Its not hard to see, especially if your even vaguely fimiliar with the drops that the plan is humming along nicely. Mirror obviously meant that the names and actions in the drops reflect into the presidents 2nd term. Yet with the proofs and happenings there are a large portion of people from the right even, that refuse to believe its real. Is the kids (evil) disclosure really the only thing thats going to bring them over? I truly believe that at this point you have to be really dumb to not see that its all been laid out for us, and that the drops are happening exactly as mil intel said. Curious what yall think
Comments (48)
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We need to see that first arrest. That is why people still dont believe it. They have not seen any of these criminals arrested other than some illegal aliens.
Yes. We also need that final confirmation of the Storm
Fauci would be an eye opener. Then gre blames Obummer and Clinton and the show rolls forward to credits
And will that arrestee be sent to Gitmo? Follow the pen!
People don't need to belive in Q.
I don't try to convince anyone.
We just need to be there when normies start asking "what the H is happening right now?"
I mean…I guess? I’d rather be busy doing something productive personally but if you want to “be there when normies” start freaking out be my guest I suppose.
Kek, what "productive" things are you going to be doing when your woke leftist family members start panicking because the Internet is down and military in the do you bud.
Easy. I don’t have any leftist family members.
Good luck calming yours I guess though.
No leftist friends either ?
A couple but we’re not close. But let’s say we were, and there were a ton of them in fact, what function do you really think you’re going to serve, or that I would serve in that case aside from being a know it all who saw all those coming? You think you’re going to be appreciated for that? Like what do you think your role is going to be when they realize you were right about everything aside from MAYBE directing them to a video series or something when they actually become interested? “Here watch ‘Fall Cabal’ and call me in the morning.” I mean…do you really think your role is going to need to surpass that, and if so, how?
first - lucky you. I would wager most of us are surrounded by those who are clueless and don't want to be anything else. As for what my "role" will be when the other boot drops, I'll let you know when it's over.
Depends. They'll need Jesus.
Three things make it hard for me to be all in
Operation Warp Speed
The January 6th Rally which seemed from the get go to be an obvious set up
It can often look and smell like a psy op ala Operation Trust
I continue to hope and pray for the country, trust that all will be well in the end and we all will be strong enough to deal with whatever comes.
Op warp speed = Hunt for Red October (turn the submarine into the missile path before it has a chance to arm itself). Moves and countermoves.
J6 = exposure of lawfare (we are at war, not everything will be clean). Those great patriots who were persecuted and tortured under "the largest investigation in DOJ history" will be forever remembered
Ive been on board as soon as the drops started pointing out the corruption in haiti and other stuff by us officials. Paired with the vitriol and the we have to get trump. That was all i needed. Once i realised they need trump gone at all cost... It was very easy to see them willing to expose themselves to do it.
no doubt we're coming out of this better than most anyone who's alive today has ever seen
Proofs keep a provin... whether one believes or not.
The choice to know will always be yours...
Stage is being set. Chess pieces are being placed on the board. Once Trump's picks are all confirmed, then the games can begin.
As Americans, we don't do well with subtlety. This is why the dark ones/derp-state have incrementally boiling us like frogs. Our short term memory weakness is exploited as their weapons.
The genpop will need to see big, obvious movements in devastating sussesion with a Q drop stapled to it in the msm/or viral online to "get it"...
Just add this election needed to me too big to rig. Q drops have to be too obvious to deny.
[Not just read-in 'coincedences' that aren't coincidences]
because Americans are spoiled. We can't wait for justice.
Could it be the billions of dollars given away all through Bidens reign.Could it be the repeated violations of our own laws,with no arrests.Could it be the millions of illegals aliens.Could it be the inumerable officials,lawyers and judges that simply refuse orders,with little to no action taken against them.Perhaps the repeated kangaroo courts for those who have resisted the cabal.The millions killed and injured by vaccines.The thousands financially ruined.While we timidly wait for the plan.The swift actions of President Trump and his cabinet are met with a sigh of relief.But the body count has been way to high.I want arrests,I want executions.And before you start your handshake b.s.bite me.I have been involved since I left the Marines in 1980 Twenty five years as ER,OR,ICU nurse.Hide thrower in a tannery,sortation and load at a slaughter house,farm and ranch from childhood.You asked for my opinion,there it is.
