist takes control the godly people go into hiding & the code word they used to tell what side your on is ‘Life’. Do we need a code word?
Surprised New Orleans isn’t on the list
It's already owned by demons and they don't want infighting.
Do Americans get a vote on this?? I don't want this for any city. And, more to the point, what, exactly will have to change for this utopia to be created??
Pittsburgh is a mostly abandoned shithole. It could be fixed up, but you'd get a polished turd at best. Blackrock can have it ... They can even take the billions of dollars worth of stadiums for the various faggotball teams.