Finally RFK has taken the gloves off and is not playing with these clowns.
Nothing more glorious to see than Mr. Fight the corporations power to the people, Bernie Sanders squirm like a worm when being called out as a pharma shill.
RFK needs to pull up a list of all of these recepients, and before he starts answering questions, he needs to inform the public as to how much money every single senator gets from the pharma cunts.
Old Bernie did his best to lie away the facts for damage control, but RFK Jr kept pushing on with the the facts. Good for him.
Lots of folks think Trump is an asshole because he is willing to get in their faces, but this action is exactly what it takes to face them down, and get the truth out to the public.
I lost all respect for him when he let his own party stab him in the back by handing the primary to Biden when we all knew Bernie had the votes in the bag. He did nothing about it other than looking upset for a bit for his supporters but eventually just fell back in line like a good little puppet.
Yes! You hit the nail on the head. He really might have not taken a nickel before that but that's how the swamp works. If they can't bribe you they threaten you & after comply under a threat they 'sweeten it up' with a bribe you HAVE TO take. This way they got you controlled by blackmail.
About a week or 2 after he got that black eye, there was an article about how Bernie can't draw crowds anymore not that he's campaigning for Clinton. I got to write the 1st comment under that article & wrote: "No one wants a shit sandwich no matter who's selling it" that comment got tons of likes. I could never listen to a word he said after that.
A fool, yes, That's why Trump always called him crazy Bernie. as opposed to crooked Hillary. He became popular because people could sense his sincerity in what he said. That all ended when he was cheated out of the nomination. His voice changed somehow, it lost the sense of sincerity & replaced it with some sort of anger
How do you vote for a guy who’s spent decades of his life and his own dime trying to get better food and medicine for kids? How are you not a dirt bag.
Finally RFK has taken the gloves off and is not playing with these clowns.
Nothing more glorious to see than Mr. Fight the corporations power to the people, Bernie Sanders squirm like a worm when being called out as a pharma shill.
RFK needs to pull up a list of all of these recepients, and before he starts answering questions, he needs to inform the public as to how much money every single senator gets from the pharma cunts.
Old Bernie did his best to lie away the facts for damage control, but RFK Jr kept pushing on with the the facts. Good for him.
Lots of folks think Trump is an asshole because he is willing to get in their faces, but this action is exactly what it takes to face them down, and get the truth out to the public.
"Nice" has reclaimed patriots exactly zero rights or concessions.
This should be the slogan for conservatives for the next four years at the very least! It's so true and cuts straight to the chase.
Bernie has never been honest. He knows damn well what his policies would do to the country if he ever got to impose his will on us.
He was a benevolent communist...
Just remember. Communism has never worked because the wrong people were always in charge. This time, it will be different! 😂
ReAL sOciAliSm hAs NeVer BeEn tRiEd 🙃
real socialism is an oxymoron (& I know you know that)
Just like socialism - we need more of your slave time and $$$ to make it work
If you mean 300 million slaves working for his benevolent dictating ass, I agree
I hate Bernie. Get a haircut and take a shower you fucking dirtball. Glad RFK gave it to him/her.
Bernie might be less crooked than other politicians but I cannot stand that millionaire socialist hypocrite.
I lost all respect for him when he let his own party stab him in the back by handing the primary to Biden when we all knew Bernie had the votes in the bag. He did nothing about it other than looking upset for a bit for his supporters but eventually just fell back in line like a good little puppet.
To be fair, he did get a pretty nice house out of the deal.
A big ol black eye when he walked out and gave that concession speech from what I remember as well 😂
And some rich peoples commie mittens
Yes! You hit the nail on the head. He really might have not taken a nickel before that but that's how the swamp works. If they can't bribe you they threaten you & after comply under a threat they 'sweeten it up' with a bribe you HAVE TO take. This way they got you controlled by blackmail.
About a week or 2 after he got that black eye, there was an article about how Bernie can't draw crowds anymore not that he's campaigning for Clinton. I got to write the 1st comment under that article & wrote: "No one wants a shit sandwich no matter who's selling it" that comment got tons of likes. I could never listen to a word he said after that.
Yeah but I think he was a fool from the start.
Remember the honeymoon videos he made shirtless in Russia Soviet Union singing “This land is my land!” ?
A fool, yes, That's why Trump always called him crazy Bernie. as opposed to crooked Hillary. He became popular because people could sense his sincerity in what he said. That all ended when he was cheated out of the nomination. His voice changed somehow, it lost the sense of sincerity & replaced it with some sort of anger
Lol!! " I knew this would come up!!" did yeah Bernie? The panic that old commie showed was delicious.
Hahaha, Bernie, you fucking scum bag..
Bernie as known to be a communist that’s a given, his voice says it all, that said who the hell votes these idiots in ?
Vote? 😂
Haha, turning the tables on old Bernie and making him the subject of denials. Love this!
Called him Bernie.... Fuk those politicians that have no respect for anyone, they don't deserve respect any longer.
RFK Rope A Dope Bernie Ali vs Foreman - Rope A Dope Explained****
Checkmate scum bag.
By the way, Bernie,...........
I see Bernie Sanders and think of Larry David in Curb Your Enthusiasm🤣😂
How do you vote for a guy who’s spent decades of his life and his own dime trying to get better food and medicine for kids? How are you not a dirt bag.
This should be shown to dumbarse college kid spouting socialism, let them see what one really looks like.
Notice Bernie's duping smile when he 1st said no?? He's not as polished in being corrupt.
This show is getting good. The swamp exposes itself!