Yet the dems dont see that and in fact actively choose to ignore, and in some cases even cheer the blatant corruption
Well put, if there is a plan , the collateral damage that has taken place while it is unfolding has been almost impossible to bear. I remain hopeful but skeptical
HRC and Podesta need to get arrested publically on a delta (;
That pic of Obama holding the AK 47 wouldn't hurt either...
It has only been 5 days. Some of us have been watching this insurgency since JFK & RFK & MLK were ASSASSINATED, 9-11, which was a false flag attack, JFK jr, and many many more, all by the same people.
Yes,I watched it also.I think there is not enough realization of what all has been lost.The death of thirteen in the Afghan withdrawal was my final straw.I don't deny the plan,just where we are in it.Could be a psych op either way.I do understand the need for secrecy.But my personal need for blood is not soothed.
Trust Wray, Trust Kansas…Mirror?
Yea thats what i mean wray and kansas are gonna be kash and rubio- although rubio gives me pause. A uninamous confirmation obviously means the dems/cabal think they have their man embedded
Those damned QAnons…😂
Most people are much dumber than you'd think.
What is needed is complete & utter declas & perp walks, a steady stream of all of it. Get some journalists to reveal the specific topics and there must be witnesses & pictures. Formal government programing on one station. Transparency.
The MSM programming, subliminal and overt, all of it, needs to be ended, else the compulsive toilet paper buyers won't be free.
I've long thought that any object/identifier in ALL CAPS in the drops has special meaning ie in my favorite drop 4414, Pelosi and pence just means whoever is in those positions when the boot drops. Which means Johnson or Vance, currently.
Yea think mirror always signified to apply this administration
Always ha? Where in the drops does it say that?
Don’t care. Tired of dealing with retards. Awake Chads will control everything soon, and be moving forward. Lion doesn’t concern himself with opinion of sheep.
Yea i think thats a bad way to look at it. We want to bring as many people in as possible. Not too long ago you were the sheep. We had to fight like hell to get where we are. Having a fuck everyone attitude is exactly why they just lost everything. How do you not see that?
Moving forward with or without retards. We have awakened everyone reachable at this point. Everyone else is either irrelevant or will be dead soon.
I’m taking control of assets and then moving them out of the system into trusts, then using those assets to demolish anyone still in the ‘old system’ getting in the way. We need to make examples out of a few retards at the state and county levels after giving them every opportunity to capitulate. I am sovereign, and I will be projecting my power.
I would argue that there is still maybe a good 20-25% that will awaken once the reallu evil shit is exposed... maybe more. We arent even there yet. Right now trump and his team is establisbing complete control of an out of cobtrol government. No offense bro butI feel youre being extremely impatient.. this is the wrong attitude imo but you do you.
Yes and No. Valid comments and positive outlook. I have been waiting patiently for 61+ years and have survived all attempts to take me out (so far). Time to move forward and fuck shit up if required. Clock is ticking, and we don’t have unlimited time even though we have more than is widely reported (lifespanwise).
Sry for the typos bro i was on my phone. You know its funny.... my dad is 67 and has a fuck it attitude at this point. He truly believes the world cant change. I really feel bad that hes been that jaded by all the BS. And yet here we are at the cusp of a real revolution
Time for a new generation of awakened Patriots to lead the way. “Getting jaded” is the purpose of all the psyops against the American people, and most humans cannot psychologically withstand it. Our job is to stop the psyops, theft, and trafficking so your generation can do their thing. Worst of the remnants being cleaned up now with full control of psyops and IRS getting publicly removed next month or so (they got neutralized in 2020, apparently, with apparent merge into Treasury along with FedRes around 27MAR).
Much of the “established system trafficking” cleaned up MAR-JUL 2020. Ukraine stuff cleaned out by Russia 2022-2024. Public trafficking seen under Biden admin was all “new” using trafficking backup system setup by UN/NGOs/Israel that is now being dismantled (all funding cutoff).
Can i ask how you put that info together. Amazing if true. But also it makes perfect sense. Just trying to get an idea of the confidence behind the statments. Because if true its truly joever😁