I can’t sleep my frens. I have such fear that all chaos will break loose at the inauguration on Monday. I’ve been praying to the Lord to watch over our president and his cabinet, but I have a sinking feeling that things will be disastrous. What are your thoughts? ✝️ Christ Is King ✝️
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Hi fren
I think whatever happens, it will be because the white hats have largely allowed it to for their own reasons.
This is one of the most important moments in history and, after all this winning, there's no way the white hats will lose position now.
I must admit I am also tense and vigilant but NCSWIC.
I trust that it's been all gamed out in advance. Here is a delta one day before Trump's rally on Sunday:
Remember, Q has always said Trump is insulated and safe. This goes for Monday as well. Monday might be very unconventional in how thing's are done.
There are 365, iirc, Bible verses that say not to fear.
Hopefully the only chaos that takes place on Monday is Joe Biden's health taking a turn for the worse.
I think that is why the rally, etc. are before the inauguration. So we can blot out antifa, etc. from the left. I think it will go reasonably smooth. I don’t think the Team wants anything to overshadow the swearing in or the executive order signings.
The missile from 1/19 Q568 could happen...
We never got our necessary scare event...
We never got pushed ALL THE WAY to the absolute precipice...
We never got the EMS text...
We never got a tweet that says exactly this, "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us"
However... No matter what happens, you shouldn't worry if you have faith in God.
This is why I've said repeatedly over the years, "Strengthen your connection to God - whatever that means to you."
Read Psalms 23
If the power goes out nation-wide over the weekend you will not know what happens on Monday. LOL
If you want to start ringing your hands in fear, a harsh winter with no electricity in the US is a much larger concern than FBI false flags or Antifa pissing in the pool.
Everything but fear. If you feel fear... they win.
F.E.A.R. False Evidence Appearing Real
You should see what fear does to your body chemistry, your functioning biology, immune systems, DNA and the electromagnetic frequencies you are generating. It is immensely harmful. Warning! This knowledge causes navigation to avoid all fear of anything (ever.) You are literally throwing yourself under the bus tires.
Put it out of your mind. Do not let these thoughts cross your lips/keyboard again. Pray. See in your minds eye a glorious day full of hope and promise. What you think about....you bring about. REMEMBER THIS ABOVE ALL ELSE.
Awhile back I learned about this thing I call "my everlasting attitude.". Along with some other hints about fear and worry and doubt not being from God, it is about purposefully putting on the attitudes that last forever in everlasting life. One of those attitudes is daily renewal.
A Song: https://youtu.be/IEtKfyvTHig?feature=shared
The demonic forces will be usurped the night before.
I don't know about chaos, but it will be bitterly cold and snowy there Monday. The weather could have a big impact on nefarious actors.
Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you, Be Strong and Courageous. Do not be afraid do not be discouraged, For the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
With no intention to criticize you, yet I think you need to pray much more. You do not seem to have much confidence in faith. I experience this sometimes, depending what the obstacle is that has arisen. I apologize for the miserable state of my life, then pray to develop confident faith. And I pray for longer periods and often, until I have confident faith, that no matter what happens I will be ok. It is not so much about penalizing yourself as it is about putting faith into practice.
Sum of All Fears-style purge of the traitors on Inauguration eve. New Republic wakes up on Monday am.
"There will be another assassination attempt on Trump shortly after his inauguration but it will fail."
"Trump will have a heart attack in his third year of office but he will survive."
Remote viewing predictions.
Fear is the opposite of peace. God has assured us that nothing touches us without His permission (read Job for a good example). He is watching over Donald Trump as he is watching over us, and that gives me peace. Trust that God will have His way in our lives and in this country.
I'm wondering more about Sunday night. Maybe something will happen there that makes Monday shenanigans impossible? Maybe I'm dreaming. I just know that I'm more excited than I've even been about the potential to truly fix our broken and yet beloved country.
Indeed, "Christ is King" and have no fear. Greater is He in me than he who is in the world.