I eat crayons for breakfast.
I don't understand how to place that info.
I understand what it means in definition...but not in relationship to DS or Trump...
I saw a picture of a flag draped coffin being put into a vehicle early this morning. I think it was Reuters but could be mistaken. They did say on Fox 5 DC that they recovered the body of 1 service member.
There are rumors that the helicopter pilot in training was a woman. Also supposedly they had one air traffic controller for both the helicopter take offs and the airplane runway, when they are supposed to have 2 for that job.
Training, not mission. They do that every so often. CoG also applies to getting the big wigs out of DC to a safe place or in the air.
I don't think it worked.
Depends on one's perspective! 😂
A major revelation
Yes... couldn't believe it when I heard him say it at the briefing!
I eat crayons for breakfast. I don't understand how to place that info. I understand what it means in definition...but not in relationship to DS or Trump...
See my re post on COG...
COG Mission: https://www.twz.com/29101/whats-the-deal-with-army-helicopters-flying-a-secret-new-mission-over-the-capital
Have you received any info from friends since last night?
No one has much input or insight. Was hoping my buddy who is pretty high up in transportation at the Pentagon would have some insight but no.
Thanks for trying..
Thanks blacksmith! 👏
What is a "Continuity of Govt" mission? A mission to stop Trump and make him look bad or something?
It must be true. They already pulled the tweet, and the nitter.
No mention of recovering the supposed soldiers on board yet, or was there any?
Listen to Pete list who is in Blackhawk here:
Hate to say it but I’m not convinced of that narrative.
I saw a picture of a flag draped coffin being put into a vehicle early this morning. I think it was Reuters but could be mistaken. They did say on Fox 5 DC that they recovered the body of 1 service member.
A tranny flying a Black Hawk into a passenger plane was COG? This is not registering with me at all. Who was on the plane?
Can't verify the pilot story. Ice skaters, their parents & coaches
So, CoG is a thing, but which part? is what we want to know.
And was the mission protecting CoG or destroying it?
There are rumors that the helicopter pilot in training was a woman. Also supposedly they had one air traffic controller for both the helicopter take offs and the airplane runway, when they are supposed to have 2 for that job.
I saw that and can't verify..
verifying your browser....
tweet not found
He must have deleted this post...been looking for an hour and can't find it. It's deleted from my bookmarks on X also..
Something else we'll never know the truth about.
I thought I heard him say “Continuity of Government” training mission.
He did.
something went wrong
what could that possibly mean