Almost like these cameras had a front row seat to the disaster? Almost like it was supposed to happen, almost like they were TOLD it was going to happen.
Maybe, maybe not. Many on this board are conditioned to automatically assume everything is nefarious and sinister. Critically thinking requires putting aside your thought prejudices and gather facts for yourself.
Right now, there are still many facts not yet in evidence.
What we do know is that right up to the crash the radio in the helicopter did not display panic but said he had the plane in sight. What if the pilot acknowledged seeing a plane but he was focused on the wrong one and crashed into another he did not see. It would explain why it looked like no avoidance tactics are evident in the film. Why would the pilot want to purposefully end all the lives involved? That makes no logical sense.
I know this post will be down-voted by small minds, but that's to be expected.
I agree with you doug and feel we must weigh all evidence. I feel it's possible that the controls on the Blackhawk were overridden not only because I know it's possible and don't think those aboard would make such a critical error.
Mechanical failure might have been the issue but I lean towards the probability of a BH Op and feel POTUS already knows. I sense his fury.
Have you read Fate is the Hunter by Ernest K. Gann? A marvelous novel about plane crash and the subsequent investigation. Gann was a pilot which made it fascinating.
Small minds if we disagree with your take? Did you see the video of the track the helo took before hitting this plane? It looks like it was a swing and miss at 3 previous planes before hitting this one.
Do you have other recordings of military helicopters training at night? Are their paths smoother or can you make the same conclusions they're trying to suicide into planes?
Are you implying that President Trump has a nefarious and sinister mind? President Trump believes this was terrorism, because the Helo pilot continue going straight at the plane for an extended period of time. A "top of his game" pilot would have been able to distinguish between the two planes.
I’ll stop believing that nothing is a coincidence by default when the normies stop believing that everything is a coincidence by default —- and then refusing to consider that it might not be.
Frankly, right now, conspiracy is the safer starting bet.
We don’t really know anything. We know it tried to hit three other planes before it took down this one. I guess we know it originated at a Saudi owed compound. Outside of that I don’t believe anything reported. It could easily have been outfitted with an electronics package allowing for remote control
Very convenient that the Black Hawk does NOT have a cockpit voice recorder. Otherwise, you might have heard the pilot of the DARPA modified helicopter say: "I've lost control of the helicopter, it is not responding to my inputs, HELP!!"
That's worth considering because there were three aboard the helicopter. Would they all want to die for some reason? On the other hand why were they hanging around in a glide path to a runway?
no, I think from the angle, the pilot of the plane could not see the helo was about to collide. remember, alot of traffic in busy areas goes about on trust.
yep. must be really hard to see what's not in front of you in that big plane. The pilot needs to be watching the runway at this low of altitude. Not out the side windows. the reason for radar traffic control
Does it matter if they were above the celling set for them? Like in TopGun they have a 'HARD DECK' AKA don't hit the mountains. They were 150 feet above their hard limit ceiling for the flight.
A Blackhawk helicopter, specifically the UH-60 Black Hawk, does not come equipped with radar systems designed for air-to-air detection of other aircraft. If air traffic awareness is required, the crew would typically rely on air traffic control communications or other avionics like transponders and TCAS (Traffic Collision Avoidance System) when equipped.
One of the comments. If this is true, combine that with other people pointing out there was another plane likely in view that was farther away, and it makes sense that this is possible error due to poor communication
So the plane was going up right? Taking off. I’m trying to think about if the helicopter was 150-200 feet lower if that woulda helped. I mean I’m sure it would have but even then, that’s crazy close.
Well dang, I don’t think even being lower woulda helped. Why would a helicopter have access to anywhere near a airport is beyond me. Even military. If planes are in the air, I thought airports were a no fly zone, period.
as was posted elsewhere, military helicopters have been flying around that area for decades, with a ceiling restriction of about 200 ft, meaning they should not be high enough to be a danger. this was an unusual event...
Almost like these cameras had a front row seat to the disaster? Almost like it was supposed to happen, almost like they were TOLD it was going to happen.
Very suspicious, no?
Beyond sus.
Maybe, maybe not. Many on this board are conditioned to automatically assume everything is nefarious and sinister. Critically thinking requires putting aside your thought prejudices and gather facts for yourself.
Right now, there are still many facts not yet in evidence.
What we do know is that right up to the crash the radio in the helicopter did not display panic but said he had the plane in sight. What if the pilot acknowledged seeing a plane but he was focused on the wrong one and crashed into another he did not see. It would explain why it looked like no avoidance tactics are evident in the film. Why would the pilot want to purposefully end all the lives involved? That makes no logical sense.
