I understand the instruction to care about the poor but one nation can't be responsible for supporting the entire world. The Pope doesn't care if the US goes bankrupt -- so truthfully, I don't worry about his opinion.
One should contribute to charity as much as possible without endangering their own security. I do not think it serves God to bankrupt yourself in an attempt to save another. God expects you to fulfill your own responsibilities. This would not be possible if you endangered yourself by overextending. The Pope is impractical.
A black pope. A Seperat who has claimed the head of the faith. Remember the corruption of the pope's of the past. Now we get to live through it once again. Red shoes, adrenachom, and cannibalism. It only got worse. What is wrong with these beasts. Evil lives there.
The Churches Salvation lies with Archbishop Vigano.
I view Archbishop Vigano and President Trump as running on parallel tracks. They will both clean out the death cults infiltrators and restore order. But as weve see for centuries in the Church, will they just re-infest once both of these Great Men exit the stage?
Considering that kings were annointed for centuries by the vatican, who do people think is at the top of those earthly kingdoms? They controlled banking, religion, government, education, Healthcare and the food supply. They formulated organizations to influence every area of your lives from CFR to masonic organizations and everything in between. They were the largest single holder of real estate world wide amd controlled over half the population of the world at one point. They erased history almost everywhere they went. People think the zionist control everything, even zionist came after the Vatican.
Lincoln warned America " I do not pretend to be a prophet, but though not a prophet, I see a very dark cloud on our horizon, and that cloud is coming from Rome"
Send them all to the Vatican city and see what he says then.
I totally agree and I'm Catholic.
I understand the instruction to care about the poor but one nation can't be responsible for supporting the entire world. The Pope doesn't care if the US goes bankrupt -- so truthfully, I don't worry about his opinion.
One should contribute to charity as much as possible without endangering their own security. I do not think it serves God to bankrupt yourself in an attempt to save another. God expects you to fulfill your own responsibilities. This would not be possible if you endangered yourself by overextending. The Pope is impractical.
A black pope. A Seperat who has claimed the head of the faith. Remember the corruption of the pope's of the past. Now we get to live through it once again. Red shoes, adrenachom, and cannibalism. It only got worse. What is wrong with these beasts. Evil lives there.
I agree.
The Churches Salvation lies with Archbishop Vigano.
I view Archbishop Vigano and President Trump as running on parallel tracks. They will both clean out the death cults infiltrators and restore order. But as weve see for centuries in the Church, will they just re-infest once both of these Great Men exit the stage?
Considering that kings were annointed for centuries by the vatican, who do people think is at the top of those earthly kingdoms? They controlled banking, religion, government, education, Healthcare and the food supply. They formulated organizations to influence every area of your lives from CFR to masonic organizations and everything in between. They were the largest single holder of real estate world wide amd controlled over half the population of the world at one point. They erased history almost everywhere they went. People think the zionist control everything, even zionist came after the Vatican.
"You will know [them] by [their] fruits..."
Hey Popey! This one's for you!
The Pope Song
Bergoglio can fuck right off.
signed a Devout Catholic
And it all ends when we stop giving [them] money
OK, Pope looks like Prigozhin.
Also, nope.
just his private opinion
Satan worshipping pope can house them at the vatacan.
Send illegal immigrants to the Vatican. These people need to step up or shut up.
Red Francis does not look happy to be there.
Lincoln warned America " I do not pretend to be a prophet, but though not a prophet, I see a very dark cloud on our horizon, and that cloud is coming from Rome"
That pedo is the disgrace.
Fuck off and die child rapist and eater.