Serious question. It takes 2 minutes to see that 10 other people have posted about the same thing in the last 2 hrs. Fairly often, there's even a stickied post about it. Why don't people check?
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They get in a hurry to post breaking news. It happens, even if you look at a few posts, the same thing might be buried. And if your search doesn’t key on the right word, you might miss it.
I do a search.
hey, just in case you were wondering, a plane went down around philly
Hey, just to let you know a plane went down somewhere, maybe someone will post more details.’
Anybody know where it went down yet ?
does anyone know if there was a major happening today? like a plane crash or something?
We should check that search bar I keep hearing about , Nah someone will post if a plane went down, keep checking the new posts !
When ? I thought it was DC
Twitter mindset.
Welp....I'm not upset about it. Different opinions, different takes...silly detail to get wound up about.
Same , I kind of like it !
Hasn't this been posted enough already? (I'm sorry I couldn't help myself).
Do you know how many posts there are asking the same question?
Well did they find out where the plane went down yet
What's ironic is that I read a post on this exact topic just a few days ago.
Hehe, I was thinking the same thing🐸
Honestly I don’t mind it. It’s from different perspectives sometimes so it’s interesting to see.
There's too many people treating this site like Twitter or Facebook always has been, many people are posting solely for internet likes. Remember we still live in the Internet whore era where people need validation from total strangers and are willing to do nearly anything for that validation.
When I first discovered this place several years ago, there was an unusually (for the internet) high standard. Low quality posts and comments were clearly unwelcome and quickly disappeared from view. You could come here and most conversations involved people acting like grown ups using discernment. You could just read through everything. Then there were repeated waves of users coming in and the standard wasn't kept up. No more self-regulation. Now it's sift sift sift read sift sift sift.
The general rule I follow is unless it news that has just broken in the past five minutes, there's likely a post about it already.
*dying laughing
Me too I added to it ,,lol
Amen !!
The search function is rather lackluster. Unless the words you put in the search are in the headline, it will not show up.
Because they are post-*****s.
Some want the points, others offer different information