I know this post will be down-voted by small minds, but that's to be expected.
I agree with you doug and feel we must weigh all evidence. I feel it's possible that the controls on the Blackhawk were overridden not only because I know it's possible and don't think those aboard would make such a critical error.
Mechanical failure might have been the issue but I lean towards the probability of a BH Op and feel POTUS already knows. I sense his fury.
Have you read Fate is the Hunter by Ernest K. Gann? A marvelous novel about plane crash and the subsequent investigation. Gann was a pilot which made it fascinating.
Small minds if we disagree with your take? Did you see the video of the track the helo took before hitting this plane? It looks like it was a swing and miss at 3 previous planes before hitting this one.
*We shoulkd automatically assume everything is nefarious and sinister.
There fixed it for you.😂
Do you have other recordings of military helicopters training at night? Are their paths smoother or can you make the same conclusions they're trying to suicide into planes?
Are you implying that President Trump has a nefarious and sinister mind? President Trump believes this was terrorism, because the Helo pilot continue going straight at the plane for an extended period of time. A "top of his game" pilot would have been able to distinguish between the two planes.
"Trump believes this was terrorism,"
What statement did he make that confirms this was terrorism? I only heard of the DEI statement. That's a statement about competency, not terrorism.
I’ll stop believing that nothing is a coincidence by default when the normies stop believing that everything is a coincidence by default —- and then refusing to consider that it might not be.
Frankly, right now, conspiracy is the safer starting bet.
We don’t really know anything. We know it tried to hit three other planes before it took down this one. I guess we know it originated at a Saudi owed compound. Outside of that I don’t believe anything reported. It could easily have been outfitted with an electronics package allowing for remote control
Reminds me of the dancing Israelis with a front row seat to 911.
Very convenient that the Black Hawk does NOT have a cockpit voice recorder. Otherwise, you might have heard the pilot of the DARPA modified helicopter say: "I've lost control of the helicopter, it is not responding to my inputs, HELP!!"
Yes! 🤬
My thoughts, as well
Were dancing Israelis taking these videos
Could the pilot of the plane not see that they needed to change their path to avoid a collision?
I think Blackhawk controls were taken over...
That's worth considering because there were three aboard the helicopter. Would they all want to die for some reason? On the other hand why were they hanging around in a glide path to a runway?
no, I think from the angle, the pilot of the plane could not see the helo was about to collide. remember, alot of traffic in busy areas goes about on trust.
yep. must be really hard to see what's not in front of you in that big plane. The pilot needs to be watching the runway at this low of altitude. Not out the side windows. the reason for radar traffic control
Does it matter if they were above the celling set for them? Like in TopGun they have a 'HARD DECK' AKA don't hit the mountains. They were 150 feet above their hard limit ceiling for the flight.
Maybe the helicopter pilot had a suicide wish and this was the perfect opportunity?
It's possible...
Probably same clairvoyant crew that was at Roger Stone's house at 4:00am when he got arrested.
Yeah ...funny how that happened 🤬
I can't believe that those in the helicopter didn't see the plane with navigation and landing lights. Leaving me at 2 thoughts 🤔
Nightvidion can make the field of depth difficult with all the city lights in the background. I still lean towards something else fishy going on
Someone recorded a portion of a video screen with their phone. The actual footage from the actual cameras has not yet been officially released.
One of the comments. If this is true, combine that with other people pointing out there was another plane likely in view that was farther away, and it makes sense that this is possible error due to poor communication
So the plane was going up right? Taking off. I’m trying to think about if the helicopter was 150-200 feet lower if that woulda helped. I mean I’m sure it would have but even then, that’s crazy close.
plane was coming in for a landing, so descending...
Well dang, I don’t think even being lower woulda helped. Why would a helicopter have access to anywhere near a airport is beyond me. Even military. If planes are in the air, I thought airports were a no fly zone, period.
as was posted elsewhere, military helicopters have been flying around that area for decades, with a ceiling restriction of about 200 ft, meaning they should not be high enough to be a danger. this was an unusual event...
it's the place where all Congress critters and Senate satanists fly in from that airport in a plane to where they are going by chopper.
I am curious.
In some videos the plane looks like a big ball of light, not a plane with flashing lights.
Even in one of these videos the plane looks like a big ball of light that is stationary.
Are most of these CCTV or could they have been taken by someone?
someone recorded the playback on a screen with their cellphone.